NVIDIA's Updated Verde Driver Program

Last week, NVIDIA held a conference call and presentation to let us know about updates to their Verde driver program. Initially rolled out in 2008, the Verde program was a way to deal with the difficult problem of providing updated drivers for laptops. Most OEMs will only update their official driver if there's a critical bug, and a single game failing to run properly generally doesn't qualify as "critical". The original commitment was to provide at least quarterly driver updates, which was good though obviously there was room for improvement.

Now, NVIDIA is ready to address the one remaining omission: timeliness of mobile driver releases. There are some other tidbits as well, but the big news is that starting with the upcoming May release, NVIDIA will have concurrent desktop and laptop driver updated. The drivers will cover everything from ION netbooks to beastly SLI notebooks, with only a few laptops missing the driver gravy train. Read on for more details.
