Bigfoot Networks Announces 3rd Gen Killer NIC: Killer 2100

This month Bigfoot Networks will be releasing the next in their line of KIller NICs: the Killer 2100. The 2100 will be replacing last year's Killer Xeno Pro, and as with the rest of the Killer line is targeted towards gaming enthusiasts who would benefit from a better NIC. Bigfoot continues to believe that their embedded Linux based NIC can offer better network performance and better features than standard NICs, and for the Killer 2100 they will be augmenting their hardware with a new suite of end-user software to drive this point home.

For today’s announcement and ahead of our review of the card next week, we will be taking a quick look at just what Bigfoot has in store for the Killer 2100. Specifically we’ll be looking at what their new software stack is like and how their marketing approach for the Killer 2100 differs from past cards. And while we can’t immediately address the usual skepticism that comes with a Killer NIC launch, we’ll at least have an idea of how Bigfoot thinks they’ll be better able to showcase their hardware’s benefits with their new software and monitoring tools and how they hope to grab customers’ attention with the Killer 2100 where the Killer Xeno Pro couldn’t.

Next week we’ll have our full review of the Killer 2100, in the meantime read on to find out more about what’s being announced today.