Quote Originally Posted by king_of_hearts View Post
As it looks right now an AMD upgrade would not be currently recommended. (I'm an AMD fanboy, and i'm really being quite frank).

The AMD AM3+ motherboards/cpu's should be hitting the retailers between the next 3-6 months.

Basically if you look at AMD's roadmap, if you jump into the the AM3 platform you aren't guaranteed an upgrade path. The AM3 has reached the end of its life expectancy. I'm in this boat myself, I spent over $200 on my AMD AM3 motherboard 3 months ago.

Best case scenario would that AMD3+ cpu's are backwards compatible, and motherboard manufactures issue bios updates for AM3.

However there is some good and bad news...

Since you require SLI, if you choose AMD then your options are limited to older motherboards models(NVIDIA nForce 980a), however those motherboards are at least $50 cheaper than the newest AMD chipsets.

You could cheaply enter into AMD3 platform, and might get lucky with AMD3+ compatibility, but its a craps shoot.

Nevertheless, if you are going for the best-bank-for-the-buck; AMD is still king. It might not be a long term solution, but it will get you up and gaming again whist saving you some money (might not save you frustration later though).

If money is no object go with Intel hands down.

AMD and Intel have competed like this for as long as I can think back. AMD offers great value per dollar, but its of course your money.


I got my i5-760 over 4.0 GHz with this cooler. It is a great product for how much it costs.