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Thread: VS mode locked to normal

  1. Junior Member
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    Even if the boomer does cover all 4 of em, any team that's even slightly cooperating will group together and start spamming melee which more or less completely neutralizes the horde. And like Trisk said, it's not that hard to see through boomer puke after you get puked on enough. Fact is, it's not hard to see through AT ALL. The only problem is you MIGHT hit a teammate. But it's on normal, so even if ya do it's minimal damage. Which means one guy with an auto shotty can just go trigger happy if he's puked on. He'll likely kill all or most of the horde, probably shoot off a hunter if one pounces and only slightly scratch his teammates.

    And setting the weaker infected aside, it's not like the tank is difficult to kill. 3 guys with the auto shotty can down him in a matter of seconds. The only time the tank's really been a problem is when he knocks all the cars around on No Mercy in the alley to make an impassable wall or at the finale if he knocks someone off the level.

    Personally I don't care if it's more balanced on normal, I think it'd be more fun on Advanced or Expert. And it's not like one team would have an advantage, the other team gets to be infected too so it's still balanced.

    All I'd like to see done is maybe knock the difficulty up to advanced, and maybe make it so melee does some minor damage to your teammates as well, like 2hp per hit. That way an occasional whack isn't too bad, but you won't have people spamming it as much. And if they do, they'll have to stand farther apart so hunters and smokers can actually attack without being instantly knocked off by all the chain bashing.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    I really agree with most of what everyone said (besides liq3). People are too skilled to play on normal. It's very frustrating on normal against a good survivor team.

    I do have to point out though, that spawning as the tank in the right place is a good thing, Kenny. I don't play the tank like a tank. I really try to avoid fire, and I use corners to minimize damage. I often get 3 or all 4 survivors. Now if they have time to run into a hallway, then I need help from the other infected, but in the open, I can do some major damage, especially if they are split up. In enclosed areas, I try to split them up.

    Knocking them off buildings is especially satisfying :P Anyway, that's my comment for better or worse.
    Gaming, it's wuts for dinner :P

  3. Staff of the Forums +5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonster View Post
    I really agree with most of what everyone said (besides liq3). People are too skilled to play on normal. It's very frustrating on normal against a good survivor team.

    I do have to point out though, that spawning as the tank in the right place is a good thing, Kenny. I don't play the tank like a tank. I really try to avoid fire, and I use corners to minimize damage. I often get 3 or all 4 survivors. Now if they have time to run into a hallway, then I need help from the other infected, but in the open, I can do some major damage, especially if they are split up. In enclosed areas, I try to split them up.

    Knocking them off buildings is especially satisfying :P Anyway, that's my comment for better or worse.
    lol I definitely know where you're coming from with the tank these days...on the 4th level of No mercy, I landed the tank after the elevator rise, and managed to knock someone off the building so that they were dangling...the other just shot me up and fled. With under 500hp, I hid behind a pilar near the hanging one...sure enough someone came back to save the dangler...I nearly lost control of the tank due to the wait, and IDK how they didnt hear the grunts and such, but just as he started to assist the hanger, BAM! Out of the Still we lost the round as the other 2 survived...but it made my evening. lol...still their effectiveness has been cut drastically.

    And as Kaizoku mentioned with the moltovs...Normal is so blatantly easy that I've played on teams that went willy nilly with moltovs, hitting the horde and friends problem. A shame when you not only manage to avoid flames as a smoker, but nab someone drag them through the flames...and they're just like..."Meh".

  4. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny007 View Post
    You bring up some additional good points there that I don't think I mentioned either...

    Besides the overall ineffectiveness of the horde on Normal, tanks are a joke on the setting. I hate getting the chance to play them now, as it usually just wastes an ambush I was planning...while prior to the patch I adored it. Now, unless you've a level to knock them from, forget getting the "All 4 Dead" should count yourself lucky if you knock down one. Whereas a tank was an "OH, SHIT!" moment before...I don't even mind being down to just 2 v Tank or even 1 v 1...he just falls too easy. Exponentially so if he's on fire...
    Just because you're a newb with tank and your teammates don't help you when you get it, doesn't mean Tank sucks. :/ I usually do heaps of damage when I get tank, either making them use 2-3 medkits, or killing one of them. That is a plenty fine tank run. I don't ever expect to actually kill them all, especially if they have autoshotties.

    P.S. One time on the 2nd level on Blood Harvest I got tank in the warehouse. Their teammates were slow, and one had ran ahead (zoey was on the floor of the warehouse). I cornered her, and beat her to death. Sure, I died about a second after I did it, but since they had most of the level left...3 people are at least twice as easy as 4. :]

  5. Staff of the Forums +5
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    Quote Originally Posted by liq3 View Post
    Just because you're a newb with tank and your teammates don't help you when you get it, doesn't mean Tank sucks. :/ I usually do heaps of damage when I get tank, either making them use 2-3 medkits, or killing one of them. That is a plenty fine tank run. I don't ever expect to actually kill them all, especially if they have autoshotties.

    Your arguments have been degrading over the past week across numerous threads... There is no evidence that I have superior skill or the lack thereof in the proper use of the Tank, however, if you must insist, I generally was the one in our clan to rack up the most kills with it, going as far as to hear the other guys over Vent NOT want to roll the Tank. A post or two above shows that I can adapt to the situation and still land some amusing kills. However, Normal leads the Tank to be a little more than a bother when coming up, unless a particular level lends to Tank success (many cars to throw, ledges to fling them from...). I've yet to encounter a player manned tank that was much of a fuss since the update, especially once Tier 2 weapons are out; they fall nearly as fast as boss

    Higher levels of play allowed for the Tank to be feared, not just sidestepped, along with most of the other bosses as well...

  6. Zombie Cat
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    liq3 - You can't be serious!!! Have you ever played with Kenny? He is a fackin MONSTER out there bro. I've played with ppl like you many times who think they know everything and have a serious amount of troll potential.

    My suggestion is to give up the board before they ban you and go practice. If you run into Kenny in game you'll need it. Lata bro.
    Gaming, it's wuts for dinner :P

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