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Thread: [STORY] LEFT 4 DEAD: The Beginning [STORY]

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    The Beginning OF The End :)


    Bill and Zoey walked into the pub as they saw Francis aiming his gun at them not knowing if they were the infected or not.
    “Hey, were not one of them… were not one of them”
    “WHO ARE YOU?”
    “I’m Bill and this is Zoey we are just like you trying to get out of this shit hole”
    “Well… Bill you better tell me what’s going on then?”
    “Look I don’t know what is going either all I know is that they’re out there and I’m in here”.
    “You two, we can’t just stay here eating peanuts and drinking beer all the time, we need to find help otherwise we will end up like one of them”.
    “Who the F…. are you?”
    “My name’s Zoey and I’m a person who just had to kill my best friend and my family most probably dead”

    Bill, Francis, Zoey left the Pub and went down the long road heading towards a place where they could help. The infected started to run towards the survivors as Francis, Bill, Zoey aimed at any of the infected they could see and shot the infected limbs and body off. A Smoker was hiding behind the bushes as it wrapped its tongue around Francis and began to drag him towards the smoker.
    “GAHHHHH… get it off me.”
    Zoey aimed her gun at the smoker and repeatedly shot at it until it was dead.
    They heard a screeching noise which felt like was jumping around them in circles. The hunter pounced out of no where as it jumped on top of Zoey and started to try and claw away at her. Francis smacked the Hunter off Zoey and shot gunned it to the head as the head of the hunter came off and fell onto the road floor. Bill heard a noise coming from behind him as the Boomer put boom bile onto Bill. The infected started to come from everywhere as Zoey and Francis couldn’t fight them all off.

    Bill started to repeatedly punch the Infected away from him and blind fire shoot any of the infected he could still see come at him. Bill accidently shot the car as the alarm came on which attracted even more horde of infected. Zoey turned her head and could see in a distance that they’re some kind of house in the distance.
    “You two, there is a house just down the road… RUN!!!!!”
    They turned around as they could see the infected running up the road following them. They shot and shot at the infected coming at them until they finally wiped the lot.

    Francis, Zoey, Bill went into the safe room and shut the door as they gathered ammunition and medical kits. Francis patched himself up as the Smoker clawed at his arm.
    “God my arm is killing me…”
    They waited their for hours as they watched the infected mindlessly walking around outside the house. They heard a noise coming from above it sounded like a helicopter noise.
    “Hello, is anybody out there…”
    Zoey ran out of the safe room as she lifted up the top bedroom window and climbed her way to the roof. Zoey waved her hands in the air at the helicopter as it slowly landed down. Louis was in the helicopter as he looked at Zoey and Francis and Bill walking behind her.
    “It’s just us three; it’s just us three…”
    They heard a rumbling noise coming from behind them as Bill turned around and shouted:
    A TANK appeared as it smashed its way through the house and smashed its way up the roof. The survivors got into the Helicopter as the propellers started to turn. The Tank smacked its humongous large arm and smacked the propellers of the helicopter.
    Zoey, Bill, Francis, Louis quickly exited from the other side of the helicopter as they rushed away as far as possible. The man in the helicopter tried to get his seat buckle undone but sadly the Tank smacked the helicopter of the cliff as the man could only witness his final few seconds of life as the helicopter fell of the cliff and exploded into massive of tiny pieces all the way to the ground.

    Louis ran with the other survivors and asked them:
    “What the hell is going on man…?”
    Bill smirked as he was running away as he said to himself:
    “How many more times someone going to ask me that”
    The survivors exited the house and went down the train track bridge as they turned around watching the tank coming for them. They used their shotguns and pistols to try and bring down the tank. Louis had a Molotov and chucked it at the Tank as the tank went on fire. It still carried on running for the survivors as the final few shots finally ended the Tank. Zoey said she could see a safe room as they entered the broken down train and shut the door. They put a metal pole to barricade it from the infected getting in. They looked at each other as they sat down and then began the LEFT 4 DEAD CAMPAIGN: BLOOD HARVEST.

    That is the end of the story guys, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating these and sadly yes I wont be making any more Beginning stories but I always might make another story involving LEFT 4 DEAD. thank you for supporting my writing and supporting my creative mind I tried to jam action pack into this story and hope I made a sucess.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Sinistercr0c my man, care to carry on?

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by br0ken View Post
    Sinistercr0c my man, care to carry on?
    Haha I guess you want the stories to continue then huh? Lol well anyone can continue the story but i'm not. Feel free to continue the story of the 4 Survivors but I'm done with my story now and the beginning is the end for me. Im moving onto my next story which shall be done in a few days.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  4. Just getting started
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    Just for you br0ken...

    ‘C’mon….c’mon you son of a bitch, the lab. technician muttered to himself from behind the misted protective visor….just turn green for Daddy.’

    He’d been testing samples for six hours solid and all he wanted to do was clock off and go home.

    Green of course, meant that the sample was positive; indicating that they’d finally found the Nirvana the whole lab had been searching so fruitlessly for over the last three months.

    The liquid in the tube remained stubbornly clear.

    ‘Fuck it, I’ve had enough. Newman and his shift are just gonna have to pick it up in the morning.’

    Suddenly a movement flicked across the technician’s peripheral vision and he felt the shudder of some enormous weight hit the floor.

    Spinning round he just had time to time to see the gorilla lunging towards him, eyes blazing hate pure hatred; its screaming roar deafening in the confines of the lab, its massive arms flailing forward like two huge hydraulic ramrods.

    The first blow came from above. It smashed the technician’s head down with such force that it appeared to somehow meld it into his body, the polycarbonate visor of his protective headgear shattering like cheap glass. The second blow was a sweeping sideways hammer. Smashing ribs and spine in one go, it succeeded in driving him through the sealed glass testing bay where the rows of viral samples stood.

    As soon as the glass in the test bay had broken of course, sirens had begun to blare and the lab door airtight seals had fired, both locking the doors shut and preventing any potentially lethal substances finding their way out of the lab.

    The building designers had just never factored into the equation an insane, hulking eight hundred pound primate, with the strength of a T34 tank. The blaring of the sirens only served to enrage the beast further. With what seemed like no effort it ploughed its way through the doors of the lab and out into the corridor.

    The air conditioning vents in the civilian areas of the laboratory whirred as they had done since the buildings initial occupancy, only this time they were blowing the icy fingers of infection into the world.

    A new age had begun…….

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    Is that story your doing, about how the Virus started if so I'd think this would be good in this thread seeing as my story is done.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    EPIC! + Rep

    Care to carry on haha, i love it!

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    Nice Sequel you put they're is they're any more coming or is that it for the infection started.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    Just thought I'd reply to this post because I posted this story on another forum and they needed proof... so I'm Oidz2 off Habbox Forum
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    Wow, feels so long since I did this story. I would just like to tell everyone with Left 4 Dead 2 now out I am currently writing a script for all the characters; it will definatly be much better than this as I've had time to improve on various of ways.

    I will build on character progression, and also build on emotions. I don't want to rush my next story which I have seem to done in other stories. Left 4 Dead 2: The Beginning I hope will be able to take around 1/2 months with atleast 4 pages of detail.

    as I said, all support is grateful and I hope you are looking forward to it.
    Is all hope lost?
    [FF] L4D: Hope [FF]
    Chapter 1 coming soon.

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