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Thread: L4D: Origins (a fanfic by Lardcake212)

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Hi Lardy, been a while since I last chimed in on this story but I have a question. Seeing how L4D2 has been announced can we count on another Origins storyto follow, LOL

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    Woot, after about 14 time zones and several substandard airplane meals, I'm back on US soil and back in action.

    Meaning, I'm working on L4D: Origins, the rewrite, as I write this. So, to avoid distractions, I'll make this short: I'll have a new chapter up ASAP. From them on, you can count on updates coming at reasonable intervals.

    To EdGein'sBrother:
    You trying to kill me or what? Lol, jk. But unfortunately, no, I don't think I plan on writing another Origins for L4D2. The first was tough; this rewrite even more so.

    Although, the game has not been released, so I can't say anything with certainty. If the story is vague enough for me to write something, and I have time, then who knows, maybe you'll see something.

    Personally, I'd be highly interested if someone else wrote something as large as Origins.

    Now back to writing.

    EDIT: I have just uploaded chapter 7, "And Into the Fire". It should be up on by now. And, to make up for my substantial delays in the past (and because I'm on a creative streak now), I'm going to start writing chapter 8. No title as of yet, but anticipate the survivors all coming together as a group...and maybe the introduction of some unimportant characters. Meaning some nice gory deaths are in place.


  3. On the way to greater things
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    Love it =D Chapter 8 is my favorite remake so far. Cant wait for chapter 9

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    I just started Chapter 9, but as of yet, I have gotten this far:

    "09: ?"

    Basically, I'm doubtful as to how to continue at this point. I know I want to have the survivor duos (Bill/Louis and Francis/Zoey) meet up sooner or later, likely with a short firefight caused by panic shots and misidentification of friend vs. foe.

    I also want to write in some gory deaths of some of the newly introduced characters (because unless they are initial survivor, their life expectancy is next to nothing - only the luckiest that have some depth might survive). Namely, CPT Rachel Dupont and Ryan Taylor.

    I'm at a sort of writer's block - so, if anyone replies, want to give me some suggestions? The sooner I receive them, the sooner I'll update (especially if it's a good idea).


    PS: Here is the link to the rewrite I'm working on, in case anyone needs help finding it:

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    So, no replies ever came, but no matter. I've finally gotten some ideas and am beginning work on them.

    Just thought I'd clarify to let you know on my progress.

  6. Banned
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    Read the first 4 Chapters, I'm really enjoying this at the moment! I'll read the rest tonight! Great writing, I like Louis' encounter with a Boomer. Maybe a chapter of their first encounter with a Witch or Tank or something?

  7. Junior Member
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    Hi Lardcake,
    I'm new to the site, and new to L4D actually. Just started playing about two weeks ago. I joined the forums a couple of days ago. I found this thread and started reading two hours ago and just finished. Excellent work! I am a big-time reader and love stories, and I like this one a lot..even if I never heard of L4D, I think I would still enjoy it as much as I did.

    I think the most interesting part of it all, was that in the end, it was the uninfected that posed more of a danger to the group then the infected... It kind of put this thought in my head "Humanity is its own worst enemy". Or something along those lines.. I'm tired, lol.

    Anyway, This was great, and just had to let you know! I'll have to go to the other site with the rewrite your doing to read that one as well... but I'll leave that for another day I think.


    BTW, since there really was no storyline regarding the characters, and this is the first fan fiction piece I've read on this game, I now see these characters as you have written them. I went to go play a versus match last night after reading this story, and I kind of felt bad when I was beating on the characters as SI. I kept thinking of your story... So, I guess that is a testament to your writing skills!

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    Lardcake, This story is so good I'm going to read it agan. And what is the stroy on is it?

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    So, after a substantial delay, chapter 9 of the rewrite of "L4D: Origins" is finally up. This chapter is titled "First Mutation". The chapter introduces some of the new SI as well as establishes the the main characters into a cohesive group of 4. A prelude to "Two Weeks After First Infection."

    It is now up on Here's a link: L4D: Origins, a Left 4 Dead fanfic - FanFiction.Net

    If you are not logged in as a member of that site, then do consider leaving a review anonymously, which is allowed. It helps me develop the story along the lines best suited for the intended audience.

    Don't worry, it's not that weird to go that site...actually, it is, what with the Francis/Louis gay pairings and the Zoey/Hunter or Zoey/Tank bestiality eroticas that I see all over the place. I like to believe mine is a little more in depth than those, but, hey, to each his own, right?

    Best wishes,

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    I reding the stroy at fan fiction and bill is 54 i think.

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