Im the Leader of the Multi-Gaming clan called Xcess-Gaming Today we decided to stretch our clan out into the L4d devision as lots of our members have the game, Then we thought beens as l4d is such a good game we'll reopen the recruitment section for l4d users, So that any l4d player can join.

Here at Xcess-Gaming our moto is "You Say The Game, We'll Play It" That basically means got a game you like to play ? We'll find members that will play that game with you or help you out on it.
We recently invested in a vbulletin forum which can be found at xcess-gaming!!!!!!!! If you wish to apply for the community simply register on the forums and follow the guidelines in the recruitment section.
We strive to be the best in whatever game we play.

We currently have 3 css servers and gettign 2 more in Febuary, We also have an avid GFX team that will be able to help you out with your graphics needs.

Or maybe your into playing leagues? Then this is the right place for you as well, We are currently taking applications to join our Ed tea.

So like what you hear ? Post back here or alternativly contact me via

Email : glenntweed14@hotmail.co.uk
Steam: davidtweed

Thanls i hope to here from you all soon