Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
Do you play on the xbox? That happened to me all the time until I got the PC version. To be fair, I didn't have a mic, but it really started to get annoying.

#269: Don't start an event before everyone's prepared.

Yesterday, we were at the elevator in NM, so I jumped in that little corner between the wall and the ammo table. 2 others stack on top of me, then this guy who'd just joined the game about 5 minutes before pushes the button, runs to the closet and then starts screaming to follow him.

I'm thinking, "F that," but then I see the other two try to move into the hallway just as the horde drops down on top of them. They take some damage but manage to melee their way through. Meanwhile, I'm trying to follow them and getting hit from all sides so I can't move. The whole time, this guys berating me and yelling at me to get in the closet.

Of course, right then a smoker grabs me and then the guy starts screaming for everyone to remain in the closet and let me die. I just yelled back that if he wanted us in the closet, he should have said something before he summoned the damn elevator. That was my one and only rage moment in L4D so far...
LOL, brilliant!