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Thread: anyone else feel me?

  1. On the way to greater things
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    anyone else feel me?

    ok so when I first started playing this game, I had the mentality of playing this game for like ever. However after like 2month, this game got extremely boring so I just stopped playing. I was also kinda pissed at valve for saying updates will be "released shortly" like a month ago and we still havnt gotton anything. has anyone else stopped playing due to how boring it is playing the same thing over and over

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by x3t4l View Post
    ok so when I first started playing this game, I had the mentality of playing this game for like ever. However after like 2month, this game got extremely boring so I just stopped playing. I was also kinda pissed at valve for saying updates will be "released shortly" like a month ago and we still havnt gotton anything. has anyone else stopped playing due to how boring it is playing the same thing over and over
    not me man. I love Zombie games and I love the re-play value plus I'm trying to kill 53,945 zombies. I just have fun constantly.

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    If I wasn't doing anything else, like posting on different forums, reading tech articles, and just using the internet, or playing other games, I'd be playing Left 4 Dead forever on end. However some things are more important and thus I only play 2-3 hours per day now, instead of 5-7ish.

    My enthusiasm around the game has dropped, but that means nothing in terms of what I enjoy, and feel about the game still.

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    I don't understand how you can play one game for over 4-5 hours, and no, I'm not using the life card. Even if I have nothing better to do, I can't stand playing the same game for more than 3 hours, so I always switch between 5-6 games each day. That way, I ain't ever getting bored.

  5. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorkenlol View Post
    I don't understand how you can play one game for over 4-5 hours, and no, I'm not using the life card. Even if I have nothing better to do, I can't stand playing the same game for more than 3 hours, so I always switch between 5-6 games each day. That way, I ain't ever getting bored.
    Dude I wish I could play more than 2 games for over extended weeks at a time. I bought a whole bunch of games, yet I can't play most of them cause I'm stucking playing this MMO, and Left 4 Dead. I'm too consumed in them to pick up WaW or CS:S and enjoy them. It's so annoying. =P

  6. Zombie Cat
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    I have one advantage: I only game during the weekends, mostly during the day and early evening before going out in town. In the week I mostly work on my textures/maps or watch TV.
    A direct consequence of this, is that I enjoy gaming twice as much in the weekend since I didn't play during the week and the games I buy almost never get boring.

    So no, I don't feel like you. However, I do feel it's about time we get new DLC and the SDK.

  7. Junior Member
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    Any game has potiental to get boring once played constantly, change it up. Go outside and shoot zombie ants with a magnifying glass. Enjoy

  8. On the way to greater things
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    It's getting kind of boring, but i enjoy playing it on Expert.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    I haven't played in almost two weeks and probably won't get to for another week or so, so no, I don't feel you. I'm dying for the game.
    "And thus I clothe my naked villainy with old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ; and seem a saint, when most I play the devil." - William Shakespeare

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    The longevity of games can depend on many things, not just how much extra content there is produced for it. Playing a game for long periods of time each day and the boredom factor will kick in, I have found this happening to me on a lot of other games, but then I have a short attention span brought on usually by overdose playing. Once I have figured out what to do in most scenarios my mind wanders and I need to find something else to occupy it.
    I looked forward to l4d like no other game ever (except maybe Daley Thompsons decathlon!) and was determined to mine it carefully so I didn't use up all its precious gems in a 7 day zombie fiesta. This is why I played only the NM map for the first 2 weeks. It really is a brilliant game, something for everyone, I don't play vs as I prefer the non-competitive co-op element, but once I feel like i'm getting a bit jaded with that I still have the vs to look forward to. Next step for me is to ensnare a few good friends to play with, and perhaps one day surviving more than 10 seconds out the saferoom on expert without having to be picked up.
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