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Thread: Suggestion: Movie

  1. Senior Member
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    Hopefully they don't hire this guy to write it...

    Southern California, 2008
    Bill was woken up by an emergency broadcast signal. It, in layman’s terms, told everyone to grab every weapon they had and run like hell. Getting up from his easy chair, he searched around his house for his uniform from the army, for reasons unknown even to himself. He couldn’t find it on the first floor, and he looked with hatred towards the stairs.
    “I hate stairs.”
    He slowly walked up the stairs, his legs not enjoying the experience. Joints creaking, he reached the top landing. He looked in some old crates in his bedroom closet, and there was his uniform. There were three separate tears in the back, it was dirty, and the beret was inside-out. He smacked the hat back into its normal shape. He walked down the hall to his gun cabinet, and inspected what he had.
    “An assault rifle! This brings me back.”
    Blood on my hands. Squad gone. Alone. Alone…
    Bill shook off the flash back and took as much ammo as he could fit into his pockets. He opened his front door, and ran into the war zone for the second time in his life.
    World in Flames
    He stepped out in the early twilight hours, and visibility was limited. Cars on fire, barrels burning, all the light mysteriously absent from the world. He started walking down the street, which was in a state that can be best described as reality fractured, and the shards thrown around like so many bits of glass. He spectated this grim reality, hardening himself for what was to come. He decided to walk further down the road towards Edith’s house. He knew that John may have kept his old gear, and may be he was heading out too. Bill walked slowly, for his joints were acting up in this cold weather, and he wasn’t particularly interested in wasting energy for no good reason.
    Then, in a bizarre fashion, someone walked out a busted open door of a small house into the street.
    “Hey! Are you ok!” Bill yelled.
    He only received a mumbled groan in reply. He continued towards the person since there was no real way around them. As he moved closer to the person, the mist in the distance revealed a whole group of people, just standing there, stumbling awkwardly, as if in a drunken stupor. Bill then realized something was deeply wrong. Their hands are covered in blood. He kept his assault rifle aimed at the crowd as he drew closer.
    “What are you people doing? You should be getting out of here!” He said.
    The crowd came to look at him, and they started to groan, almost inhumanly. One woman screeched and ran towards Bill. Bill, not sure exactly if the crowd was even human anymore, shot her in the leg. She fell to the ground, and stayed there for a few seconds. Something was amiss about this woman. She slowly got back up to her feet, and ran at Bill and attempted to claw at his face with her nails. Bill, dodging the attack, thought, “What in gods name are these things? She just took a bullet the leg and got back up!” The crowd started to notice Bill much more than they already had, and started to walk torwards him. Still fending off the woman, he noticed the crowd was moving towards him. He had no choice but to hit the woman away with the butt of his gun, and she fell to the ground, bleeding. He had a sudden urge to run. Backing up, the woman aparrently knocked out, he realised that the woman was just a sign of things to come. He started to fire warning shots, trying to scare them back.
    They… they just keep coming… they dont stop, they dont goddamn stop!
    With this thought, Bill met his foe for the first time. He decided that it was either him or them, and he had no choice but to kill them. He started to fire into the crowd, and this provoked them into a rage. They started running towards Bill with an intent that can only be described as-
    from the most bs l4d site ever.
    Just remember, this is the internet and most people act like jerks to help them feel better about themselves.
    Check out my blog!

  2. Regular Joe Member
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    stopped reading that failed attempt at a background story after the first sentence.

  3. The Subjugator
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    Yikes, that so-called backstory burns.

    It's painful. He even got Bill mixed up with Francis the ignorant ponce.
    Whilst playing Penumbra...

    Parlock: I CAN HEAR IT.
    Dead Prodigy: HIDE.
    Parlock: I AM.

  4. Senior Member
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    I know, also it's immediately after the outbreak and the city is similar to what it is in the game. Does that make sense?

    This story is posted all of that site like it's some kind of epic.
    Just remember, this is the internet and most people act like jerks to help them feel better about themselves.
    Check out my blog!

  5. Senior Member
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    It wasn't that bad, granted it was something a high schooler would probably come up with, but it wasn't terrible. Though the mix-ups with Francis and the lack of emotion and characteristics kind of a let down.

    I'd love to see a movie made, but in reality people are so paranoid that moves based from video games will never be better or equal, so it's basically dead before it's even begun.

  6. Regular Joe Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by InkofDeath View Post
    I'd love to see a movie made, but in reality people are so paranoid that moves based from video games will never be better or equal, so it's basically dead before it's even begun.
    Sadly this is more true than it probably should be. I blame American film makers for this, seeing as how foreign-based films seem to do so much better...seriously. If either a movie-based video game comes out or a video-game based movie comes out, they all seem to fail.

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