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Thread: Home Made Weapons!

  1. Zombie Dog
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    Home Made Weapons!

    Post your own home made weapon! In this format...

    Name: (the name of your weapon)
    Type of Weapon: (projectile, element, melee)
    Size: (small = S, medium = M, large = L)
    Description: (what it looks like)
    Function: (how does it harm? how do you use it?)
    Materials: (what is it made of?)

    I will start off...

    Name: Pyrogun.
    Type of Weapon: Element, Fire.
    Size: Medium
    Description: A super-soaker with a flammable substance in the tube, with a reinforced coat hanger holding a lighter infront of the barrel.
    Function: Embeddes*[spell check?] up to 40-50 feet infront of you with flames. Pump it. Pull the trigger, watch the flames.
    Materials: Super soaker water gun (, coathanger, wires, lighter, gasoline.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Name: Table spoon
    Type of Weapon: Melee
    Size: Small
    Description: A spoon
    Function: Aim for the eyes, swipe, and eat eyes
    Materials: Stainless steel

  3. Been around a bit
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    Name: Knife/Sword
    Type of Weapon: Melee
    Size: Small/medium
    Description: Slash em to pieces!
    Function: Cause little more melee damage, secondary attack shove the infected away.
    Materials: Steel etc.

  4. Boomer
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    Name: Jock-Strap
    T.O.W: projectile
    size: medium
    desc: Chicago Ted's nut warmers
    function: Pick up stones off the ground and use them as ammo in your jock strap-slingshot
    Materials: Kyrponite, plastic, rubber and cotton of course

  5. Hunter
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    Name: JabberMark3000
    Type of Weapon: Melee
    Size: Large and Long
    Description: A Spear with a kitchen knife
    Function: Stabitty, stab, stab
    Materials: 1 part Kitchen Knife, 1 part pole, 2 part ducktape. Can be augmented with 2(!) kitchen knives. Maybe even 3 or 4!

  6. Zombie Cat
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    Name: Aerosol Flamethrower
    Type of Weapon: short range projectile
    Size: Small
    Description: An aerosol can with a lighter attached on the front.
    Function: Small burst of flame to drive off a horde of zombies. Very little ammo.
    Materials: Aerosol can of any type, a lighter, and something to attach them (duck tape, wire, etc.)

    I actually think this would be awesome. If you put it in the grenade slot, and it was a one use thing so that it wouldn't be OP. It would provide a way to burn zombies up close without having to worry about burning others or yourselves as with the Molotov.

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Name: Scarab Gun
    Type of Weapon: Projectile
    Size: Large
    Description: A BFG
    Function: It blows a lot of stuff of
    Materials: Chuck Norris

    ...on the serious side:

    Name: Spear Knife
    Type of Weapon: Melee
    Size: Small
    Description: A stick with a knife attached to it
    Function: Jabbing zombies... and Louis
    Materials: Pole-like objects, kitchen knife
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  8. Boomer
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    Name: Crossbow
    Type of Weapon: Projectile
    Size: Medium
    Description: Crossbow? i could be wrong
    Function: Shoots bolt of metal at high velocity
    Materials: Wood , Metal , etc

    Name: Hydrolic Spike armor
    Type of Weapon: Armor with a central chest Spike connected to a hydrolic pump
    Size: Medium
    Description: Defence against hunter. If a hunter pounces you can activate the hydrolic pump sending spike into the huntes rib cage.
    Function: Defencive armor
    Materials: half Inch Plate Cuirass

    Name: Barbed Wire
    Type of Weapon: Trap , defencive
    Size: Small
    Description: Barbed Wire
    Function: Placed in doorways , hallways and such. Any horde than try run through get sliced up and stuck in the wire. Wire can be taken and reused.
    Materials: Steel

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Pyro gun, classification fire bomb. As soon as the stream lets off that super soker would melt and then go woosh into a hand held fire bomb

    JabberMark3000, nice improve though it will deteriorate after a few uses (unless additional duct tape is on hand.

    Aerosaul Flamethrower, here again it has a good potential to self detonate if not used carefully though in this circumstance it would convert into a grenade with can shrapnel.

    Spear knife, you forgot the duct tape see JabberMark3000

    Barbed wire, I think you're wanting razor wire. barbed wire would only proove a minor inconvieniance (if at all) to animated dead things.
    See the difference:

    As a former video game designer and also a mineatures game designer I'd be happy to point out the advantages and disadvantages of various improvized weapons. (And yes, as a youth I used to make various implements so do know the drawbacks of some of them first hand.)

    The game of life is too short to be taken seriously

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