For the kiddies, far too many of these exchanges are not jokes, but an experiment in racism. It also signals the understanding that their parents and/or other authority figures condone (passively or not) or engage in said behaviour.

It will only make life for them a bit more warped when they are allowed to get away with this behaviour online.

Unfortunately an online retort to these kids only seems to make them more persistent and sometimes involves their inclusion of other areas of 'taboo' behaviour to their theme.

Whether you think it's a joke or not, it shouldn't be condoned. Passive acceptance is just as destructive as overt acceptance to an immature personality.

I may be wrong but I get the feeling that these kids are subconsciously looking for acceptance and justification for these moral lapses. I for one will not supply the reinforcement (passively or not) for this behaviour.

Adult bantering to 'send in the black guy' is actually both good and bad depending on the situation. To some it's reinforcing a racist stereotype, to other it's the opposite.

I personally drop all friends that use the 'nigga' term. It's just too repugnant. I personally don't care if it's a black person or not who uses it. It's bad characterization.