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Thread: Which do you prefer?

  1. Been around a bit
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    Which do you prefer?

    Campaign or versus? and why.

    For me, campaigns. There are just to many things wrong with versus to where its just an exercise in patience. Campaigns on expert is fun, even when you die over and over. It's always funny to see what will go wrong this round.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattman155 View Post
    Campaign or versus? and why.

    For me, campaigns. There are just to many things wrong with versus to where its just an exercise in patience. Campaigns on expert is fun, even when you die over and over. It's always funny to see what will go wrong this round.
    Depends of my mood mostly. There are moments where I want to play campaign, and moments where I want to play versus. I've been playing a bit more versus lately, but that's mainly due to the fact that there are only 4 campaigns.... and I know them by heart.

  3. Junior Member
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    I like campaign too. O u O. I think it's more fun and it's so funny when random things happen. It's less strategy I think. .__.'' - And I like to help the other team members rather than just race to the SafeRoom. >__>

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Usually its campaigns all the way for me as versus in the pubs in my experience is a waking nightmare of ill manners and bad sportsmanship. Conversely the most fun i've had (after the first few weeks) has been in friends only versus games.
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  5. Boomer
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    Versus for one reason. Humans > AI but the key thing is versus does not differ from campaign in its content and thats the problem.

    Play No mercy versus and then play expert no mercy campaign.

    Sure the first couple of run throughs its fun and edgy. Then after awhile you just start noticing how pathetic the AI tanks and special infected are.

    And thats when you notice that Campaign is just versus with dumb infected and thats a problem.

    Campaign should not have the same content and enemies as versus does for that simple reason. Noticing the AI , Human player differences makes campaigns look Bleh.

    Thats also where the tank fails, In versus you learn to deal with very smart tanks. Then u play campaign and play against the exact same enemy but its a complete moron and u can practically dance around it.

    Going from Versus to campaign is essentially like playing counter strike online then playing counter strike offline with friends against a team of bots that just have more hp and damage.

    Campaigns needs Campaign only infected and bosses.

    Bosses and infected that if played by humans would be imbalanced and way to strong. Yet played by the AI they just provide a good challenge and can be dealed with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    Thats also where the tank fails, In versus you learn to deal with very smart tanks. Then u play campaign and play against the exact same enemy but its a complete moron and u can practically dance around it.
    actually, i find it the opposite way. the tank seems better in campaign then it is in versus.. i play on the xbox but in versus i can almost kill a tank 1v1 (i have not played L4D since the update came out thanks to RROD) but in versus the tank just charges you, and if by chance it actually uses it's range attack.. they are not very good at actually hitting with it. but in campaign, i see the tank and within a second it's already hit me with a rock, and before i can get up it's on top of me.
    although i do agree with you about the rest of the SI, after playing versus they seem so bad...

    back onto topic i prefer versus, i like being the infected just because i love to watch the survivors panic and end off hurting each other more then they hurt me, and i like to put them in bad situations, like i'll be a boomer and i'll stand between one survivor and the rest of their team, they are forced to either ignore me and get barfed on or push me into their teammates and get all 3 of their teammates exploded on. i once had one survivor push me into their teammate, who pushed me back into them, it was a game of pong only in the end i exploded on both of them
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  7. Boomer
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    Its easy to dodge tank rocks. What you did is when the tank starts picking one up you run in one direction and just before he throws it run in the oposite direction and it misses by miles

  8. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    Its easy to dodge tank rocks. What you did is when the tank starts picking one up you run in one direction and just before he throws it run in the oposite direction and it misses by miles
    that's how i dodge them in versus, although it doesn't seem to work for me in campaign. maybe it's just my bad luck.
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
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  9. Hi, my name is...
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    I play campaigns on expert only with friends, versus i play with anyone

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