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Thread: Possible Boss Infected?

  1. Junior Member
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    The reaver sounds awesome. I would love to jump in and steal nearly everything when they're blinded by a boomer.

    Just think. NM3, boomer barfbags the survivors and the reaver runs out of the room across from the saferoom, takes all medpacks and climbs onto the roof...god that would be so cruel.

    also, could he only steal from survivors? I can only imagine how irritating it would be if he grabbed all the finale medkits before you even got there...

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimojo View Post
    also, could he only steal from survivors? I can only imagine how irritating it would be if he grabbed all the finale medkits before you even got there...
    Yes; only a single item from your inventory.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera
    It will steal a random item from your inventory (First-Aid, Pipebomb\Molotov or Pills) and if nothing is there, it'll steal some of your ammo, which could be a problem if you run out on a horde and then run into a tank. But then again, it might not be.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  3. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post
    Note: On the time of killing a Tank, like I said it's all about your position. If your up high, you light it on fire and you all shoot at it it's going to take much less than one minute.
    In co-op, lighting tanks on fire does zero damage over time to them - only the time they're actually standing in the burn does damage. The actual fire death is just a hidden timer. It finishes, they fall over dead. (Edit: Expert that fire-death time is only 40 seconds. You can shoot them to death significantly faster if everyone opens up, though)

    But then, if we're reworking bosses I think tanks should be the first to be redone. The massive bag of health and insane melee damage (ie, you get caught on terrain it's over) doesn't really fit the style of any of the other bosses as far as team coordination goes.

  4. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bianary View Post
    In co-op, lighting tanks on fire does zero damage over time to them - only the time they're actually standing in the burn does damage. The actual fire death is just a hidden timer. It finishes, they fall over dead. (Edit: Expert that fire-death time is only 40 seconds. You can shoot them to death significantly faster if everyone opens up, though)

    But then, if we're reworking bosses I think tanks should be the first to be redone. The massive bag of health and insane melee damage (ie, you get caught on terrain it's over) doesn't really fit the style of any of the other bosses as far as team coordination goes.
    Or one infected runs up to you and taps you and your immobilized =/ Oh and that must be on the PC only.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Abyss Crown, are you sure it is only 8k health? I swear there was 12k combined damage on Expert, so it must be somewhere between 10-12k

    Bianary: On the 360 I can confirm that the tank does get hurt by being lit on fire, as I purposely ran over a bonfire to get lit on fire and was taking damage, meanwhile the survivors were still a couple blocks away.

    Eskimojo: As Abyssal Crown quoted, you can only steal from the survivors themselves instead of looting any possible dropped items. As that would be worse then running into a tank that throws you over to a witch and the witch pounces you at the end of a difficult chapter while doing it solo. It almost happened to me once.

    Lady: I had doubts about this one, but it seems to be a smash. Glad you all like it.

  6. C H R I S
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    I love the idea

    and people coming up with ideas like these would be an amazing thread

    Maybe if some1 is good at computer art could draw these guys? is searching for clans to sponsor!
    Both PC + 360
    PM Me if you are interested and I'll tell you what you need to do

  7. On the way to greater things
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    I was thinking of the imagine for the Reaver, maybe a long haired, fast moving (so slim build) and when not moving it rests on a single fist and the other arm draped over its leg.

    The others are left to imagination.

  8. C H R I S
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    I have an idea for a zombie as well.
    Fifa: Zombie known for only kicking. Only has legs with no chest and no head. Only 750 health on expert. Fast and when kick they get pushed away and stunned. They travel in groups of 3 and target the same guy. Zombie on random campains and no single campain for them.

    I'll update with ideas from you guys and some more i come up with.

    Thank you,
    Chris is searching for clans to sponsor!
    Both PC + 360
    PM Me if you are interested and I'll tell you what you need to do

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marzera View Post
    Also, I have thought of a new Special Infected. The Reaver. Completely harmless but what it lacks in attack it makes up for in annoyance. The Reaver, as with all the Special Infected, are basically literal names of what their abilities are. The Reaver will forcefully take your items and it will run for the shadows after stealing your ammo, health kit or pain pills. And if you're lucky and it doesn't jump on a building or an unreachable place, you can get your items back.

    I've been thinking of an SI that makes you use your medpack or pills.

    For example, some sort of SI with razor-sharp claws (more so than witch, I guess), who when he hits you, does little direct damage, but converts your HP to temporary health -- like you're bleeding out -- can be patched up with the medpack, however. This would make things a hell of a lot harder.

    Also, some sort of SI with a poisoning ability, which does the same thing, minimal damage attack, temp hit points, but instead of requiring the medpack, you have to take pills (i.e. Penicillin) to make your health return to normal.

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