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Thread: Ah, the satisfaction...

  1. Australian.
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    Ah, the satisfaction...

    I was just playing Vs on BH with randoms. It was fairly even for BH3/BH4 (I wasn't there for 1/2 unfortunately but from the scores at least one of them was very uneven ) with us winning one and them winning the next, both by ~100 points.

    So then it was time for BH5.

    So, we do it, got killed by the first tank and some good work by the other SIs.

    Now it's their turn. This is what left me with that warm, fuzzy feeling of satisfaction:
    They're running around the house doing something, I don't know, the Boomer and I (Smoker) were looking at Zoey alone in the barn. Bang. Boomer pukes her and I grab the first survivor that comes. He gets melee'd free and both the Boomer and I escape.
    So that was one pull. I was happy to get away with that after doing a good 25 damage or so.

    But what I didn't expect is that by the time the first Tank arrived I'd have pulled 6 survivors, including an incap, without dying... then while the Tank was running about I got one down to red HP with two pulls and then got the last survivor with my 9th pull of the life.

    I just sat there on the roof as the scores came up smiling to myself with 7hp and 9 pulls under that one Smoker's belt.

    Share your tale of utterly satisfying L4D moments. From revenge to streaks, to pouncing that Rambo... share!
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Yesterday on NM1 with random people. We were doing quite good as a team but we were losing by 200 points. We barely made it to the safe room. Not because the infected were that good, but because one of my teammates had a lagspike on a terrible moment and accidently triggered the car (I did see him "jump" from one spot to the other just like lagging people do so it wasn't a lie)

    When we arrive in the safe house, the opposing team goes like "lol PWNED!" and "hahaha we pwned the noobs" and "lol we=epic win, you=ragequit". I hate such people... seriously.
    We start as infected on NM2. One survivor gets raped right when he comes out by a smoker (I puked on the rest of them so they didn't even realize he was constricted). 1 down, 3 more left.
    When they get down by the two subway paying boots, I was boomer. They turned their back for one second which was enough for me to puke on all 3 of them. 2 hunters jump from the other side of the room and both simultaneously pounce two of them while one smoker constricts the 3rd one who gets pummeled by my boomer-mob.

    I said "game, set, match" and one of my teammates said "lol you=ragequit, we=epic win" as a pun on what they said before.

    They ragequitted on us

  3. I've done my time
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    i like being the tank on nm5 and hitting the survivors off the roof to there death ,then seeing the player has left the game message appear on screen...someones night ruined

  4. Australian.
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    Haha that's quite an epic one there Boo
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

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