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Thread: the funniest thing happened earlier today.

  1. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazyCat View Post
    Block the bloody door
    i did but they shot through it to kill me >.> : P

  2. Rob Zombie
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    I think she means to block it before they get there so they can't use it.
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

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  3. Senior Member
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    that door does need to be fixed though, but if they go in it can't you just hit them through the wall? it's a fairly small room, you should be able to reach.

    and in response to TheCrazyCat's post, that sounds like something i would have done, although i probably wouldn't have shot you until it was a little safer
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  4. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    i was playing DA versus and we where on DA2, we walk out of the safe and looked around, the second we step out into the open we hear the tank music so we ran back in front of the safe room. no one knew about the freezer at the time so we where wondering what to do, the tank comes running at us, it starts chasing me and i accidentially back into the freezer and i'm thinking "i'm dead, i just walked into a small room with the tank." well i managed to get around the tank and back out of the room, closing the door behind me. i turn around to see that the tank, is now bashing away at the door, unable to open it. everyone just burst out laughing as we stood just out of the tank's reach jumping up and down just to taunt the tank. :rofl:
    we walked away and left the tank there, although i just now realized, once the infection is over, someone's going to open that freezer, and find a nice surprise. i left a opening for L4D2

    but back onto topic, does anyone else have any funny stories?
    The same thing happened to me, except I was about to be incapped by the tank, so I quickly shut the door with the tank in there and basically suicided but saved the rest of the team from a possible death (I had known about the freezer.. my clanmate locked a boomer in there.)

    They got pretty far, but they died on the final sprint past the car. The opposing team set up outside the office and got them with 2 hunters, a smoker, and a shot at the car.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    that door does need to be fixed though, but if they go in it can't you just hit them through the wall? it's a fairly small room, you should be able to reach.

    and in response to TheCrazyCat's post, that sounds like something i would have done, although i probably wouldn't have shot you until it was a little safer
    You would have been killed by the tank

  6. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazyCat View Post
    You would have been killed by the tank
    true, but i would have gotten you when you opened the door to the survivor closet, or if someone else did i could just sneak up behind you. would have been funny if he shot you when you saved him from the closet,
    *opens closet door* BAM "did you see that?"
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    true, but i would have gotten you when you opened the door to the survivor closet, or if someone else did i could just sneak up behind you. would have been funny if he shot you when you saved him from the closet,
    *opens closet door* BAM "did you see that?"
    --" you should see thee many ways they come up with to kill me.

  8. Zombie Dog
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    i've melee'd so many SI into the freezer and locked them in xD

    earlier today, a boomer spawned in there, so i immediately close the door, and a hunter comes and pounces on one of us, my friends open the door , shove the boomer so he stays in, and had some trouble getting the hunter in there, but we did!

    we locked a hunter and a boomer in the freezer )))) but ran into them again in the building by the crane

  9. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiiteyyy View Post
    i've melee'd so many SI into the freezer and locked them in xD

    earlier today, a boomer spawned in there, so i immediately close the door, and a hunter comes and pounces on one of us, my friends open the door , shove the boomer so he stays in, and had some trouble getting the hunter in there, but we did!

    we locked a hunter and a boomer in the freezer )))) but ran into them again in the building by the crane
    I was just posting in another thread about how my team love to do this. Too bad they get to respawn after you go a certain distance

  10. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    the tank comes running at us, it starts chasing me and i accidentially back into the freezer and i'm thinking "i'm dead, i just walked into a small room with the tank." well i managed to get around the tank and back out of the room, closing the door behind me. i turn around to see that the tank, is now bashing away at the door, unable to open it.
    Nice... You used Ninja Skills to dodge the tanks giant punch of death and slammed a door in his face as soon as he was about to run out.
    For me funniest thing was around a few months ago when I had Fast connection NM1 and 2 A tank kept killing the same person and I believe I said "Tank's Just love smashing you into the ground" Of course he was angry and tried killing me on NM 3, but I soon got what was coming... The other three were getting some stuff where the second ammo pile is on NM3 and I was walking down the stairs and a Tank popped out of nowhere and incapped me. (Expert)
    After he killed me the tank went after the others but none died, so of course when I said that comment to a friend he said "Boy tanks Sure do love to pop up when you go down Stairs"

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