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Thread: Vote Kicking is a bad feature.

  1. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by eridor0 View Post
    That's called an excuse to kick you to free up a slot for a friend.

    In my opinion, the votekick feature has some problems, but it's a necessary evil,, as was stated before. If we didn't have it, then we might have to deal with more griefers, AFKers, laggers, and all of those undesirables.
    I figured that might've been the case but I was more annoyed about how we made it past the lobby and THEN they decided to kick me. I'd rather be kicked from a lobby for no reason/an annoying reason than sit in a lobby for a bit, wait for a game to start, get to the first level then get kicked. That's just frustrating.

    I agree with you (and everyone else who said) that the VoteKick feature is a necessary evil, I can't count how many times it's saved me from dumb annoying players who have no intent of playing the game in the way it was meant to be played.

  2. Been around a bit
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    There should be some kind of boundaries to who can be votekicked

    For example, one should've had to shoot a teammate a certain number of times before they can be kicked

    However, the easiest way to solve this problem is simply to not be a pubfag and play with/get some friends

  3. Been around a bit
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    It can be a bad feature, but, I find it good in cases.
    You may think you were doing fine, but, were you really?
    One of my guy friends says he's a really good player and yet he's always getting in the line of fire, healing himself only, and running ahead.

  4. Rob Zombie
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    People tend to overexaggerate their own accomplishments and worth.
    Khorne Flakes! They're Heretically Delicious.

    PC + Xbox360 Alliance Member

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Not true eridor0, I am quite fucking amazing.

    Anywho more seriously I have run into my fair share of morons in this game that have lead me to kick with reckless abandon. The final straw was when I had a 4 man team (as I usually do) one of our guys dropped l4d crashed iirc and a pubber came in.

    So be it, we left him be cause friend had dropped offline, upon our friend coming back online and in game we asked if the pubber wouldn't mind leaving for our friend, explained the situation etc and then he said yeah sure laughed and started TKing us with an auto shotty. So we ended up kicking him anyways after taking a shit ton of dmg for nothing,

    I honestly can't give 2 shits about other people anymore unless I know them personally or they show themselves not to be a complete fucking moron.
    <3 tattoos

  6. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scase View Post
    Not true eridor0, I am quite fucking amazing.

    Anywho more seriously I have run into my fair share of morons in this game that have lead me to kick with reckless abandon. The final straw was when I had a 4 man team (as I usually do) one of our guys dropped l4d crashed iirc and a pubber came in.

    So be it, we left him be cause friend had dropped offline, upon our friend coming back online and in game we asked if the pubber wouldn't mind leaving for our friend, explained the situation etc and then he said yeah sure laughed and started TKing us with an auto shotty. So we ended up kicking him anyways after taking a shit ton of dmg for nothing,

    I honestly can't give 2 shits about other people anymore unless I know them personally or they show themselves not to be a complete fucking moron.
    Indeed, you are quite fucking amazing. You and your limited time offers. :rofl:

  7. Just getting started
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    Yeah. Some of the time my co-op allies think it would be funny to kick me just for fun, that makes me mad. But there is also some people who have really slow systems, or they just suck at playing L4D. So the kicking thing is probably not a good idea but it may help some times.

  8. Smoker
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    Accept Limited time Offers or Go the FU** AWAY!
    The trolls may actually listen by what scase said "then he said yeah sure laughed and started TKing us with an auto shotty." But it seems the trolls never change... or they're just plain retarded...

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    It's bittersweet. You're just going to have to deal with the way it is, as much as that does suck sometimes.
    But look hard enough, & you'll find someone to play with. :]
    Good luck!.

  10. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nova_Hunter View Post
    Accept Limited time Offers or Go the FU** AWAY!
    The trolls may actually listen by what scase said "then he said yeah sure laughed and started TKing us with an auto shotty." But it seems the trolls never change... or they're just plain retarded...
    Mat ..... Damon


    sorry i couldn't help myself

    Vote kick has been around in a lot of steam games for a while now, mostly due to cs players and their "retarded" behaviour in-game, its true though that vote kicking is the closest thing to fair that you will get while playing as its a majority rules vote. Chances are you are going to experience this a lot more as most l4d players know each other ... well here in NZ and Aus they do anyways


    *awww no zombie sheep smilies*

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