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Thread: Vote Kicking is a bad feature.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitamin Carrot View Post
    Mat ..... Damon


    sorry i couldn't help myself

    Vote kick has been around in a lot of steam games for a while now, mostly due to cs players and their "retarded" behaviour in-game, its true though that vote kicking is the closest thing to fair that you will get while playing as its a majority rules vote. Chances are you are going to experience this a lot more as most l4d players know each other ... well here in NZ and Aus they do anyways


    *awww no zombie sheep smilies*

    Plus there are the people who run way ahead of their team/the people who stay back in the saferoom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scase View Post
    Not true eridor0, I am quite fucking amazing.

    Anywho more seriously I have run into my fair share of morons in this game that have lead me to kick with reckless abandon. The final straw was when I had a 4 man team (as I usually do) one of our guys dropped l4d crashed iirc and a pubber came in.

    So be it, we left him be cause friend had dropped offline, upon our friend coming back online and in game we asked if the pubber wouldn't mind leaving for our friend, explained the situation etc and then he said yeah sure laughed and started TKing us with an auto shotty. So we ended up kicking him anyways after taking a shit ton of dmg for nothing,

    I honestly can't give 2 shits about other people anymore unless I know them personally or they show themselves not to be a complete fucking moron.
    My friend does that (Kick with reckless abandonment), until one game where I asked him to lay off the votekick and asked the guy politely (I was raised to be polite :P) and explained my friend was coming in. He proceeded to say Sure, I'll leave - jumped off the building and killing him. and then proceeding to say "Okay, goodbye!"

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    IMO it would be a major improvement if friendly fire was disabled and you and your bullets just go through your partners, and vote kicking gone.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    My friend does that (Kick with reckless abandonment), until one game where I asked him to lay off the votekick and asked the guy politely (I was raised to be polite :P) and explained my friend was coming in. He proceeded to say Sure, I'll leave - jumped off the building and killing him. and then proceeding to say "Okay, goodbye!"
    Hence the reason I have less remorse kicking someone than I do a soccerball
    <3 tattoos

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scase View Post
    Not true eridor0, I am quite fucking amazing.

    Anywho more seriously I have run into my fair share of morons in this game that have lead me to kick with reckless abandon. The final straw was when I had a 4 man team (as I usually do) one of our guys dropped l4d crashed iirc and a pubber came in.

    So be it, we left him be cause friend had dropped offline, upon our friend coming back online and in game we asked if the pubber wouldn't mind leaving for our friend, explained the situation etc and then he said yeah sure laughed and started TKing us with an auto shotty. So we ended up kicking him anyways after taking a shit ton of dmg for nothing,

    I honestly can't give 2 shits about other people anymore unless I know them personally or they show themselves not to be a complete fucking moron.

    i don;t like pubbing anymore lol

  6. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancelot View Post
    Hi guys, this is my first post here and I just had to get something off my chest so to speak.

    I just joined two versus games in progress, and during both I felt that I was doing fine, and contributed to getting to the safe room once as the survivors and stopping the survivors twice as infected.
    But yet the smallest mistakes and some wanker is voting to have me kicked from the game. Are these people really such pro's or bigheads that they have never made a mistake?
    not at all,, I think. Remember in TF2, where people who would constantly pull bullcrap. You know, helping the other team, mic spaming obscenities, and other annoyances. Its better than nothing, and you shouldn't complain of a democracy, even a corrupt one. This is as good as its going to get. The problem isn't the feature, but those using it.

  7. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    My friend does that (Kick with reckless abandonment), until one game where I asked him to lay off the votekick and asked the guy politely (I was raised to be polite :P) and explained my friend was coming in. He proceeded to say Sure, I'll leave - jumped off the building and killing him. and then proceeding to say "Okay, goodbye!"
    Exactly why I don't fucking ask. If the 3 of us are friends, and fourth is trying to get on. Pubby takes his place, KICK and goodbye, no harm is done to us. Everytime we waited or asked the pubby does something stupid OR kills himself, and this one REALLY pisses me off, when a friend forgets to vote yes and the asshole jumps off a cliff or something before the vote is passed!!!

    So in all I don't give two shits about other peoples' "feelings" its a game and they shoudn't take it personally.
    Let them hate me, so long as they fear me...

  8. Zombie Cat
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    I tried to do that, you know, not tell them that we were kicking them. But, smart us, we decided to play on expert with one of my friends and two publics. We got one public person who became one of my greatest assets and friends while trying to get "what are you trying to prove?" and the other person didnt talk. We kicked him two missions into the game because he couldn't hear us coordinate. So we got someone, who as soon as we joined, started killing us all. From then on we started kicking anyone who joined. Before they were even done loading we had a vote kick started. We didn't feel like taking any chances. There were WAY too many times we had to restart because some dickhead thought he was cool to join, not say a word, and kill us all.

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    rrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggg gggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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    If it as going to be moved then there would be no way to kick the griefers.

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