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Thread: Vote Kicking is a bad feature.

  1. Been around a bit
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    Oh, flesh colored beards and chicken tetrazzini's <3

    And the House of Sanjaya. xD

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Cause Adrela fails at posting videos lol........
    The Soup: House of Sanjaya
    <3 tattoos

  3. Been around a bit
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    Shuddup! It wouldn't post!

  4. Community Staff
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    If this isn't the definitioni of Off-topic, then I don't know what is. haha

  5. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    and I thought I digressed to much lol ^.^

    --I got kicked for a shit reason:

    I was a hunter, and the other team was nearing the safe room on NM2 (im pretty sure i was playing redemption)- so I figured id at least get the health bonus down a wee bit. So I attacked alone - everyone else had spawn times of like, 20 seconds.
    so one guy frREEEaaked out and was like "ahhoommggggoddd dont attack alone ughhhh."
    my team sucked donkey balls anyway & were a bunch of annoying doucheholes. so whatever.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  6. Boomer
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    Honestly.... I feel that l4d gets old faster when all you do is play with ppl on your friends list, I don't know why but it makes it go staler fast. Playing pubs is cool because you never know what you're gonna get and to me, thats more exciting than playing with your friends over nad over and over again. As for vote kicking, its good to just weed out the weaklings and keep having fresh new faces in until you find the right team and stop kicking...And it manages to hold my attention for longer.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    If you are going to kick a player for playing poorly intentionally, such as TKing or shooting alarmed cars on purpose, or verbal abuse, or whatever, that's cool. You gotta do what you gotta do. But if you are kicking someone because their skills are far below yours, they make mistakes, they're not the self-appointed "Awesome Players" that some are, that is wrong. Granted, everyone's playing to have fun, in whatever way they define fun, but does anyone ever politely give the problem players constructive criticism? If someone runs ahead of the group, or approached a tank or a witch the wrong way yelling at them and calling them a noob helps no one, and probably increases your own blood pressure. Where as if you were to teach them what they should do in those situations, you've just helped to create a better player. Maybe someone for you to play with more in the future, or maybe just improving the community at large.
    Also, if you feel you're a good player and just got kicked by some idiot, it was probably a blessing in disguise.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Gonna have to call BS on that, I routinely will give crappier/bad/new players polite advice on how to be better and what not to do. All they ever do is sit their with their thumbs up their asses and keep being retards. My patience with people in this game has worn alarmingly thin.
    <3 tattoos

  9. On the way to greater things
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    That's cool. I'm mostly referring to those people who jump immediately to "stupid noob, learn to play! f#%$^ idiot!" If yer throwing out advice gems and people are pissing on them, screw em.

  10. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yhanthlei View Post
    If you are going to kick a player for playing poorly intentionally, such as TKing or shooting alarmed cars on purpose, or verbal abuse, or whatever, that's cool. You gotta do what you gotta do. But if you are kicking someone because their skills are far below yours, they make mistakes, they're not the self-appointed "Awesome Players" that some are, that is wrong. Granted, everyone's playing to have fun, in whatever way they define fun, but does anyone ever politely give the problem players constructive criticism? If someone runs ahead of the group, or approached a tank or a witch the wrong way yelling at them and calling them a noob helps no one, and probably increases your own blood pressure. Where as if you were to teach them what they should do in those situations, you've just helped to create a better player. Maybe someone for you to play with more in the future, or maybe just improving the community at large.
    Also, if you feel you're a good player and just got kicked by some idiot, it was probably a blessing in disguise.
    I didn't join a game to sit around and let a crappy player ruin it for me.A


    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

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