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Thread: Which new survivor is YOUR favourite?

  1. Junior Member
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    To be honest, I don't like any of the new survivors, they are not as interesting as the original four. I love hearing Francis's hate rants, Bill's moans of how old he and things are now, the cute nature of Zoey and who can forget Louis, the optimistic guy who loves his pills.

    No-one can say "Pills Here!" better then Louis, period.

  2. Regular Joe Member
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    I always play as Nick or Franics ( I look quite like Nick D: )

    I wounder what a psychologist would say if I told them that I enjoy playing as negative males, who tend to be loners and believe everyone and everything is truly fucked. >_>

    Anyways... Rochelle is one of the worst ideas that Valve ever came up with... Why couldn't the black chick be cool like Alyx Vance from HL2! She could snipe and save Freeman when dealing with Zombies, why not a random chick with a M16!

    Rochelle basicly has four lines you will ever hear when playing with her.

    "Axe me a question"
    *Insert infected name*
    *insert incap line*

  3. Junior Member
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    He makes me LOL.
    Tip Of The Day: Shoot hunters instead of knocking them off. A bit more lost HP is better than letting him get away and find a really good ambush spot.

  4. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToddbboT:rc:23: View Post
    im pretty sure even some guys would go screaming running. lmaoo
    ololololol yeah dun lissen 2 dem dey r jus jeluss of u i pwned so mny nubz 2dey hurr hurr hurr
    Tip Of The Day: Shoot hunters instead of knocking them off. A bit more lost HP is better than letting him get away and find a really good ambush spot.

  5. Been around a bit
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    well nick can scream like a girl when he gets kicked loads and ripped apart by a hunter, and i swear i heard ellis yelling for mum once XD everyone's voice's can get rather high when they're panicing and i know id be somewhat uncomfortable buried under a mountain of horde whuile the hunter rips my face off lol

    Rochelle is my fav new survivor and i think she's slightly more kick ass then zoey was, tho zoey is still cool (notice Rochelle is holding two weapons in the dead center poster, one a machette, and one a friggin chainsaw XD as opposed to everyone else only holding one weapon) and she's come out with some rather amusing quotes. (well, everyone does but u no...)

    if ever u get the choice to play as any of the 8 survivors that currently exist, im gonna have to have a strict alternating thing going on between playing as Louis and Rochelle, i wont be able to pick otherwise XD

  6. I've done my time
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    " Did I ever tell you about the time my friend Keith tried to deep fry a turkey? Third degree burns over 90% of his body man. We had people in the next county complaining about the smell. We had doctors callin other doctors to come take a look see, cos they`d never seen burns on top a burns before" LOL!!!!

    One of his funniest quotes almost goes unnoticed. Just after you complete the rollercoater map in Dark Carnival and about to start the next one, he says..

    "Hey, Nick. Do you remember when we were on that rollercoaster?"

    When I first heard it I sat there waiting for him to continue but that WAS his question!! He asked it as if the rollercoaster run was last year or something.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    Rochelle, because she looks badass with a katana and she has a better ass than Zoey.

  8. Feet under the table
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    My favorite charecter is Ellis, cause he says my favorite line:Kill all son's of bitches.

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