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Thread: Laser sight mod?

  1. Just getting started
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    Laser sight mod?

    hey, I'm looking for a lazer sight mod to play with. I've seen the one in duku's mod and it look awesome, I'm juts looking for one to use with the normal game. I don't mind if it turns of the flashlight.

    I have no experience with mods so unless i get some help i cant do it myself, If one exists please link me.

  2. On the way to greater things
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    1st: This is not a mod, it's a question. please use the correct category to avoid confusion.

    2nd: The lasersight mod is designed only for doku's survival games, and I don't know if he'll tell you. Besides, the lasersight is no decent replacement for crosshairs being that it goes invisible after about 30 yards. also, it doesnt light the area (at least not well) it's just a red dot inserted into the players camera in place of crosshairs. Go in thirdperson and see for yourself in one of his games (if it lets you, I don't play his games often). I'm pretty sure the lasersight is the flashlight template with a changed color and area, so you're sacrificing your greatest ally by using it since there can only be one flashlight at a time.

  3. Just getting started
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    1) i'm new here, this is a question ABOUT a mod, thats why i put it here.
    2) I would do much better with a lazer sight then a flashlight + crosshairs.

  4. On the way to greater things
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    1st) you misread. when you make a new thread, theres an index selector: you have options of no index, mod, question, etc. you chose mod when posting a mod, and question when asking about a mod or modding in general.

    2nd) fine, but you'll have to ask doku. I myself tried to get the strand of code for lasersights, but the files in his game downloads are inacessible

    3rd) im new here too, and i asked a question indexed under this one as "QUESTION: why do mods not work for me?"

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage113 View Post
    1st) you misread. when you make a new thread, theres an index selector: you have options of no index, mod, question, etc. you chose mod when posting a mod, and question when asking about a mod or modding in general.

    2nd) fine, but you'll have to ask doku. I myself tried to get the strand of code for lasersights, but the files in his game downloads are inacessible

    3rd) im new here too, and i asked a question indexed under this one as "QUESTION: why do mods not work for me?"
    No offense, but do you absolutely positively have to write like that? What you're trying to say is enough to get our attention. And, if you're still going to do that, PLEASE just turn down the size.

    And you could have told him a bit... ya' know... nicer.
    Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
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  6. Zombie Cat
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    I really wish I could help here...we have that mod on our server, but I did not put it on there.

    It is available though, that I know. It is really cool looking, but it actually hurts my aim. Some people really like it though, so I'm glad we have it. I'll see if I can't get you the info on it.

    Edit: Try looking here - FPSBANANA > Forum > L4D > Other/Misc > Left 4 Dead hidden commands

    I'll try to get a config for you later if you reply to this SteelSniper.

    Oh, and by the way Carnage, it is a Mod, so before being rude please check your facts. It's not just a mod, it is a mod of a mod.
    Gaming, it's wuts for dinner :P

  7. Just getting started
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    Try the following:

    r_flashlightfar 1000
    r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov 90
    r_flashlightfov 1
    r_flashlightbrightness 1

    Enter those into the console or make a .cfg file. It will turn the flashlight into a laser sight. If you want it to work against any distance, make r_flashlightfar a larger number.

    Oh, and to get rid of the crosshair:
    cl_crosshair_alpha 0

  8. Been around a bit
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    I have seen this mod before and it is fun (tho there was also a few other mods with this one. and AFAIK it dose not replace the flashlight, but is a extra I seen it on ruxpins turbo servers...tho I wish I know how to set it up for a local server

  9. Just getting started
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    it's not a mod . it's a sourcemod plugin.
    google " allied modders "
    go under the sourcemod section in the forums. browse through it.
    it can be under approved or new plugins.

    good luck on your adventure into finding it.

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