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Thread: The new SI infent

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammybear View Post
    Lmfao, look what you did TP!!!!
    After you questioned his spelling, he just gave up on all his dreams and imaginations of the new SI.
    Great Job
    Really harsh replies here. English clearly isn't his first language and we all understood what he was saying. He was trying to find out what other peoples ideas were but instead he just got slagged off for his spelling and received sarcastic replies like this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Left56019dead View Post
    we don't know.
    what is the point of this thread?
    is it to guess?

    well i guess it is gonna be chicago ted.
    what is the point of that answer?
    is it to make the OP feel bad?
    well done you have achieved your aim.

    And this . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Nova_Hunter View Post
    Lets just wait till VALVe gives us the new infected stuff before we start making this 10 pages long?
    Who made you the official thread length monitor? Does that position come with a uniform? If you don't want this thread to become 10 pages long why don't you help by not posting in it?

    Jesus. Someone makes a genuine post, wondering what possible new special infected there are going to be and he just gets shot down and made to abandon his thread. If you've nothing to add to the thread, no idea to proffer, why don't you just not post? Or are your lives so inadequate that you have to make youself feel better by proving that you're the 'big man on the internet' with your sarcastic comments and superior spelling.

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    Quote Originally Posted by junai_139 View Post
    Jesus. Someone makes a genuine post, wondering what possible new special infected there are going to be and he just gets shot down and made to abandon his thread. If you've nothing to add to the thread, no idea to proffer, why don't you just not post? Or are your lives so inadequate that you have to make youself feel better by proving that you're the 'big man on the internet' with your sarcastic comments and superior spelling. post was serious....i think?
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

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    Dude its understandable if his first language isn't english but thats what translators and spell checkers are for. Not purposely trying to piss people off but in a forum the only way to communicate is via the written word. if you can't write the written word then communication becomes really difficult. I purposely am just sick of seeing hundreds of threads about 'new infected' There's loads of them why can't people go post in them instead of creating a completely different thread. Not just this time but it happens all the time.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by IzI M V P IzI View Post
    Dude its understandable if his first language isn't english but thats what translators and spell checkers are for. Not purposely trying to piss people off but in a forum the only way to communicate is via the written word. if you can't write the written word then communication becomes really difficult. I purposely am just sick of seeing hundreds of threads about 'new infected' There's loads of them why can't people go post in them instead of creating a completely different thread. Not just this time but it happens all the time.
    Granted but that wasn't my point - i'm talking about common courtesy and not being a complete arsehole. There are loads of duplicated threads but that doesn't mean people have to respond in the shitty way that some of them do. Manners are free. Besides i haven't read anyone say "this has been asked elsewhere - here's a link". No, just 'clever' comments by people who think they're Bertie Big Bollocks'. It's just unnecessary - that's my point.

  5. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voodoo Shoe View Post
    Mate - your post was hilarious. Nothing wrong with posting something like that - if nothing else it would make the OP smile instead of him deciding that everyone here is a wanker and he should just not bother (as is currently the case).

  6. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by junai_139 View Post
    Who made you the official thread length monitor? Does that position come with a uniform? If you don't want this thread to become 10 pages long why don't you help by not posting in it?

    Jesus. Someone makes a genuine post, wondering what possible new special infected there are going to be and he just gets shot down and made to abandon his thread. If you've nothing to add to the thread, no idea to proffer, why don't you just not post? Or are your lives so inadequate that you have to make youself feel better by proving that you're the 'big man on the internet' with your sarcastic comments and superior spelling.
    Yes I'm an ass, but I only said this cause it's true, there's loads of topics about new SI, but this will just get another 10 or so pages about random stuff like the duck one Voodoo added.
    Also why should I not post my opinion when your just spamming by double posting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nova_Hunter View Post
    Yes I'm an ass, but I only said this cause it's true, there's loads of topics about new SI, but this will just get another 10 or so pages about random stuff like the duck one Voodoo added.
    Also why should I not post my opinion when your just spamming by double posting.
    How dare people try to talk about an already discussed topic on a discussion forum!!


    Nova, chill out - I'm suppose to be the resident asshole who takes things too seriously. Sheesh.

  8. Boomer
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    i think ant-tank is either really young or really "special".

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I say this thread is going nowhere positive.

    First things first, I was aware full well that English may not be his first language when I asked him to consider a spellchecker, and I'm mildly annoyed that some people had enough time on their hands to actually look to pick a fight out of this one. The request to consider a spellchecker was simply because I was having trouble understanding what he meant in places.

    I don't speak any languages to any real level other than English. I know some scratchy German, but not much. If I were to post on a German language forum, I would at least ensure my spelling was correct, as that is something I can check using spellcheckers etc - grammar/syntax is something entirely different, and I would never pull anyone up on that, as it's something you either know or you don't.

    Anyway, the bottom line is this: through bitching and arguing over this, you've managed to make a far bigger deal out of this than it really needed to be. Congrats.


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