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Thread: Ideas for new Items

  1. Junior Member
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    Ideas for new Items

    I think it would be cool if L4D2 included a larger variety of items/objects that would be more commonly encountered in real life. For example, one object that I would like to see would be a kerosene lamp. The lamp would be an object that a survivor can hold (like a propane tank) and it would provide light in a small radius around that person. When the survivor needed to drop the lamp and fight, they could press the "fire" click/trigger and throw the lamp, causing it to break, ignite the fuel, and burn like a Molotov cocktail.

    (please don't flame if someone already stated this idea or If I need to post this in a thread).

    Tell me what you think and if you have any ideas for other objects that could be included in L4D2.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Hmmm, I like the kerosine idea, but since there are flashlights already, don't really see the need for it except for another version of a gas can/ molo. I would like to see more explosives however. Pipebombs are cool, but what about things like an I.E.D or something. Or a claymore! That would be awesome to use to take out a large horde or to ambush the tank with.
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  3. Rob Zombie
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    There are going to be more throwables, I really have no idea what they are going to be though.

    Frag Grenade? Nah. Flashbang? Nah. Smoke grenade? No. Stun Grenade (Rubber Pellets), well that might be pretty cool and usefull if it explodes instantly after touching the ground, without being overpowered like an instant explosion frag.

    If you have one you could use it to stun a large group of zombies running at you or someone else, maybe delay a Tank for a secound or two giving you a chance to run away or fill him full of lead.
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  4. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightsAndNoise View Post
    There are going to be more throwables, I really have no idea what they are going to be though.

    Frag Grenade? Nah. Flashbang? Nah. Smoke grenade? No. Stun Grenade (Rubber Pellets), well that might be pretty cool and usefull if it explodes instantly after touching the ground, without being overpowered like an instant explosion frag.

    If you have one you could use it to stun a large group of zombies running at you or someone else, maybe delay a Tank for a secound or two giving you a chance to run away or fill him full of lead.
    Hmm interesting. I like the stun nade although I wouldn't see rubber pelets effecting the tank. There are already alot of ways to stun the tank as is. However, I do like the stunning of SI's/CI though.

    I honestly wouldn't mind a frag nade. Especially if you got to mess with the timer. I.E pull pin and immediatly throw for a delayed explosion. Or you can pull the pin and hold the frag and time your throw right so you can make it explode on impact or even in mid air. Much like the HL1 Frag nade except obviously a lot better and maybe a 3-4 sec fuse before it goes off. But at the same time not making it a big explosion. Maybe trim it down to 3/4 or maybe 1/2 of a pipe bomb explosion?

    I agree with no Flashbangs and smoke nades. Smoke nades would be usless against the infected period and flashes... well this isn't CS and those would be just annoying as hell. Especially when your teammates flash you. I can see it now. Here comes the hunter... wait for the shot/melee... and *FLASH*... next thing you see is the hunter ripping your face off!
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  5. Rob Zombie
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    Ok, Here is my post on the steam forums (it seems to be the best place for posting annoying SI ideas, or less annoying item ideas.)

    The name of my thread was 'New Item Idea: Stun Grenade.'

    I am talking about those grenades full of rubber pellets that explode, not flash bangs. Edit: Another name is 'Sting Grenade'

    Ok so a normal frag grenade might suck, and one that exploded instantly when it hit the ground would be over-powered (do real ones do that? I don't know it doesn't matter)

    So yeh, how about a a stun grenade, not as usefull as a pipebomb or molotov, but more common, you basically disorientate the infected with it. Big horde rushing at you or a teammate? Chuck the stun grenade and watch as they stumble around confused, mow them down, and nothing will be on fire unlike a molotov so you can walk straight past.

    Tank running at you? Instead of having to place a propane tank then shoot it to stun him, just chuck the grenade, it will buy you a secound or two to get out of his way or fill him full of lead, or both.

    Smoker camping by a plank over a big drop? You can hear him but you can't see him? Lob the stun greande where you think he might be, maybe you will get him, and have enough time to run across it before you are pulled down.

    Hunter on a teammate? Can't get to him? (Surrounded by regular infected/he's really far away) Lob the stun grenade at him, it will knock the hunter off and send him stumbling, but your teammate will also take longer to get up (if not already incapped) so there is a risk of him/her being pounced again.

    Hazmat zombies will also be immune to it, due to their suits protecting them slightly.

    There's questions about how a zombie who will still run at you when being riddled with bullets would get stunned by these pellets (rubber balls), but it is, in my eyes, beleivable.

    The reason for the stun grenades being scattered around the places is that the local armed forces were using them when they thought the infected were just rioters. (See zombies films.)

    I also thought of a flash grenade, but it would be counterstrike all over again, constant team flashing and stuff, don't really think it would be fun. (Also why would the military or police be using them in a riot/epidemic?)

    So yeh, hope you like the idea, they should be more common than pipe bombs and molotovs in campaign, but around the same in versus, also I don't know if you should ever come across more than one, to stop people stunning the tank multiple times (that would be very annoying if you are the tank.)

    Thanks for reading.

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  6. Zombie Dog
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    I Really do like that stun nade idea that you have except for the stunning of a tank. A decent team would destroy a tank in seconds with a weapon like that. Other than stunning the tank. I would really like to see this idea implemented. As well with a frag nade too, like the one I described.
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  7. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by [GF]<Mr.G> View Post

    I Really do like that stun nade idea that you have except for the stunning of a tank. A decent team would destroy a tank in seconds with a weapon like that. Other than stunning the tank. I would really like to see this idea implemented. As well with a frag nade too, like the one I described.
    Yeh, I realised it would suck if you are a tank and get hit, maybe just a few milli secounds, like if you are running at someone they might be able to whip out the stun grenade and delay you for just a small amount of time.
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  8. Zombie Dog
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    Well that sounds more resonable. Like instead of a 'stun' action, it just stops the tank like he hit a wall, that way you can put a little more distance between you and the tank.
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  9. Senior Member
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    There's tons of reasonable and logical weapons, objects and items they could put into the game. Like one look at a MacGyver season and you'd have enough items to feed the greed of Microsoft.

    One particular thing would be to have some kind of object that when it explodes, or through pressure sprays oil or other flammable liquids in a large portion of an area. Then either by a molotov or a bullet, would set it off and set ablaze a huge inferno all around, wherever the liquid decided to land. That would be interesting.

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