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Thread: Cant play online anymore.

  1. On the way to greater things
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    I have been having the same problem. CSS, TF2, all my other games and programs work fine. But when I start L4D and try to join a server, my DSL modem will restart. I have disconnected it from my router and wired directly and still get the same thing. This is very frustrating. Steam should be a bit more helpfull, but they arent.

  2. On the way to greater things
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    I agree with Steam or Valve givein these broad generic answers and just wont come out and say they F-ed up on the last update.

    I have tried all the great help from Iggy and all the goofie help from Steam but I am still dead in the water.
    So I reinstalled GTKRadiant and started back at Q3 mapping untill they put another patch or update out and maybe that might work for me.

    I will put in a shout if I get L4D workin right again but untill then I will be in the old school arena.

  3. Just getting started
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    Same problem

    This sucks eggs!!! Seems to be something with the Siemens DSL modem, a quick google search shows a few threads.

    PLEASE if you figure a work around let me know. The best I have fiound is it's more likely to work if you can host a game local server.

    Never had a problem with Steam before this....

  4. On the way to greater things
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    I have found that if I let the modem restart once or twice, by the 2nd or 3rd time I am able to play. Still locks up when segment ends and your in the safe room changing to the next level. It helps if you ask everyone playing to wait till your actually back, otherwise you find yourself out in the next level and havent had a chance to heal, get ammo, etc...

    Still sucks oranges, but at least I can play. I notice we still have not heard from steam/valve on this issue. Will see what the new week brings.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Oh, and here is a link to Steam's official L4D forums with the same issue. Seems primarily related to AT&t and Speedstream modems.
    Internet connection fails upon server search. - Steam Users' Forums

  6. Just getting started
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  7. On the way to greater things
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    :zombie22:VIVA LA REVOLUTION:zombie27:

    Im posting to that L4D Steam forum at DJakaSmogCop found...
    Internet connection fails upon server search. - Steam Users' Forums

    Thats the same problem I have and it looks like it started for everyone or most everyone after that patch.

    And that Steam Help Ticket I have is getting me no where, the only thing its doing is P*ssing Me Off. They seem to insist that its my setting. Which is not the case.

    I really want to play L4D cause its the best Zombie game around and Im sure L4D II will Kick some tail but I wont know because I wont be buying it and getting only single player.

    :zombie22:VIVA LA REVOLUTION:zombie27:

  8. On the way to greater things
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    DEREZ, where did you go to open a steam ticket? I've been looking but can't find where to go. Have you responded to them lettin them know that quite a few people are having this issue?

  9. On the way to greater things
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    You can submit a ticket at...

    It takes about a day or two for them to get back to you.
    I have had 3 replies from them. In a nutshell they keep saying its my routers fault. (which is BS)

    MMM K I just checked my ticket and they closed it.
    Dont know why.

    They know about the problem or at least I told them that a lot of people are having it. If they care... I dont know.

    Good luck


  10. On the way to greater things
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    Ok Folks. Check out the link posted in a recent post by me for an update on this issue. I opened a ticket yesterday and heard back from them today. I included the link above in my ticket to show them that it was not just me, but many others with this issue. Know what steam did Hmmm They refereed me to a link that contained a cut and paste of one possible solution listed in the link I posted to them! Hows that for help?? Now, wouldn't you think that I would already have seen and considered that fix before opening the ticket since I provided the link in my ticket Anyway, I think my reply to the ticket, which is posted at the link above, is pretty entertaining.

    We will see what happens next.

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