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Thread: A Good Special Infected Idea (Trust Me)

  1. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazyKracker View Post
    I've got an idea for your infected. Not only have it slow them down, instead of blinding them it changes how you move. What I mean my this is that up moves down, down moves left, etc. And everytime you get hit by this infected it randomly decides how the controls work. I've seen this in another game, just can't remember which one.
    Yeah, I know what you're talking about, I've played it before. It just basically reverses your controls.

    It's just gets way to annoying for me to handle.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    I don't know how well it would be received but it would be really fun to use against people who speed run through the level. Or on someone about to crown a witch, all of a sudden there moving in a random direction, and waking the witch. Just a thought.

  3. Boomer
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    The Spitter will help a little against rushing teams, cutting off routes and such however the new maps on LFD2 maybe look slightly too open spaced, and the spitter damage is an increase over time, so I guess rushing over it won't really help out, but it's something.

    I don't mind the Needler idea personally, I just can see it being a little bit overpowered when it comes to Needler + Tank combo's, a good Tank can devastate a team anyway, imagine them being as a slower speed, no chance.

    What's the matter David? Never taken a shortcut before?

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    I would enjoy the idea of a projectile firing slowdown, but now just about every infected can slow down the survivors. A team of survivors is slowed down when they have to rescue their team from a hunter, smoker, or charger. They are also slowed down when spitter goo blocks their path, or when vomited on and blinded by a horde. And now with the jockey being able to further lead them off of the trail, it shouldn't be too difficult to slow down the survivors in L4D2.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

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