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Thread: Why must there be Melee Fatigue in Campaign/SP?

  1. Junior Senior Member
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    Thumbs down Why must there be Melee Fatigue in Campaign/SP?

    Alright, to say right off the bat, I am perfectly fine with Melee Fatigue in Versus as it gives the Infected a fair chance. But after looking at Comic con vids, there is MF in Campaign. But WHy? This games expert campaign is going to be harder from L4D1and it's not like the infected have human players on their team. Imagine how harder L4D1 Expert would have been if MF was implemented.

  2. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    there might be a good reason behind it [hopefully]
    I mean, we dont really know TOOO much about l4d2 anyway.
    like, there are newer [supposedly better] guns too, so that might balance it out.
    it still does suck a bit though.

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  3. Chicago Ted
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    actually, you dont really need to melee often unless your out in the open, or a large horde is coming for you.

  4. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazyCat View Post
    actually, you dont really need to melee often unless your out in the open, or a large horde is coming for you.
    But that happens most of the time. However, I did notice that actuall Melee weapons such as the Axe or Frying Pan have no FP Lady Pwn, so I guess that's the good thing.

  5. Zombie Cat
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    I think it's a good idea, I can make it through an entire expert campaign without melee spamming in a corner or wherever else. I figured they were going to do this before it was announced because they added it to Versus and when Survival was included in it. If you don't already feel like it is a good/fair feature then try going through a campaign a difficulty like Advanced and avoid melee spamming as much as possible and play with it in mind and by the time L4D2 comes out you'll be used to it.

  6. Boomer
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    Quote Originally Posted by RebornPanda View Post
    Alright, to say right off the bat, I am perfectly fine with Melee Fatigue in Versus as it gives the Infected a fair chance. But after looking at Comic con vids, there is MF in Campaign. But WHy? This games expert campaign is going to be harder from L4D1and it's not like the infected have human players on their team. Imagine how harder L4D1 Expert would have been if MF was implemented.
    Because they are balancing it out as a perk associated with the adrenaline needle.

  7. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sloppinjoe View Post
    Because they are balancing it out as a perk associated with the adrenaline needle.
    I'm guessing that along with the fact Valve is attempting to rid of corner camping from their game. MF is going to be a b**** when we have to run a gauntlet and don't have a needle.

  8. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    I'm guessing that along with the fact Valve is attempting to rid of corner camping from their game. MF is going to be a b**** when we have to run a gauntlet and don't have a needle.
    I also bet that these needles are going to hard to find and very few.

  9. Hunter
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    Cuz you can't have the MF in one gamemode and not the others.

    Everything has to carry over.

    MF is never a problem is you work things out correctly.

  10. THE TANK
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    I don't worry too much about this. For many, it will make expert difficulties more challenging, and the easier difficulties will still be easy enough on their own to not need the freedom to melee whenever.

    It also makes melee weapons seem a little more valuable, and encourge players to use molotovs, pipe bombs, and their weapons a bits more. And with adrenaline shots allowing players to quickly flee to a better spot to ward off the infected, I think it will all balance out.
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