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Thread: STUPID The Last Stand DEATH FEST!

  1. Banned
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    STUPID The Last Stand DEATH FEST!

    AUGH! Any tips on surviving The Last Stand till the gold? I always die before or a little after earning bronze.

  2. I've done my time
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    The Last Stand requires planning and an incredible amount of teamwork.


    - Camp at the lighthouse tower. This is the only place for guaranteed long term survival.


    - Teamwork is essential - be aware of your teammates at all times.
    - Supplies (pipe bombs, gas cans, molotovs, etc.) need to be conserved. Not wasted.
    - Smokers are your worst enemy.
    - Tanks need to be eliminated ASAP.


    Set up gas canisters in places where you know the horde will run through. You need to create potential obstacles for the horde and any SI.

    Recommended areas to place canisters:

    - place a gas can where the healthpacks and ammo are - the horde will usually run up that side of the house giving you a chance to burn them all before they can get on the roof.

    - place a gas can at the top of the road that leads down to the chainlink fence. The horde will occasionally spawn behind the fence and will run up the road. Placing a gas can here creates a choke point. You'll kill dozens of zombies before they can even reach the house.

    - place a gas can on each side of the rooftop. Make sure they are separated enough so that they don't catch each other on fire.

    - place a gas can at the bottom of the ladder that leads up to the first platform.

    - place a gas can on the roof of the generator room. Tanks, SI and the horde will climb up that roof.

    DO NOT - I REPEAT - DO NOT SHOOT THE GAS CANS FOR THE FIRST WAVE. The first wave of the horde is always the easiest to combat. You need to CONSERVE the gas cans for future hordes.

    DO NOT - I REPEAT - DO NOT SHOOT ALL GAS CANS AT ONCE! This does nothing but create a pretty sea of fire. You'll kill several infected, sure, but you've just wasted all of your precious fire. Realize that you want to survive for 10 minutes. Fire only lasts a few seconds. Shoot one at a time or two if you must. Never all at once.


    --- what you're essentially doing is trying to stop the Horde from getting onto the roof. If the infected are caught in the fire then you'll only have to worry about Tanks and other SI. If you have extra gas canisters bring them up to the lighthouse platform and save them for later.

    --- place a propane tank at the top of the ladder that leads to the first platform. You can shoot the propane tank to stun the Tank once he climbs up. 90% of the time he will fall off the roof giving you a chance to reload, pop pills, etc.

    --- Conserve pipebombs and molotovs! It's best to wait until after the 2nd Tank before you start using them. MULTIPLE TANKS CAN/WILL SPAWN so you need to BE PREPARED.

    --- Tanks need to be killed ASAP. Since you'll be camping high up the tower, one punch can send multiple survivors sailing to their deaths. If two or more people have shotguns they need to be prepared to blast him while he's climbing up to the roof.

    --- NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF THE TANK. I can't tell you how many times I've been standing on the tower waiting for him to show up only to be punched in my back and into the ocean. He might be a big bastard but he can be sneaky. Keep him close but not to close -- just make sure you know where he is at all times.

    --- Smokers are your worst enemy, even worst than the Tank. If you are snatched off the roof or happen to fall down to the groundthere's a big chance you won't get back up. Even if someone saves you from the smoker. Even if you are still in green health - your almost guaranteed to die. Infected will get in your way. Hunters will appear and pounce quickly. Scream for cover fire if you have a mic.

    --- Hunters CAN leap up from the ground onto the platform dealing incredible amounts of damage if they pounce you. Since you'll be using a lot of fire, there will be Flamming Hunters soaring all over. The last thing you want to do is get pinned by a hunter on fire.

    --- Boomers are nuisance but nothing to fear. They'll usually camp underneath the platform on the rooftop below. If they DO climb up, PUSH THEM, don't SHOOT. Being covered in slime here isn't a problem but it's a hassle you don't need. You need to be able to SEE everything.

    --- Stay away from the edge! If you must look over to shoot be on the look out for smokers. Again, they are your worst enemy!

    The best advice I can give you is just be aware and be prepared. You need to watch out for your teammates at all times and know exactly where Tanks and other SI are before they can get too close. You want to kill the horde before they can get to close and stop SI before they can land their special attacks.
    - fight with me, not beside me -

  3. Banned
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    Thanks! I tried it. Got to silver. Would have made gold if some guy hadn't tried the Jesus rock. He got punted into the boat.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    try the room next to the weapons, ammo, medpacks. just go one person each corner and ofc nuke the tanks fast. u can get ammo and 4 extra medpacks which makes it a lot easier


  5. Regular Joe Member
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    Good plan. Similar to the way I did it pretty much.

    Also I've noticed that smokers can have a hard time hitting a moving target, since the tongue takes a little time to get to you from long distances. So getting up on the top lighthouse level and running circles around it can help a lot. Don't sit still for too long and keep your head on a swivel as they say. It also makes it easier to spot tanks from afar and you have a bit of cover from the lighthouse middle.... but beware that the tank can get all the way up there simply by grabbing the edge, so watch out.

    You can also use the lighthouse center structure to play chicken with tanks if you get desperate... but you have to be quick because it can out flank you and give you a face full of fist.

  6. Senior-Senior Member
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    A good place to fight the horde is from the top of the lighthouse on the wraparound walk way. This gives the best line of sight and forces all of the Infected to climb up, slowing them down greatly.
    Having at least one Survivor with a hunting rifle is almost necessary given the sight lines available and the constant threat of distant Smokers pulling Survivors off the roof.
    Assault rifles also come in handy to shoot the Infected and Tanks before they even reach the Survivors.
    Shotguns are extremely useful when Hunters pounce and for clearing out any Infected that do make it up to the Survivors. However, fighting Tanks from here is a bad idea, as explained later, so using a shotgun against a Tank here is ill-advised. Therefore, having no one with a shotgun is not a bad idea, while having more than one Survivor carrying a shotgun is a waste.
    Molotovs and pipe bombs often start up here. If an ammo run is needed, the best place to run is the roof of the generator room since it requires less climbing and keeps you off the ground.
    Investing time before the round starts to bring all of the gas cans and propane tanks up to the very top of the lighthouse is a good idea. The best place to keep them is on the highest part of the lighthouse, above the wraparound balcony, to prevent stray bullets from causing the team's death. A sniper perched up here can throw them down and use them when/where needed. However, camping up here makes an easy target for Smokers, so the sniper has to keep moving and be alert.
    The downfalls to this strategy are the breakable railings and possibility of getting knocked off the roof and killed by the Tank. To avoid these pitfalls, keep moving so Smokers can't drag anyone off the roof and take care to stay away from the edges, where someone might be left helplessly hanging. Also, when Tanks come, it's much wiser to move down to a lower level of the roof as the blind corners and deadly drops give Tanks the only advantages they need.
    Smokers generally attack from behind trees on the hills located to the Survivors left from the start as well as from the ground and lower levels of the roof on the waterfront side of the house. On the hill side, Smokers are extremely difficult to see or shoot, and on the water side they can pull the Survivors all the way down to the ground, causing almost certain death for the victim. The damage doesn't come from the fall but from being pulled so far away from the rest of the Survivors.
    The best way to fight Smokers is to keep moving, watch for the Smoker's spore cloud, and carry ranged weapons. Good communication with other players is also critical to staying alive.
    A fun but wasteful idea is to spread all of the gas cans and propane tanks out on the ground around the light house. When the horde comes, throw a molotov cocktail or pipe bomb down and watch the entire ground be set on fire with intermittent explosions. As before, this is fun to watch but leaves the Survivors with no gas cans or propane tanks to fight with.
    Another good spot to defend from the horde is inside the house, all of the Survivors should use auto shotguns or three auto shotguns and one assault rifle.
    The advantage to this tactic is that the Hunters and especially Smokers become way less effective. This is because each Survivor is positioned in their own corner of the room. When a Hunter pounces someone you just shoot at it once and it should be quickly killed. When a Smoker tries to drag you out they are basically standing unprotected, which means that you can shoot them directly or go ahead and punch your friend free.
    The gas cans should be stationed around the house and especially outside the front door to keep that way clear. You should also keep yourselves stacked with pipe bombs.
    The Tanks die really quickly if you are using shotguns at close range and this strategy deals with the Tank at very close range. When a Tank arrives, have everyone in the group concentrate their attacks onto the Tank and it should be dead in seconds.
    Do your best to avoid incapacitation as it can be quite hard for the others to get you up. You may wish to heal slightly earlier than usual.
    There is a glitch in this level that leaves you untouchable by all opponents, save for the Smokers. To exploit the glitch, one must go down the hill until they find two trees sprouting in front of a rock. By jumping between the trees and the rock, your character becomes stuck in the space, and Infected are usually unable to reach you. Tanks also seem to die upon approaching. Even when grabbed by a Smoker, your character cannot be dragged, and therefore will not die
    My dog

  7. Zombie Rat
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    Wow. This topic is epic. Thank you for making such a incredible survival manual. I will definitely use this tonight.

    Five Star Thread !!
    X-Box Live Gamer Tag: gabrielzer0
    That is a zero at the end not the letter "o".

  8. Just getting started
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    Don’t forget to eat lots of pills.

  9. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pills View Post
    Don’t forget to eat lots of pills.


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