In Deaths EXodus [IdX] is recruiting anyone, we mostly paly L4D, but we play
TF2 and some other games, our moto is: Gamers banding together for a common goal.

There's condition:
You need to speak english.
You need to play L4D, TF2, HL2 Deathmatch and/or CSS (but L4D would be better).
Do not cause trouble in the group, be happy no worry
AND you need to PM me in STEAM at [IdX] syl169 (that's me, because the administrator doesnt have time so i do that for him) for invite, why? because its a private group, but everyone in the group can invite

For more information you can watch the youtube video:
YouTube - IdX The Steam Group

Or, the we have the hotmail, E-MAIL for some information at:

Thanks for every body joining


Yes, we change the skin, Champloo is working on it =D