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Thread: Game crashes to desktop when playable infected shows up

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    Game crashes to desktop when playable infected shows up


    My game crashes to desktop quite often. Oddly, it seems to happen whenever I interact closely with a playable type infected (for instance, when a Hunter pounces on me, or when I shoot a Boomer that is close to me). No error message is displayed. The image just freezes up a fraction of a second, and then I'm on my desktop.

    I've checked windows XP's event viewer, but nothing is logged concerning the crashes.

    I've tried activating or de-activating many graphic option in the game, but nothing seems to prevent the crashes.

    I've tried using the in-game settings for FSAA or filtering, as well as forcing the options through the Catalyst interface, but I get crashes anyways.

    I've de-activated my antivirus, but I still get the crashes.

    XP, graphic and audio drivers are up to date.

    Crashes happen both online or in single player.

    Anybody care to help? The game is nice, and I'd like to play it for more than a few minutes in a row...

    Here's my DxDiag:

    System Information
    Time of this report: 9/27/2009, 16:51:57
           Machine name: PHILIPPE
       Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090206-1234)
               Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: INTEL_
           System Model: DP35DP__
                   BIOS: Default System BIOS
              Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8400  @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
                 Memory: 3322MB RAM
              Page File: 944MB used, 4261MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
        DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
         DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode
    DxDiag Notes
      DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
          Display Tab 1: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 1: The file ctaud2k.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).  You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.
            Sound Tab 2: The file AtiHdmi.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).  You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.
              Music Tab: No problems found.
              Input Tab: No problems found.
            Network Tab: No problems found.
    DirectX Debug Levels
    Direct3D:    0/4 (n/a)
    DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
    DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
    DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectShow:  0/6 (retail)
    Display Devices
            Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series 
         Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
            Chip type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x9442)
             DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
           Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9442&SUBSYS_E810174B&REV_00
       Display Memory: 512.0 MB
         Current Mode: 1920 x 1200 (32 bit) (60Hz)
              Monitor: SyncMaster 275T(Digital)
      Monitor Max Res: 1920,1200
          Driver Name: ati2dvag.dll
       Driver Version: 6.14.0010.6999 (English)
          DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
     Driver Date/Size: 8/13/2009 22:27:20, 345600 bytes
          WHQL Logo'd: Yes
      WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
                  VDD: n/a
             Mini VDD: ati2mtag.sys
        Mini VDD Date: 8/14/2009 00:27:00, 4485632 bytes
    Device Identifier: {D7B71EE2-D702-11CF-AC6F-1AC8A1C2CB35}
            Vendor ID: 0x1002
            Device ID: 0x9442
            SubSys ID: 0xE810174B
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D 
     Deinterlace Caps: {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                       {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                       {3C5323C1-6FB7-44F5-9081-056BF2EE449D}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,2) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {552C0DAD-CCBC-420B-83C8-74943CF9F1A6}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,2) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
             Registry: OK
         DDraw Status: Enabled
           D3D Status: Enabled
           AGP Status: Enabled
    DDraw Test Result: Not run
     D3D7 Test Result: Not run
     D3D8 Test Result: Not run
     D3D9 Test Result: Not run
    Sound Devices
                Description: SB X-Fi Audio [1000]
     Default Sound Playback: Yes
     Default Voice Playback: Yes
                Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_0005&SUBSYS_00311102&REV_00
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys
             Driver Version: 6.00.0001.1373 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: No
              Date and Size: 6/4/2009 02:47:14, 526232 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: Creative
             HW Accel Level: Full
                  Cap Flags: 0xF5F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 1, 192000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 128, 128
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 128, 128
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: Yes
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                   Registry: OK
          Sound Test Result: Not run
                Description: ATI HD Audio rear output
     Default Sound Playback: No
     Default Voice Playback: No
                Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1001
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: AtiHdmi.sys
             Driver Version: 5.00.40001.0009 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: No
              Date and Size: 7/20/2007 19:40:10, 84992 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: ATI
             HW Accel Level: Full
                  Cap Flags: 0xB5B
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 32000, 48000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                   Registry: OK
          Sound Test Result: Not run
    Sound Capture Devices
                Description: SB X-Fi Audio [1000]
      Default Sound Capture: Yes
      Default Voice Capture: Yes
                Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys
             Driver Version: 6.00.0001.1373 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
              Date and Size: 6/4/2009 02:47:14, 526232 bytes
                  Cap Flags: 0x41
               Format Flags: 0xFFF
            DLS Path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\GM.DLS
         DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
        Acceleration: Enabled
               Ports: SB X-Fi DMusic Synth [1000], Hardware (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port
                      SB X-Fi Audio [1000], Software (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      SB X-Fi Synth B [1000] [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      SB X-Fi Synth A [1000] [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal
            Registry: OK
         Test Result: Not run
    DirectInput Devices
          Device Name: Mouse
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: G13
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC21C
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: MTE-450
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x0065
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Wacom Virtual Hid Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x1001
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Wacom Virtual Hid Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x1001
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Wacom Virtual Hid Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x1001
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Virtual Keyboard Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x2001
            FF Driver: n/a
    Poll w/ Interrupt: No
             Registry: OK
    USB Devices
    + USB Root Hub
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x2936
    | Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub
    | Service: usbhub
    | Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
    | Driver: usbd.sys, 8/4/2004 06:00:00, 4736 bytes
    Gameport Devices
    PS/2 Devices
    + Logitech HID-Compliant Keyboard
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71E
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_046d&pid_c71e
    | Lower Filters: LHidFilt
    | Service: kbdhid
    | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 14592 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    | Driver: LHidFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:06, 35472 bytes
    | Driver: WdfCoInstaller01005.dll, 6/22/2007 11:34:02, 1419232 bytes
    + HID Keyboard Device
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
    | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard
    | Service: kbdhid
    | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 14592 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    + HID Keyboard Device
    | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard
    | Service: kbdhid
    | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 14592 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    + Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
    | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd
    | Upper Filters: kbdclass
    | Service: TermDD
    | Driver: termdd.sys, 4/13/2008 20:13:20, 40840 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    + HID-compliant mouse
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC506
    | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse
    | Service: mouhid
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: mouhid.sys, 8/17/2001 13:48:00, 12160 bytes
    + HID-compliant Bluetooth Mouse
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_046d&pid_c71f&col01
    | Upper Filters: LMouFilt
    | Lower Filters: LHidFilt
    | Service: mouhid
    | Driver: mouhid.sys, 8/17/2001 13:48:00, 12160 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: LHidFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:06, 35472 bytes
    | Driver: LMouFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:16, 37392 bytes
    | Driver: KHALMNPR.Exe, 6/17/2009 12:55:10, 55824 bytes
    | Driver: WdfCoInstaller01005.dll, 6/22/2007 11:34:02, 1419232 bytes
    + Logitech HID-compliant Touch Pad Mouse
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_046d&pid_c71f&col02
    | Upper Filters: LMouFilt
    | Lower Filters: LHidFilt
    | Service: mouhid
    | Driver: mouhid.sys, 8/17/2001 13:48:00, 12160 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: LHidFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:06, 35472 bytes
    | Driver: LMouFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:16, 37392 bytes
    | Driver: KHALMNPR.Exe, 6/17/2009 12:55:10, 55824 bytes
    | Driver: WdfCoInstaller01005.dll, 6/22/2007 11:34:02, 1419232 bytes
    + Wacom Mouse Monitor
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x0065
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_056a&pid_0065&col01
    | Upper Filters: wacmoumonitor
    | Service: mouhid
    + Wacom Mouse
    | Matching Device ID: hid\wacomvirtualhid&col03
    | Upper Filters: wacommousefilter
    | Service: mouhid
    + Terminal Server Mouse Driver
    | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou
    | Upper Filters: mouclass
    | Service: TermDD
    | Driver: termdd.sys, 4/13/2008 20:13:20, 40840 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    DirectPlay Service Providers
    DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay Voice Wizard Tests: Full Duplex: Not run, Half Duplex: Not run, Mic: Not run
    DirectPlay Test Result: Not run
    Registry: OK
    DirectPlay Adapters
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM1
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM2
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: Local Area Connection - IPv4 - 
    DirectPlay Voice Codecs
    Voxware VR12 1.4kbit/s
    Voxware SC06 6.4kbit/s
    Voxware SC03 3.2kbit/s
    MS-PCM 64 kbit/s
    MS-ADPCM 32.8 kbit/s
    Microsoft GSM 6.10 13 kbit/s
    TrueSpeech(TM) 8.6 kbit/s
    DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps
    Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
          Drive: C:
     Free Space: 8.5 GB
    Total Space: 70.9 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: WDC WD740GD-00FLC0
          Drive: D:
     Free Space: 7.7 GB
    Total Space: 30.7 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: Maxtor 6Y120M0
          Drive: E:
     Free Space: 412.1 GB
    Total Space: 715.4 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: LaCie   d2Next-Quadra
          Drive: F:
     Free Space: 42.3 GB
    Total Space: 86.5 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: Maxtor 6Y120M0
          Drive: H:
          Model: ATAPI DVD DD 2X16X4X16
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:46, 62976 bytes
    System Devices
         Name: Intel(R) Management Engine Interface
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C4&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&18
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) G33/G31/P35 Express Chipset PCI Express Root Port - 29C1
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&08
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) G33/G31/P35 Express Chipset Processor to I/O Controller - 29C0
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&00
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_294C&SUBSYS_00018086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&C8
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 5 - 2948
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2948&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E4
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 4 - 2946
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2946&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E3
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 3 - 2944
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2944&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E2
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 2942
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2942&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 2940
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2940&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293C&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D7
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 30208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:11:54, 7168 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293A&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&EF
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 30208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:11:54, 7168 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2939&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D2
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2938&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2937&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2936&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&EA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2935&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E9
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2934&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family SMBus Controller - 2930
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2930&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&FB
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 2926
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&FD
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:30, 96512 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2920
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&FA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:30, 96512 bytes
         Name: PCI standard ISA bridge
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2916&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&F8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\isapnp.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:41, 37248 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_92\3&61AAA01&0&F0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_11AB&DEV_6101&SUBSYS_610111AB&REV_B2\4&84CCC20&0&00E1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:30, 96512 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
         Name: Creative SB X-Fi
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_0005&SUBSYS_00311102&REV_00\4&2C3BA146&0&10F0
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8023&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_00\4&2C3BA146&0&18F0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ohci1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:46:18, 61696 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\1394bus.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:46:18, 53376 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nic1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:51:25, 61824 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\arp1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:51:25, 60800 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\enum1394.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 09:46:40, 6400 bytes
         Name: Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AA30&SUBSYS_AA30174B&REV_00\4&1E683DFA&0&0108
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 4/13/2008 12:36:05, 144384 bytes
         Name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series 
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9442&SUBSYS_E810174B&REV_00\4&1E683DFA&0&0008
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ati2mtag.sys, 6.14.0010.6999 (English), 8/14/2009 00:27:00, 4485632 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ati2erec.dll, 1.00.0000.0019 (English), 8/13/2009 21:17:58, 53248 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2dvag.dll, 6.14.0010.6999 (English), 8/13/2009 22:27:20, 345600 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2cqag.dll, 6.14.0010.0441 (English), 8/13/2009 21:12:18, 614400 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2mdxx.exe, 6.14.0010.2495 (English), 8/13/2009 22:09:46, 26112 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati3duag.dll, 6.14.0010.0697 (English), 8/13/2009 21:58:06, 3492576 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativvaxx.dll, 6.14.0010.0233 (English), 8/13/2009 21:42:42, 2081920 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiicdxx.dat, 7/14/2009 11:09:12, 197654 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativva5x.dat, 8/13/2009 21:42:20, 3 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativva6x.dat, 8/13/2009 21:42:20, 887724 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\amdpcom32.dll, 6.14.0010.0023 (English), 8/13/2009 21:25:46, 49664 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atimpc32.dll, 6.14.0010.0023 (English), 8/13/2009 21:25:46, 49664 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiadlxx.dll, 6.14.0010.1052 (English), 8/13/2009 21:19:06, 163840 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativvaxx.cap, 8/13/2009 21:42:22, 286560 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIDDC.DLL, 6.14.0010.0008 (English), 8/13/2009 22:06:30, 53248 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atitvo32.dll, 6.14.0010.4200 (English), 8/13/2009 21:18:42, 17408 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativcoxx.dll, 6.13.0010.0005 (English), 11/9/2001 11:01:04, 24064 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2evxx.exe, 6.14.0010.4227 (English), 8/13/2009 22:08:00, 602112 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2evxx.dll, 6.14.0010.4178 (English), 8/13/2009 22:09:22, 155648 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atipdlxx.dll, 6.14.0010.2559 (English), 8/13/2009 22:10:18, 204800 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Oemdspif.dll, 6.15.0006.0006 (English), 8/13/2009 22:10:00, 155648 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2edxx.dll, 6.14.0010.2514 (English), 8/13/2009 22:09:36, 43520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atikvmag.dll, 6.14.0010.0111 (English), 8/13/2009 21:21:18, 561152 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atifglpf.xml, 6/4/2009 17:37:46, 7167 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIDEMGX.dll, 2.00.3512.38652 (English), 8/13/2009 22:28:26, 446464 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticaldd.dll, 6.14.0010.0403 (English), 8/13/2009 21:19:10, 3469312 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticalrt.dll, 6.14.0010.0403 (English), 8/13/2009 21:21:04, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticalcl.dll, 6.14.0010.0403 (English), 8/13/2009 21:20:50, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atibtmon.exe, 2.00.0000.0000 (English), 5/11/2009 17:35:28, 118784 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiok3x2.dll, 6.14.0010.8918 (English), 8/13/2009 21:17:02, 376832 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atioglxx.dll, 6.14.0010.8918 (English), 8/13/2009 21:47:56, 12959744 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiiiexx.dll, 6.14.0010.4006 (English), 8/13/2009 22:00:10, 311296 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\atiogl.xml, 7/28/2009 02:37:12, 18632 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIODCLI.exe, 1.00.0000.0001 (English), 2/3/2009 16:52:02, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIODE.exe, 1.00.0000.0001 (English), 2/18/2009 13:55:20, 294912 bytes
    DirectX Components
       ddraw.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 279552 bytes
     ddrawex.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 27136 bytes
       dxapi.sys: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 10496 bytes
        d3d8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 1179648 bytes
     d3d8thk.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 8192 bytes
        d3d9.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 1689088 bytes
       d3dim.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 436224 bytes
    d3dim700.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 824320 bytes
     d3dramp.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 590336 bytes
       d3drm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 350208 bytes
      d3dxof.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 47616 bytes
    d3dpmesh.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 34816 bytes
       dplay.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 33040 bytes
      dplayx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 229888 bytes
    dpmodemx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 23552 bytes
     dpwsock.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 42768 bytes
    dpwsockx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 57344 bytes
    dplaysvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:17 29696 bytes
      dpnsvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:17 17920 bytes
       dpnet.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 375296 bytes
    dpnlobby.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:09:20 3072 bytes
     dpnaddr.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:09:19 3072 bytes
     dpvoice.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 212480 bytes
    dpvsetup.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:18 83456 bytes
      dpvvox.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 116736 bytes
      dpvacm.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 21504 bytes
    dpnhpast.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 35328 bytes
    dpnhupnp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 60928 bytes
    dpserial.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 53520 bytes
      dinput.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 158720 bytes
     dinput8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 181760 bytes
       dimap.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 44032 bytes
    diactfrm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 394240 bytes
         joy.cpl: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:41 68608 bytes
       gcdef.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 76800 bytes
         pid.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:02 35328 bytes
    gameenum.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:45:30 10624 bytes
      dsound.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 367616 bytes
    dsound3d.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 1293824 bytes
      dswave.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 19456 bytes
       dsdmo.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 181248 bytes
    dsdmoprp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 71680 bytes
      dmusic.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 104448 bytes
      dmband.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 28672 bytes
    dmcompos.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 61440 bytes
       dmime.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 181248 bytes
    dmloader.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 35840 bytes
     dmstyle.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 105984 bytes
     dmsynth.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 103424 bytes
    dmscript.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 82432 bytes
      system.dll: 1.01.4322.2407 English Final Retail 8/10/2008 00:16:47 1232896 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 473600 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 5.04.0000.3900 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:31 2676224 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.04.0091.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:32 2846720 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:32 563712 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.06.0168.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:32 567296 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.07.0239.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 576000 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.08.0299.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 577024 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.09.0376.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 577536 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.10.0455.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 577536 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.11.0519.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 578560 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.12.0589.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 578560 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 145920 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 159232 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 364544 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:36 178176 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:34 53248 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:34 12800 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:34 223232 bytes
       dx7vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 619008 bytes
       dx8vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 1227264 bytes
     dxdiagn.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 2113536 bytes
       mfc40.dll: 4.01.0000.6140 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 924432 bytes
       mfc42.dll: 6.02.4131.0000 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:56 1028096 bytes
     wsock32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:10 22528 bytes
    amstream.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:49 70656 bytes
     devenum.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 59904 bytes
      dxmasf.dll: 6.04.0009.1133 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 498742 bytes
    mciqtz32.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:56 35328 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 148992 bytes
       msdmo.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:59 14336 bytes
      encapi.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:53 20480 bytes
        qasf.dll: 11.00.5721.5145 English Final Retail 10/18/2006 21:47:18 211456 bytes
        qcap.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 192512 bytes
         qdv.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 279040 bytes
        qdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 386048 bytes
       qedit.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 562176 bytes
    qedwipes.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 13:21:32 733696 bytes
      quartz.dll: 6.05.2600.5822 English Final Retail 6/3/2009 15:09:37 1291264 bytes
     strmdll.dll: 4.01.0000.3937 English Final Retail 10/3/2008 06:02:42 247326 bytes 2.00.0005.0053 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 199680 bytes 4.51.0016.0003 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 848384 bytes
     ir41_qc.dll: 4.30.0062.0002 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 120320 bytes
    ir41_qcx.dll: 4.30.0064.0001 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 338432 bytes
     ir50_32.dll: 5.2562.0015.0055 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 755200 bytes
     ir50_qc.dll: 5.00.0063.0048 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 200192 bytes
    ir50_qcx.dll: 5.00.0064.0048 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 183808 bytes 5.10.0002.0051 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 154624 bytes
    mswebdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5857 English Final Retail 8/5/2009 05:01:48 204800 bytes
          ks.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 15:16:36 141056 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 129536 bytes
      ksuser.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:56 4096 bytes
      stream.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:45:16 49408 bytes
    mspclock.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:50 5376 bytes
       mspqm.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:52 4992 bytes
     mskssrv.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:52 7552 bytes
      swenum.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:53 4352 bytes
       mstee.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:50 5504 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 18432 bytes
      bdasup.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 11776 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 56832 bytes
    psisdecd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:04 363520 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 33280 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 16384 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 118272 bytes
      ndisip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 10880 bytes
         mpe.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 15232 bytes
    streamip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 15232 bytes
    msvidctl.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:01 1428992 bytes
        slip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:24 11136 bytes
    nabtsfec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:26 85248 bytes
    ccdecode.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:24 17024 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 30208 bytes
       msyuv.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:01 16896 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 61952 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 43008 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 91136 bytes
    vfwwdm32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:08 53760 bytes
    wstcodec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:24 19200 bytes
    wstdecod.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:10 50688 bytes

  2. Chicago Ted
    Join Date
    Post Thanks / Like
    Quote Originally Posted by nissaire View Post

    My game crashes to desktop quite often. Oddly, it seems to happen whenever I interact closely with a playable type infected (for instance, when a Hunter pounces on me, or when I shoot a Boomer that is close to me). No error message is displayed. The image just freezes up a fraction of a second, and then I'm on my desktop.

    I've checked windows XP's event viewer, but nothing is logged concerning the crashes.

    I've tried activating or de-activating many graphic option in the game, but nothing seems to prevent the crashes.

    I've tried using the in-game settings for FSAA or filtering, as well as forcing the options through the Catalyst interface, but I get crashes anyways.

    I've de-activated my antivirus, but I still get the crashes.

    XP, graphic and audio drivers are up to date.

    Crashes happen both online or in single player.

    Anybody care to help? The game is nice, and I'd like to play it for more than a few minutes in a row...

    Here's my DxDiag:

    System Information
    Time of this report: 9/27/2009, 16:51:57
           Machine name: PHILIPPE
       Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 (2600.xpsp_sp3_gdr.090206-1234)
               Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: INTEL_
           System Model: DP35DP__
                   BIOS: Default System BIOS
              Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8400  @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
                 Memory: 3322MB RAM
              Page File: 944MB used, 4261MB available
            Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
        DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
         DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.5512 32bit Unicode
    DxDiag Notes
      DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
          Display Tab 1: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 1: The file ctaud2k.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).  You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.
            Sound Tab 2: The file AtiHdmi.sys is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL).  You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.
              Music Tab: No problems found.
              Input Tab: No problems found.
            Network Tab: No problems found.
    DirectX Debug Levels
    Direct3D:    0/4 (n/a)
    DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
    DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
    DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
    DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectShow:  0/6 (retail)
    Display Devices
            Card name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series 
         Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
            Chip type: ATI Radeon Graphics Processor (0x9442)
             DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
           Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9442&SUBSYS_E810174B&REV_00
       Display Memory: 512.0 MB
         Current Mode: 1920 x 1200 (32 bit) (60Hz)
              Monitor: SyncMaster 275T(Digital)
      Monitor Max Res: 1920,1200
          Driver Name: ati2dvag.dll
       Driver Version: 6.14.0010.6999 (English)
          DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
    Driver Attributes: Final Retail
     Driver Date/Size: 8/13/2009 22:27:20, 345600 bytes
          WHQL Logo'd: Yes
      WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
                  VDD: n/a
             Mini VDD: ati2mtag.sys
        Mini VDD Date: 8/14/2009 00:27:00, 4485632 bytes
    Device Identifier: {D7B71EE2-D702-11CF-AC6F-1AC8A1C2CB35}
            Vendor ID: 0x1002
            Device ID: 0x9442
            SubSys ID: 0xE810174B
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          Revision ID: 0x0000
          Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D 
     Deinterlace Caps: {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                       {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                       {3C5323C1-6FB7-44F5-9081-056BF2EE449D}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,2) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {552C0DAD-CCBC-420B-83C8-74943CF9F1A6}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,2) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {6E8329FF-B642-418B-BCF0-BCB6591E255F}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                       {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
             Registry: OK
         DDraw Status: Enabled
           D3D Status: Enabled
           AGP Status: Enabled
    DDraw Test Result: Not run
     D3D7 Test Result: Not run
     D3D8 Test Result: Not run
     D3D9 Test Result: Not run
    Sound Devices
                Description: SB X-Fi Audio [1000]
     Default Sound Playback: Yes
     Default Voice Playback: Yes
                Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_0005&SUBSYS_00311102&REV_00
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys
             Driver Version: 6.00.0001.1373 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: No
              Date and Size: 6/4/2009 02:47:14, 526232 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: Creative
             HW Accel Level: Full
                  Cap Flags: 0xF5F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 1, 192000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 128, 128
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 128, 128
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: Yes
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: Yes, Yes
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                   Registry: OK
          Sound Test Result: Not run
                Description: ATI HD Audio rear output
     Default Sound Playback: No
     Default Voice Playback: No
                Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1002&DEV_AA01&SUBSYS_00AA0100&REV_1001
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: AtiHdmi.sys
             Driver Version: 5.00.40001.0009 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: No
              Date and Size: 7/20/2007 19:40:10, 84992 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: ATI
             HW Accel Level: Full
                  Cap Flags: 0xB5B
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 32000, 48000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                   Registry: OK
          Sound Test Result: Not run
    Sound Capture Devices
                Description: SB X-Fi Audio [1000]
      Default Sound Capture: Yes
      Default Voice Capture: Yes
                Driver Name: ctaud2k.sys
             Driver Version: 6.00.0001.1373 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
              Date and Size: 6/4/2009 02:47:14, 526232 bytes
                  Cap Flags: 0x41
               Format Flags: 0xFFF
            DLS Path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\GM.DLS
         DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
        Acceleration: Enabled
               Ports: SB X-Fi DMusic Synth [1000], Hardware (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port
                      SB X-Fi Audio [1000], Software (Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      SB X-Fi Synth B [1000] [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      SB X-Fi Synth A [1000] [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
                      Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal
            Registry: OK
         Test Result: Not run
    DirectInput Devices
          Device Name: Mouse
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: G13
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC21C
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech BT Mini-Receiver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: MTE-450
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x0065
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Saitek Eclipse II Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Wacom Virtual Hid Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x1001
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Wacom Virtual Hid Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x1001
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Wacom Virtual Hid Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x1001
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Virtual Keyboard Driver
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x2001
            FF Driver: n/a
    Poll w/ Interrupt: No
             Registry: OK
    USB Devices
    + USB Root Hub
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x2936
    | Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub
    | Service: usbhub
    | Driver: usbhub.sys, 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
    | Driver: usbd.sys, 8/4/2004 06:00:00, 4736 bytes
    Gameport Devices
    PS/2 Devices
    + Logitech HID-Compliant Keyboard
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71E
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_046d&pid_c71e
    | Lower Filters: LHidFilt
    | Service: kbdhid
    | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 14592 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    | Driver: LHidFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:06, 35472 bytes
    | Driver: WdfCoInstaller01005.dll, 6/22/2007 11:34:02, 1419232 bytes
    + HID Keyboard Device
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x06A3, 0x8021
    | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard
    | Service: kbdhid
    | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 14592 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    + HID Keyboard Device
    | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard
    | Service: kbdhid
    | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 14592 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    + Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
    | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd
    | Upper Filters: kbdclass
    | Service: TermDD
    | Driver: termdd.sys, 4/13/2008 20:13:20, 40840 bytes
    | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 24576 bytes
    + HID-compliant mouse
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC506
    | Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse
    | Service: mouhid
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: mouhid.sys, 8/17/2001 13:48:00, 12160 bytes
    + HID-compliant Bluetooth Mouse
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_046d&pid_c71f&col01
    | Upper Filters: LMouFilt
    | Lower Filters: LHidFilt
    | Service: mouhid
    | Driver: mouhid.sys, 8/17/2001 13:48:00, 12160 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: LHidFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:06, 35472 bytes
    | Driver: LMouFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:16, 37392 bytes
    | Driver: KHALMNPR.Exe, 6/17/2009 12:55:10, 55824 bytes
    | Driver: WdfCoInstaller01005.dll, 6/22/2007 11:34:02, 1419232 bytes
    + Logitech HID-compliant Touch Pad Mouse
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC71F
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_046d&pid_c71f&col02
    | Upper Filters: LMouFilt
    | Lower Filters: LHidFilt
    | Service: mouhid
    | Driver: mouhid.sys, 8/17/2001 13:48:00, 12160 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    | Driver: LHidFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:06, 35472 bytes
    | Driver: LMouFilt.Sys, 6/17/2009 12:56:16, 37392 bytes
    | Driver: KHALMNPR.Exe, 6/17/2009 12:55:10, 55824 bytes
    | Driver: WdfCoInstaller01005.dll, 6/22/2007 11:34:02, 1419232 bytes
    + Wacom Mouse Monitor
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x056A, 0x0065
    | Matching Device ID: hid\vid_056a&pid_0065&col01
    | Upper Filters: wacmoumonitor
    | Service: mouhid
    + Wacom Mouse
    | Matching Device ID: hid\wacomvirtualhid&col03
    | Upper Filters: wacommousefilter
    | Service: mouhid
    + Terminal Server Mouse Driver
    | Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou
    | Upper Filters: mouclass
    | Service: TermDD
    | Driver: termdd.sys, 4/13/2008 20:13:20, 40840 bytes
    | Driver: mouclass.sys, 4/13/2008 14:39:48, 23040 bytes
    DirectPlay Service Providers
    DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.5512)
    DirectPlay Voice Wizard Tests: Full Duplex: Not run, Half Duplex: Not run, Mic: Not run
    DirectPlay Test Result: Not run
    Registry: OK
    DirectPlay Adapters
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM1
    DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM2
    DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: Local Area Connection - IPv4 - 
    DirectPlay Voice Codecs
    Voxware VR12 1.4kbit/s
    Voxware SC06 6.4kbit/s
    Voxware SC03 3.2kbit/s
    MS-PCM 64 kbit/s
    MS-ADPCM 32.8 kbit/s
    Microsoft GSM 6.10 13 kbit/s
    TrueSpeech(TM) 8.6 kbit/s
    DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps
    Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
          Drive: C:
     Free Space: 8.5 GB
    Total Space: 70.9 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: WDC WD740GD-00FLC0
          Drive: D:
     Free Space: 7.7 GB
    Total Space: 30.7 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: Maxtor 6Y120M0
          Drive: E:
     Free Space: 412.1 GB
    Total Space: 715.4 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: LaCie   d2Next-Quadra
          Drive: F:
     Free Space: 42.3 GB
    Total Space: 86.5 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: Maxtor 6Y120M0
          Drive: H:
          Model: ATAPI DVD DD 2X16X4X16
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:46, 62976 bytes
    System Devices
         Name: Intel(R) Management Engine Interface
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C4&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&18
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) G33/G31/P35 Express Chipset PCI Express Root Port - 29C1
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C1&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&08
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) G33/G31/P35 Express Chipset Processor to I/O Controller - 29C0
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_29C0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&00
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_294C&SUBSYS_00018086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&C8
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 5 - 2948
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2948&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E4
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 4 - 2946
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2946&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E3
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 3 - 2944
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2944&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E2
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 2942
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2942&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 2940
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2940&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293C
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293C&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D7
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 30208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:11:54, 7168 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 293A
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_293A&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&EF
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 30208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:11:54, 7168 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2939
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2939&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D2
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2938
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2938&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2937
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2937&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&D0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2936
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2936&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&EA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2935
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2935&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E9
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family USB Universal Host Controller - 2934
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2934&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&E8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:35, 20608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:36, 143872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 20:12:08, 74240 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:45:37, 59520 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 Family SMBus Controller - 2930
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2930&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&FB
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 2926
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&FD
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:30, 96512 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) ICH9 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2920
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&FA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:30, 96512 bytes
         Name: PCI standard ISA bridge
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2916&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_02\3&61AAA01&0&F8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\isapnp.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:41, 37248 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_92\3&61AAA01&0&F0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:36:44, 68224 bytes
         Name: Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_11AB&DEV_6101&SUBSYS_610111AB&REV_B2\4&84CCC20&0&00E1
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:29, 24960 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:40:30, 96512 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 13:51:52, 3328 bytes
         Name: Creative SB X-Fi
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1102&DEV_0005&SUBSYS_00311102&REV_00\4&2C3BA146&0&10F0
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8023&SUBSYS_50448086&REV_00\4&2C3BA146&0&18F0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ohci1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:46:18, 61696 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\1394bus.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:46:18, 53376 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nic1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:51:25, 61824 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\arp1394.sys, 5.01.2600.5512 (English), 4/13/2008 14:51:25, 60800 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\enum1394.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 09:46:40, 6400 bytes
         Name: Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_AA30&SUBSYS_AA30174B&REV_00\4&1E683DFA&0&0108
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 4/13/2008 12:36:05, 144384 bytes
         Name: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series 
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9442&SUBSYS_E810174B&REV_00\4&1E683DFA&0&0008
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ati2mtag.sys, 6.14.0010.6999 (English), 8/14/2009 00:27:00, 4485632 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\ati2erec.dll, 1.00.0000.0019 (English), 8/13/2009 21:17:58, 53248 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2dvag.dll, 6.14.0010.6999 (English), 8/13/2009 22:27:20, 345600 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2cqag.dll, 6.14.0010.0441 (English), 8/13/2009 21:12:18, 614400 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2mdxx.exe, 6.14.0010.2495 (English), 8/13/2009 22:09:46, 26112 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati3duag.dll, 6.14.0010.0697 (English), 8/13/2009 21:58:06, 3492576 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativvaxx.dll, 6.14.0010.0233 (English), 8/13/2009 21:42:42, 2081920 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiicdxx.dat, 7/14/2009 11:09:12, 197654 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativva5x.dat, 8/13/2009 21:42:20, 3 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativva6x.dat, 8/13/2009 21:42:20, 887724 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\amdpcom32.dll, 6.14.0010.0023 (English), 8/13/2009 21:25:46, 49664 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atimpc32.dll, 6.14.0010.0023 (English), 8/13/2009 21:25:46, 49664 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiadlxx.dll, 6.14.0010.1052 (English), 8/13/2009 21:19:06, 163840 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativvaxx.cap, 8/13/2009 21:42:22, 286560 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIDDC.DLL, 6.14.0010.0008 (English), 8/13/2009 22:06:30, 53248 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atitvo32.dll, 6.14.0010.4200 (English), 8/13/2009 21:18:42, 17408 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ativcoxx.dll, 6.13.0010.0005 (English), 11/9/2001 11:01:04, 24064 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2evxx.exe, 6.14.0010.4227 (English), 8/13/2009 22:08:00, 602112 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2evxx.dll, 6.14.0010.4178 (English), 8/13/2009 22:09:22, 155648 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atipdlxx.dll, 6.14.0010.2559 (English), 8/13/2009 22:10:18, 204800 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Oemdspif.dll, 6.15.0006.0006 (English), 8/13/2009 22:10:00, 155648 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2edxx.dll, 6.14.0010.2514 (English), 8/13/2009 22:09:36, 43520 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atikvmag.dll, 6.14.0010.0111 (English), 8/13/2009 21:21:18, 561152 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atifglpf.xml, 6/4/2009 17:37:46, 7167 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIDEMGX.dll, 2.00.3512.38652 (English), 8/13/2009 22:28:26, 446464 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticaldd.dll, 6.14.0010.0403 (English), 8/13/2009 21:19:10, 3469312 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticalrt.dll, 6.14.0010.0403 (English), 8/13/2009 21:21:04, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aticalcl.dll, 6.14.0010.0403 (English), 8/13/2009 21:20:50, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atibtmon.exe, 2.00.0000.0000 (English), 5/11/2009 17:35:28, 118784 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiok3x2.dll, 6.14.0010.8918 (English), 8/13/2009 21:17:02, 376832 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atioglxx.dll, 6.14.0010.8918 (English), 8/13/2009 21:47:56, 12959744 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiiiexx.dll, 6.14.0010.4006 (English), 8/13/2009 22:00:10, 311296 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\atiogl.xml, 7/28/2009 02:37:12, 18632 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIODCLI.exe, 1.00.0000.0001 (English), 2/3/2009 16:52:02, 45056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ATIODE.exe, 1.00.0000.0001 (English), 2/18/2009 13:55:20, 294912 bytes
    DirectX Components
       ddraw.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 279552 bytes
     ddrawex.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 27136 bytes
       dxapi.sys: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 10496 bytes
        d3d8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 1179648 bytes
     d3d8thk.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 8192 bytes
        d3d9.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 1689088 bytes
       d3dim.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 436224 bytes
    d3dim700.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 824320 bytes
     d3dramp.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 590336 bytes
       d3drm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 350208 bytes
      d3dxof.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 47616 bytes
    d3dpmesh.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 34816 bytes
       dplay.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 33040 bytes
      dplayx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 229888 bytes
    dpmodemx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 23552 bytes
     dpwsock.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 42768 bytes
    dpwsockx.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 57344 bytes
    dplaysvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:17 29696 bytes
      dpnsvr.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:17 17920 bytes
       dpnet.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 375296 bytes
    dpnlobby.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:09:20 3072 bytes
     dpnaddr.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:09:19 3072 bytes
     dpvoice.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 212480 bytes
    dpvsetup.exe: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:18 83456 bytes
      dpvvox.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 116736 bytes
      dpvacm.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 21504 bytes
    dpnhpast.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 35328 bytes
    dpnhupnp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 60928 bytes
    dpserial.dll: 5.00.2134.0001 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 53520 bytes
      dinput.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 158720 bytes
     dinput8.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 181760 bytes
       dimap.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 44032 bytes
    diactfrm.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 394240 bytes
         joy.cpl: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:41 68608 bytes
       gcdef.dll: 5.01.2600.0000 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 76800 bytes
         pid.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:02 35328 bytes
    gameenum.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:45:30 10624 bytes
      dsound.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 367616 bytes
    dsound3d.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 1293824 bytes
      dswave.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 19456 bytes
       dsdmo.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 181248 bytes
    dsdmoprp.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 71680 bytes
      dmusic.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 104448 bytes
      dmband.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 28672 bytes
    dmcompos.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 61440 bytes
       dmime.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 181248 bytes
    dmloader.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 35840 bytes
     dmstyle.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 105984 bytes
     dmsynth.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 103424 bytes
    dmscript.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 82432 bytes
      system.dll: 1.01.4322.2407 English Final Retail 8/10/2008 00:16:47 1232896 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 473600 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 5.04.0000.3900 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:31 2676224 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.04.0091.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:32 2846720 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.05.0132.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:32 563712 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.06.0168.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:32 567296 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.07.0239.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 576000 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.08.0299.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 577024 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.09.0376.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 577536 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.10.0455.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 577536 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.11.0519.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:33 578560 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll: 9.12.0589.0000 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 578560 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 145920 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 159232 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:35 364544 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:36 178176 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:34 53248 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:34 12800 bytes
    Microsoft.DirectX.dll: 5.04.0000.2904 English Final Retail 1/31/2009 14:25:34 223232 bytes
       dx7vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 619008 bytes
       dx8vb.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 1227264 bytes
     dxdiagn.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 2113536 bytes
       mfc40.dll: 4.01.0000.6140 English Final Retail 8/4/2004 06:00:00 924432 bytes
       mfc42.dll: 6.02.4131.0000 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:56 1028096 bytes
     wsock32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:10 22528 bytes
    amstream.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:49 70656 bytes
     devenum.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:51 59904 bytes
      dxmasf.dll: 6.04.0009.1133 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:52 498742 bytes
    mciqtz32.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:56 35328 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 148992 bytes
       msdmo.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:59 14336 bytes
      encapi.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:53 20480 bytes
        qasf.dll: 11.00.5721.5145 English Final Retail 10/18/2006 21:47:18 211456 bytes
        qcap.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 192512 bytes
         qdv.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 279040 bytes
        qdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 386048 bytes
       qedit.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:03 562176 bytes
    qedwipes.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 13:21:32 733696 bytes
      quartz.dll: 6.05.2600.5822 English Final Retail 6/3/2009 15:09:37 1291264 bytes
     strmdll.dll: 4.01.0000.3937 English Final Retail 10/3/2008 06:02:42 247326 bytes 2.00.0005.0053 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 199680 bytes 4.51.0016.0003 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 848384 bytes
     ir41_qc.dll: 4.30.0062.0002 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 120320 bytes
    ir41_qcx.dll: 4.30.0064.0001 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 338432 bytes
     ir50_32.dll: 5.2562.0015.0055 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 755200 bytes
     ir50_qc.dll: 5.00.0063.0048 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 200192 bytes
    ir50_qcx.dll: 5.00.0064.0048 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:55 183808 bytes 5.10.0002.0051 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 154624 bytes
    mswebdvd.dll: 6.05.2600.5857 English Final Retail 8/5/2009 05:01:48 204800 bytes
          ks.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 15:16:36 141056 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 129536 bytes
      ksuser.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:11:56 4096 bytes
      stream.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:45:16 49408 bytes
    mspclock.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:50 5376 bytes
       mspqm.sys: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:52 4992 bytes
     mskssrv.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:52 7552 bytes
      swenum.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:53 4352 bytes
       mstee.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:39:50 5504 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 18432 bytes
      bdasup.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 11776 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 56832 bytes
    psisdecd.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:04 363520 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 33280 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 16384 bytes 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 118272 bytes
      ndisip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 10880 bytes
         mpe.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 15232 bytes
    streamip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:22 15232 bytes
    msvidctl.dll: 6.05.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:01 1428992 bytes
        slip.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:24 11136 bytes
    nabtsfec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:26 85248 bytes
    ccdecode.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:24 17024 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 30208 bytes
       msyuv.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:01 16896 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 61952 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 43008 bytes 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:42 91136 bytes
    vfwwdm32.dll: 5.01.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:08 53760 bytes
    wstcodec.sys: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 14:46:24 19200 bytes
    wstdecod.dll: 5.03.2600.5512 English Final Retail 4/13/2008 20:12:10 50688 bytes

    Hmmm...well, I guess the first thing I would do is do a integrity check in Steam and see if that helps. If not, I hate to say it, but you may be looking at a reinstall since there are no errors to give you a clue as to what is going on.
    How To Post Your DXDIAG Information

    Can You Run It?

    Minimum Specs:

    Processor: 3gHz single core/2.0gHz Dual core
    RAM: 1GB/2GB for Vista
    Video Card: 128MB with support for DirectX 9.0c
    and Pixel Shader 2.0 (ATI 9600/GeForce 6600 or higher)
    Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

    Steam Ports to be opened:

    * UDP 27000 to 27020 inclusive
    * TCP 27020 to 27050 inclusive

    Dedicated or Listen Servers

    * TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

  3. Just getting started
    Join Date
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    I did try that already, thanks for the suggestion. Nothing came up though. I'll uninstall and re-install to see what gives. Anything special I need to do during uninstall and re-install? Any file I need to delete?

  4. Chicago Ted
    Join Date
    Post Thanks / Like
    Quote Originally Posted by nissaire View Post
    I did try that already, thanks for the suggestion. Nothing came up though. I'll uninstall and re-install to see what gives. Anything special I need to do during uninstall and re-install? Any file I need to delete?
    I would do the delete local content for the game in steam, and then make sure you check to see if the Left4dead folders are gone, just to be sure.
    How To Post Your DXDIAG Information

    Can You Run It?

    Minimum Specs:

    Processor: 3gHz single core/2.0gHz Dual core
    RAM: 1GB/2GB for Vista
    Video Card: 128MB with support for DirectX 9.0c
    and Pixel Shader 2.0 (ATI 9600/GeForce 6600 or higher)
    Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

    Steam Ports to be opened:

    * UDP 27000 to 27020 inclusive
    * TCP 27020 to 27050 inclusive

    Dedicated or Listen Servers

    * TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

  5. Just getting started
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iggy View Post
    I would do the delete local content for the game in steam, and then make sure you check to see if the Left4dead folders are gone, just to be sure.
    Did that. Tried playing a few minutes. Seems to have done the job. I'll test further to make sure when I have time.

    Thanks for the help! Much appreciated.

  6. Chicago Ted
    Join Date
    Post Thanks / Like
    Quote Originally Posted by nissaire View Post
    Did that. Tried playing a few minutes. Seems to have done the job. I'll test further to make sure when I have time.

    Thanks for the help! Much appreciated.
    How To Post Your DXDIAG Information

    Can You Run It?

    Minimum Specs:

    Processor: 3gHz single core/2.0gHz Dual core
    RAM: 1GB/2GB for Vista
    Video Card: 128MB with support for DirectX 9.0c
    and Pixel Shader 2.0 (ATI 9600/GeForce 6600 or higher)
    Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

    Steam Ports to be opened:

    * UDP 27000 to 27020 inclusive
    * TCP 27020 to 27050 inclusive

    Dedicated or Listen Servers

    * TCP 27015 (SRCDS Rcon port)

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