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Thread: Cold... (Fanfic from a Zombies perspective! Rated R for Violence)

  1. Just getting started
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    Cold... (Fanfic from a Zombies perspective! Rated R for Violence)

    Will add new chapters every now and then, but I've really been wanting to do a fanfic from the perspective of a Hunter. Hope you enjoy.

    Chapter One: Alone and Confused

    Hello. I would normally start this off by introducing myself, but I don't remember exactly what my name is, or who I am, or what I was...But Everything is differnet now. Now I'm alone and confused.

    It all started about 3 weeks ago. I remember I went some sort of a Special Lab that was giving out medications and cures for this spreading disease. It was going worldwide, and I was lucky enough to be the Tester of their expirement which would completley make me immune to the disease. The disease frightened me, so I payed the doctors over 200,000,000 dollars for some sort of medication. I was a very rich man, and thats how I got the treatmeant. But It all went wrong...

    I lay in bed one night, watching the Local News. Regular reports about murderers and sex offenders. Suddenly, I became very cold. My skin was becoming pale as I gritted my teeth. My body shook. I quickly shot out of bed and grabbed a Black Sweatshirt. I placed it on myself and pulled up the hood aswell. I currled up into a ball as my eyes and legs twitched. It was around the time my eyes began to feel like they were bulging out of my sockets that I felt a gourging pain in my teeth. They were getting sharper. It was then I knew what was happening. I began to groan in pain, causing my Wife to quickly switch on the lights and run in. I looked up at her in anger. Before she could ask me what was wrong, I suddenly leapt my feet off the bed and threw myself upon her. She let out a scream, but before she could do it again, I tore my long fingernails upon her face. I gourged out her eyes and tore her Chest open. I don't know what had come over me...

    Then my children walked in. The scream from my wife must have alarmed them. My daughter, Elena, screamed at the sight of her destroyed mother, lying destroyed on the floot. My son, Joshua, did the same.

    "Elena...Joshua...Run..." I said, coughing under my breath. They stood there sobbing.

    "RUN!" I shouted, looking up at them. Tears were collapsing from my eyes as I sprinted towards them. They shrieked, ran out of the room, and shut the door behind them. I quickly reduced the door to a pullmit and charged outside. They were gone.

    I wimpered and collapsed to the floor. That medication had done something to me. Somehow, I'm still slightly sane. I think like any other normal person, but get these random urges to kill. I guess you could say I'm half infected...But I don't like to say that to myself.


    Thanks for reading guys, hope you enjoyed it!

  2. Zombie Cat
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    Great beginning. I'm looking forward to reading the rest.

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