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Thread: L4D2 Demo Bugs

  1. Senior Member
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    L4D2 Demo Bugs

    I don't even know where to start... but this game seems to me it was rushed as hell.

    Smoker doesn't have a "throw tongue" animation, only the animation to pull the survivor close to him is there, therefore, during the the throwing of the tongue he just stands there. It looks pathetic, totally unprofessional.

    CI and UCI (more the UCI) have a very poor running animation, there was this time the bullet proof zombie was attacking me, swinging his arm, and I was throwing a pipe bomb in the process, he immediatly started moving backwards still facing me and swining his arm, but his legs were not moving, so he was like flying all the way up to the pipe bomb. Similar behavior in all CI, the movement isn't smooth and realistic.

    When you are incaped, you will have a pistol in your hand, even though you replaced your pistol with a melee weapon (pretty bad).

    If CIs try to climb up a wall and you are by the edge of that wall, they will die instantly, like we had stepped on their hands.

    etc, etc... The demo looks very cheap still, but it has lots of potential if all the bugs are fixed.

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    well in my opinion i think that what they gave us is one of the very first demos show... with some fixes or addons until now. but thats my opinion.

    i dont think that the game is incomplete due to missing animations or those glitched CI... and so i reinstate.... probably one of the first demos.
    "In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen"

  3. Hunter
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    I would think the nice gore system makes up for noticing defects in the movement animations. Half the time I can't see the clips because the CI would instantly kick into the death animations

    When you're incapped I would think it best to have a gun in hand than a melee weapon right?
    Whats strange is how you drop your pistol when you pick up a melee weapon. But get it back when incapped and then lose it again when you are picked up.

  4. Feet under the table
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    Yes there are plenty of bugs, but...

    it's a demo that came out almost a month before the game. L4D2 hadn't even gone gold when the demo was released for pre-order customers, which means they are still in the final debugging phase most likely, or were at the time. These will almost all assuredly be fixed before the retail release of the game, or at least the glaring ones should be. I have faith in Valve here, and plus demos are always buggy, most even give a warning beforehand, or used to anyway.

    I have run across a lot of glitches, but nothing major or game-breaking, nothing that isn't an easy fix away.

    However one point you made is flawed sir. When you pick up a melee weapon you are really just holstering your pistol and using a melee weapon. You are supposed to drop the melee weapon when incapped. After all, using a pistol when downed makes a lot more sense than trying to swing a machete or any other melee weapon.

    The rest are glitches, yes, but that one in particular was always intended by Valve.

  5. Feet under the table
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    yea u really still have a pistol when u pick up a melee weapon u just cant use it unless ur incapped
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    4. Hard Rain 5. The Parish

  6. Senior Member
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    Would be there anything wrong if we CAN'T ATTACK no longer? After all, if we are incapped and hit in the head by a flying tank rock, there's nothing much you could do.
    And also, why can't we use the shotgun we had in our hands, what, would it do too much damage to the poor little hunters that try to pounce us? Then the accuracy and effectiveness should be reduced, there are lots of ways of fixing one problem.

  7. The Subjugator
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    As for the bugs, yeah, there will be some. But as it has already been mentioned, it is just the demo. I doubt Valve will keep them in for the final release. Second, the whole 'Why can't we use our main weapon or melee weapon when incapped?' thing is a bit... difficult.

    Rifles and shotguns have some major recoil, that combined with the fact you are on the ground in a really awkward position is going to cause more trouble then satisfaction, the same goes for melee weapons. If you've been knocked down and can't get up, you aren't going to be swinging a machete over your head, slicing at Infected feet. Hell, what if a Hunter has pounced another teammate a few feet away and you can't do shit because your arms aren't that long?

    The pistol thing is good, and it's probably where it's going to stay.
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    Parlock: I CAN HEAR IT.
    Dead Prodigy: HIDE.
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  8. Senior Member
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    I'm not in favor of attacking with melee while incapped, we agree there. Would look ridiculous.

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