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Thread: I played the demo, Now I want answers.

  1. Feet under the table
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    guitar is my fav melee weapon thus far
    Left 4 Dead 2 Campaign Order:
    1. Dead Center 2. Dark Carnival 3. Swamp Fever
    4. Hard Rain 5. The Parish

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Pwnage View Post
    Saw the guitar, nearly shat my pants.
    While killing the witch I had to shout : "EAT HEAVY METAL, BITCH!!"
    it made my day.
    except that it reminds me of dead rising...and dead rising makes me a sad panda
    Dad Rising 2 makes me a sadder panda.....until I saw that Paddle chainsaw thing. Now that kicked ass. MOOSEHEAD!

    Quote Originally Posted by THE Laxative View Post
    I totally agree. That damn charger comes out thin air! What's even more scary is that he's a team player.
    Second playthrough-Charger hate. Hate with a passion. But when we play Versus-will the human players also be team players?......

    Quote Originally Posted by TeenRacer6 View Post
    I threw a bile bomb on the witch, and turned to run back down the small corridor (the small hall before the wid eopen space leading to the trailer you step in to start the creshendo) but the hoard came from where i was running, i got stuck and slammed down.
    That happened to me in L4D. Louis gets puked on and I end up being pushd into a room with a tank. WTF?

    Quote Originally Posted by iSLAYER View Post
    I'm actually surprised the WITCH wanders as much as she does. I was expecting her to walk a general path back and forth, but I've seen her travel quite a distance.

    Adrenaline will have it's uses, but I wish we could hold it and pills, instead of having to choose.

    I actually like the new WITCH cry. Was expecting more new sounds for the hunter though.

    The CHARGER is the SI that is giving me the most trouble. Doesn't seem to be affected by melee.

    Expert didn't seem as hard as L4D, but I think that has more to do with the fact that we have a pretty good grasp of the game play. Plus its only the first 2 levels of the campaign, they tend to get harder.
    Why did you capitalize the names? Are you sending secret messages? ANSWER ME!

  3. Just getting started
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    I love the demo, its a blast, some bugs, but hella fun nevertheless.

  4. Junior Member
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    Secret messages? Me? Never.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    Uh -frstpostandall- THe deal with The Parish music, is that t's in Louisiana, thats the music you hear there. Im guessing that their gonna have music to fit the location of the 'movie' So it fits in better.

    Also I dont like the witch now. Its bad enough in no mercy turning a corner and being face to face with those glowing red eyes....not even FEAR scared me that bad...
    Now I was snpiing zombies mindlessly going 'boom headshot!" and giggling at the splat effect then one I shot didnt die, instead "You have startled the witch" pops up...and I pop down. Sigh.

    On a sie coment, the Guitar is absolutely beastly but when I grabbed the machete, I found my new love. Nothing says 'zombie survival game' like arterial spray.

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