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Thread: My 2 cents on the demo; as the Special Infected.

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    My 2 cents on the demo; as the Special Infected.

    Alright, overall it was an interesting experience. I can say generally that it feels as if all the Special Infected need more health. I can also hope they change a few things in the real game. Also, there's not many navigational models you can climb, however the Smoker and Hunter seem to be able to climb a few models/objects a lot better than the Spitter and Jockey.

    Spitter: It will take some time to get used to aiming the spit. If you had to compare it to a previous projectile, I guess it would be most like the Molotov in the L4D2-Demo. It doesn't stay projected in a single path, and after a while it starts to decline. Only issue I had was that when it starts to decline, it does it fast. This is why I'm saying it'll take some time to get used to.

    After you spit, you of course have to wait a while before you can spit again, however there's a HUGE slowdown in your movement speed for about 1-2 seconds.

    Hunter: My initial response is that he doesn't jump as high as he does in part 1. That's actually pretty much the only difference I could significantly notice since in the demo it doesn't matter how far you pounce from, there's no damage counter. ( i.e, you can pounce from 1 foot, or 100 feet, and the damage will be the same )

    Smoker: Also more or less no major difference. Does all the same stuff; currently there's no tongue animation when it shoots out.

    Female/Boomer: The lagtime response right before you vomit seems a lot less than in part 1, which IMO was a better addon. Makes it so that you don't die TOO quick before you get something off. One HUGE difference, that I REALLY hope they fix is your ability to fly. No more rocketbooms. Anytime you jump from a high distance ( 2 story building/bridge ) that I've tested you simply explode when landing. I hope they don't leave it like that. =\

    Jockey: Not too fond of this one. You have a pounce meter like a Hunter, and you simply click to initiate your pounce ( you don't have to crouch ). The cooldown is close to pratically nothing in case you miss or need to keep pouncing. Pounce isn't really that high either; but yeah, when you get on them, direct them in any direction you want.

    I have a feeling that I'm displeased with him simply because the Jockey is a team player, and I was flying solo when playing as the infected... so I'm sure with a combo ( like a Spitter/Charger ) it'll be more fun.

    Charger: Man, if you miss, you MISS. Not much to say about this guy. Get in a straight line and aim, and that's pretty much it. You miss, and you're pretty much dead.

    Didn't get to play the Tank. Can't speculate on that.. :|

  2. Hunter
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    If you are confused:

    Play as Infected with the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Anytime you jump from a high distance ( 2 story building/bridge ) that I've tested you simply explode when landing. I hope they don't leave it like that. =\
    QQ I can't believe that Valve resurrected that. Makes you wonder if they just copy pasta'd the code from L4D1 raw and went from there...

  3. The Subjugator
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    The thing you have to remember here is that the Infected were never meant to be played in the demo, sure there is gonna be a few displeasing features like the Smoker animation and the Hunter maybe not doing enough pounce damage.

    I am sure Valve will fix these sort of things up in the final version.
    Whilst playing Penumbra...

    Parlock: I CAN HEAR IT.
    Dead Prodigy: HIDE.
    Parlock: I AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Female/Boomer: The lagtime response right before you vomit seems a lot less than in part 1, which IMO was a better addon. Makes it so that you don't die TOO quick before you get something off. One HUGE difference, that I REALLY hope they fix is your ability to fly. No more rocketbooms. Anytime you jump from a high distance ( 2 story building/bridge ) that I've tested you simply explode when landing. I hope they don't leave it like that. =\
    I think that if a big fat dude jumped of a building, I think he would die, especially if his stomach had liters and liters of..... bile. And I think it's much better than being meleed after landing and not vomiting anyone.

  5. Zombie Cat
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    Exploding upon impact is a characteristic of the AI/campaign mode boomer. Since this is a demo, not intended for versus, I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't any of the versus mode modifiers implemented, even when you mod to make it playable.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    Dont judge the Special Infected on this. They arent meant to be played yet, so animations wont be finished and there wont be a damage counter yet.
    Also Special Infected on their own have always been rather weak. Its when they are played as a team in Versus that they can become deadly and then we can see where their strength's and weaknesses are.

  7. I've done my time
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    The special infected wiill not be so easy to kill in the final product and they will be designed to use in versus. I woudn't worry about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Also, there's not many navigational models you can climb, however the Smoker and Hunter seem to be able to climb a few models/objects a lot better than the Spitter and Jockey.
    This is campaign mode. There are many climbing surfaces, they're just invisible

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Spitter: It will take some time to get used to aiming the spit. If you had to compare it to a previous projectile, I guess it would be most like the Molotov in the L4D2-Demo. It doesn't stay projected in a single path, and after a while it starts to decline. Only issue I had was that when it starts to decline, it does it fast. This is why I'm saying it'll take some time to get used to.
    Seriously, spitting is really easy. Not as hard as this guy makes it out to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Hunter: My initial response is that he doesn't jump as high as he does in part 1. That's actually pretty much the only difference I could significantly notice since in the demo it doesn't matter how far you pounce from, there's no damage counter. ( i.e, you can pounce from 1 foot, or 100 feet, and the damage will be the same )
    The "same" damage thing based on distance is only due to it being campaign.

    Hunter can "short jump" with just a mouse click. The hunter is actually FAR SUPERIOR to the previous game. when melee'd off a victim simply spam mouse click and off you go. Also, note; short jumps dont initiate a pounce, instead you simply push your target 2 or 3 feet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Smoker: Also more or less no major difference. Does all the same stuff; currently there's no tongue animation when it shoots out.
    Smokers pull the victim a little faster.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Female/Boomer:One HUGE difference, that I REALLY hope they fix is your ability to fly. No more rocketbooms. Anytime you jump from a high distance ( 2 story building/bridge ) that I've tested you simply explode when landing. I hope they don't leave it like that. =\
    That's something campaign mode has. Won't be in versus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Jockey: Not too fond of this one. You have a pounce meter like a Hunter, and you simply click to initiate your pounce ( you don't have to crouch ). The cooldown is close to pratically nothing in case you miss or need to keep pouncing. Pounce isn't really that high either; but yeah, when you get on them, direct them in any direction you want.
    The jockey is AMAZING! There's been times that i've dragged players across the map. Also you DONT have to drag them far away, one thing ive found funny is to circle trees or something similar, go one way, then the other, people are constantly trying to shoot you but are missing. Jockey is better than you think and has higher health to help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Charger: Man, if you miss, you MISS. Not much to say about this guy. Get in a straight line and aim, and that's pretty much it. You miss, and you're pretty much dead.
    Can't fault the charger, hes big, powerful and can pull of some amazing insta-kills.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyne View Post
    Didn't get to play the Tank. Can't speculate on that.. :|
    Tanks are the same, although I noticed when I incapped someone, camera would switch to 3rd person and he would pull a pose(as in "rawr i downed you"), where I was unable to control the tank for 2-3 seconds. I'm thinking this is something to do with campaign.[/QUOTE]

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