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Thread: Why do people...

  1. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    I moved down to NC, lived there for about 6 months. It takes 590 miles to get anywhere, which means you need a car. First night there I made the mistake of assuming I could walk to a gas station - WRONG. You need a car to get anywhere, people are obssessed with guns, religion and their pick up trucks. This isn't a stereotype - this is what I experienced. Not saying they weren't nice down there, I'm sure they're cool and laid back, but I hate the culture. As soon as my 18th birthday hit, I was back in NY.
    I guess you picked the short stick.

    You should come on down to Austin for a change.

  2. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronin Writer View Post
    I wouldn't mind the southern setting if everything wasn't so... southern. Why did they feel the need to change the all of the music and add a southern twang to it? Why must everything be white, green or brown? Left 4 Dead was urban and gritty, sure, but I felt it could happen anywhere, at any time. Not so much with this game.
    Agreed, I was very excited for the new orleans setting but the music really makes the game less universal and less gritty than lfd1 felt. I'm hoping all of the music in lfd2 isin't so forced and lame sounding. I come from Chicago so of course levels like no mercy make me feel a little more at home than campaigns all set in the south. (i hardly play blood harvest in lfd1)

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    I think that the day light is what bugs me the most. Zombies look so much less sinister in the light then they do in the dark. Ellis's accent grates on me somewhat.. only when I'm playing him as a character though.. something about that voice makes me not want to reload!

    I do like a lot of things in the demo though. The Tank is much tougher now that he leaves incapacitated survivors and goes after others. The SI seam to work much better in unison when on expert.. making it much tougher. I like the uprated gore level when you damage CI.. nice to see those rib cages exposed when you slice and dice, lol.

    But.. I hate that damn face raping "Jockey"... I wish it would go away and find a knot hole in a tree or something ... instead of always trying to skull rape me!! He even sounds like a perverted molester when he is creeping along!

  4. On the way to greater things
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    I suppose there is some L4D fans who act like spoilt children and think the game should be made exactly to their prefrences and anything else is pure shit but will buy the game anyway....

    Hey at least its real cities now and not the cliche Anycity USA and hell for some weird reason the south fits in with the zombie setting perfectly (maybe its all that vodoo and spirit stuff i dunno)

  5. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Though you could look at this sociologically and simply label it xenophobia. Or psychologically and note the attachment people have for L4D1 and their reluctance to try something new. Even though no one has really experienced the entire's amazing what quick conclusions and assumptions can be drawn off the basis of just a sample of the work.
    Except that isn't Xenophobia at all. It's people not liking change.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  6. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    This. If you have played the daytime No Mercy map, you will understand the appeal that NM has over The Parish. It just doesn't instill the sense of fear and "OMFG run for your lives" escape feelings that NM does in a nighttime setting. The dark just adds the ominous presence required for a horror-based game.
    Wait until you cross a bridge which the military is bombing into dust. Then we'll see how fast you can run.

    Also, L4D is action-based, not horror-based.

    Quote Originally Posted by gmcb007
    Hey at least its real cities now and not the cliche Anycity USA and hell for some weird reason the south fits in with the zombie setting perfectly (maybe its all that vodoo and spirit stuff i dunno)
    Fairfield (NM), Riverside (DT), Newburg (DA), and Allegheny National Forest (BH) are all real places in Pennsylvania.

  7. I've done my time
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    Don't know about the hate..but I think Valve chose the southern setting due mostly because of the additional weapons.

    It's apparent that the further south you go, the higher chance of picking up an automatic ak-47 in a convenience store.

    Now if we were to have Left 4 Dead 2 in'll probably be fighting off the infected with inflatable dolls, gelled filled mouse pads and airsoft guns.

  8. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    I moved down to NC, lived there for about 6 months. It takes 590 miles to get anywhere, which means you need a car. First night there I made the mistake of assuming I could walk to a gas station - WRONG. You need a car to get anywhere, people are obssessed with guns, religion and their pick up trucks. This isn't a stereotype - this is what I experienced. Not saying they weren't nice down there, I'm sure they're cool and laid back, but I hate the culture. As soon as my 18th birthday hit, I was back in NY.
    This man speaks the truth for the most part. Having a car is a must...nearest gas station is miles away from my house. But this is the state that spawned the sport of NASCAR so having to drive everywhere is to be expected. There are ALOT of people down here that drive purely for the fun of it.

    There are a lot of religion nuts too but that is mostly the older generation. Problem is the older generation out numbers the 20-somethings by a wide margin.

    We do love our guns and hunting too but most people aren't what I would consider gun nuts. However just about everyone around here sleeps with a loaded shotgun behind the bed room door and a pistol next to the bed. This isn't the type of place where you want to rob someones house while they are at home, that's for sure! Just recently an elderly man shot and killed a 19 year old who broke in to his home attempting to rob him. Old man killed the young guy by shooting him three times (once in the head, once in the heart, and I'm unsure where the other bullet ended up). Thankfully that old man won't even have to go to court over the issue because he was acting in self defense.

    As for the trucks...I know what you mean. Sadly we have a lot of rednecks down here who love to brag... If they aren't going on about their trucks they are bragging about their Civics and Neons. :rofl:

    I hope you visit my home state again someday. Try to go down to the coast if you have the chance...we have some of the best beaches in the nation IMO. Also check out the mountains if you can. In addition to the fun driving they have hot springs and lots of sights to see, if you get the chance make sure to stop off at lover's leap.


  9. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    I could give a damn if it's South or North or right in the middle. A new place to slay zombies is a good place to slay zombies.

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