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Thread: My Idea on how the infection is transferred

  1. Banned
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    -PETS FACE SOOOOO SO HARD- ssh shh its ok boys.

    If the infection was to spread through touch, and the infected beat the crap out of anyone that's not infected (and some infected), than how the heck are people supposed to be infected if it's through contact?
    Wanna try making sense?
    Ok, first "contact" is a type of transmission for pathogens. Technically there are three types:
    1. Contact
    2. Vehicle
    3. Vector

    Contact deals with directly breathing droplets or touching an infected SURFACE not person, although touching a person can spread the infection (hence doctors wearing gloves). But you do not need to touch someone to get it, its how kids in daycare get so many colds and such, they share toys that aren't washed.

    Valve never states that these infected are zombies, they just have aggressive behavior. Remember, the virus is likened to rabies, the people react by being sick and attacking without warning. Because it is a virus our bodies defense systems (physical / chemical barriers) might be able to fight it off if we have a matching antibody. Antibodies can be SIMILAR for it to work. The swine flu that infects people is a mutation of the swine only flu. The pandemic we just had was from a virus that was able to jump from pigs to birds and humans. How did it do this? By sharing genetic details with the human flu and the bird flu. These genetic details can be picked up by our own bodies if we have encountered a strain of non-mutated flu virus. This is how some people were able to easily fight off H1N1 while others died from it and still others never got it. If the virus is a mutated form of another pathogen, one that allows it to be able to hop from animal to human host, then more than likely there would be several out there with immunity.

    We never see the infected eat anyone in game, not the survivors left behind or the dead bodies in the streets. Some argue saying that this would be too much animation. But why? Killing floor does it. I can't tell you how many times poor Undlin has had to watch a bunch of zombies eat my corpse because I was too busy, giggling at some dumb thing a friend said, to shoot the zombies attacking me.

    They're not zombies.

    All in all, its a game. There is no zombie virus and there will be no zombie Apocalypse. You lot were attempting to figure out the virus using little education in the medical field, and assuming shit. I, being one who is trained in the medical field, only saw an opportunity to enter and amaze you all with my knowledge.

  2. I've done my time
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    I think Valve should have put a storyline... =.=
    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

  3. Zombie Rat
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    It's clear that it is a 24-days-later-esque 'rage' style virus. How are highly contageous viruses/desieses spread? Via air, via contact with infected persons, via bodily fluids.

    Seems fairly simple really. There is every possibility that the L4D virus was initially airbourne, hence the vast numbers of infected. I would imagine the survivors have a natural immunity, else there wouldn't be much of a game... lol.

    Also, you guys think too much about this stuff. How many of you are a survivalist in RL and stock up on provisions?

  4. I've done my time
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    Like 3... LOL
    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

  5. Junior Member
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    Not really, i mean i plan on doing it somewhen, but right now i only have half a bag of ramen, a box of biscuits thats good for another year, one compressed biscuit under my bed, some youghurt and 4 apples. Ohh, did i mention i'm out of water? I mean maybe if i'm in or out of college i can start building myself a nice stack...i mean i saw what you can get 4 100 bucks at a wal mart or alike in the US
    A hunter was hitting on the wich...i wanted to wait it out...but louis had to shoot at her. THANK YOU LOUIS.

  6. I've done my time
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    =.= Er... One more question.


    When the world is going to end, grab some painpills!

  7. Junior Member
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    I read somewhere that it's like the Rabies virus. However rabies spreads, the Infection would basically be the same. I think it's really like the Rage Virus from 28 Days/Weeks Later.

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