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Thread: So I tried out the new sniper rifle...

  1. Just getting started
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    Well kagato, it's in the player's hands that make a weapon effective. If you have the skill for it, then by all means, stick to it till the very end. I on the other hand switch weapons 2-3 times on a single level. If I need to snipe then I will switch to sniper guns. Mostly I carry combat shotgun for crowning witches. When that's done and no more witches then I can switch to my leisure. But in l4d 2, I don't find my self using snipers much coz double pistols pretty much gets the job done as far as sniping is concerned. I can kill smokers with a headshot at very long distances with double pistols, took me a lot of practice to be able to do that. I only remember using snipers a lot in the dark carnival and the swamp campaign and the rest is shotgun all the way.

    Furthermore, you are all looking at this in a wrong perspective. L4D is about teamwork. In every team there should be a:

    sniper for taking out SI that are far away such as smokers and spitters
    one or two shotgunners for clearing out hordes and crowning witches
    one or two rifle gunners for protecting the team with accuracy and decent reload speed and taking out SI as well.

    Hence, a team won't be a able to function well without one because each weapon class is unique and it has its own purposes. Imagine a team of shotgunners. They wouldn't be able to take out the long range SI's or protect their team mates in close range without hitting them with friendly fire.

    and you can't run-and-spam-bullets like you can with the spam-throwers (rifles and shotguns).
    Shotguns are not spammable Dr. Robotnik because they have a clip size of 100 for auto and 64 for chrome. Snipers are more spammable due to their bigger clip size than shotgun which require more patience and skill than sniping.

    Also, I think someone here said that spitters are kind of useless. This is not true because when a team is all down to 10 hp, you'd be very afraid of spitters; especially when you play on expert with your friends who like to camp in narrow spaces.

    Anyway, at least my combo is more effective than ever. Combat shotgun + double pistols = 1 man army BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    And has anyone played Call of Juarez? The double pistols in l4d 2 sounds like the concentration mode of Call of Juarez which made me love double pistols even more.

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Yeah, so seriously - if you find yourself unable to deal with other people having opinions that differ to yours, forums aren't really the place for you. Chill out. By all means debate, but leave the personal crap at the door.

    Actually, i did deal with it. Called it a buncha bullshit, because thats all it was.. This thread was called "i tried the new hunting rifle", not Kagatos 10000 word essay on why the HR sucks". Nothing i said is personal, im just flat out blunt about it.

    Maybe i should make a 20000 page essay on why the AuttoShottie Sucks, and back it up with total bullshit.... I bet people would love that. Oh wait, they would probably call me a complete moron, among other things.

    I don't have a problem with peoples opinions, i do have a problem when people decide to make huge posts over and over trying to convince people and "ME" that the HR is garbage just because they don't like to use it or can't use it themselves.

    To Kagato, MR Smarty Pants. You want proof, like i said come play with me.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Or we could all go over to Target Practice's house for cookies and agree on how retarded it is to argue about people's preference of weapon over biased points.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Its when i read stuff like this i know the player has no clue how to function with a HR. Yet they still have opinions on it. The HR is crap, blah blah blah. SHAAAAAAAAAAD UP!

    The HR didn't fit in L4D1? Maybe not in your hands..
    I was verrrrrrry verrrrrrry close to explaining why you have made yourself sound like a prissy arrogant fool :waves: .....but after this quote....

    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    or grab and xbox and come play me.
    i can now understand why you think you are so good
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  5. Australian.
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    So I tried out the old close thread button...
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

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