We all know how many crazy invisible walls there are blocking off what would be excellent pounce spots, and that the south has a distinct lack of skyscrapers and office blocks from which to through our hoodied selves.

So basically I wanted to compile a list of all the good high damage spots you know in order to help those who haven't been able to find such spots. Admittedly I don't know many myself, but I'll contribute them.

The ones I know are:
-On DaC1, from the very edge of the roof of the gas station, you can just about pounce over the wall and into the swimming pool for 23 or so damage. Incredibly useful for scavenge when the generator's in there.

-In swamp fever in the swamp, if you have a little time, pounce on the top of trees one by one, eventually you'll get high enough for an awesome vantage point and 25 dmg pounce.

-TP2, just after the saferoom, in the park are a few trees you can get up for a high pounce, especially the one overlooking the street as you enter the park.

-The Hard Rain street has some telegraph poles you can get up, and the sugar mill has a high structure which can easily net you big dmg pounces.

-The telegraph poles on DC2, on top of the bridge the survivors have to make their way under and around can give you an easy 25.

-Pouncing off the coaster when the survivors are on the way to and moving from it.

-Pouncing down the DaC1 Cliff.

-Off the roof of the SF finale mansion into the garden out front.

-Not sure how to get here, but seen videos of people pouncing off an epically high crane in the HR finale.

-On DCe4, in the finale, you can pounce survivors on the ground floor for 25 dmg from many places, but the best is probably from the corner above the elevator from which you can hit the guy filling up the car.

Feel free to contribute, I'll add it to the OP with credit to you. Not sure how to describe a lot of spots too, so would appreciate help if you know them lol...