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Thread: The Jockey

  1. Just getting started
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    The Jockey

    First up, love L4D, really find it hard to find faults with it nor would I want to.

    However, the jockey.. is it just me or does he just have WAY too much health? Seriously people can just run at you straight and KNOW they will pounce you before you kill them, for something so small with such speed you would assume it would have very little health but it seems to have more health than the Hunter and Smoker?

    Is anyone else of the opinion the jockey needs a drastic drop in HP? I think even half may not be enough.

    The jockey is an incredibly lethal tool on versus, it does not need such large amounts of HP.

  2. Junior Member
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    I'm confused. Doesn't the jockey have the least health out of all the 'pinning' infected?

    Also, the Jockey is indeed lethal on versus, but only if you have a good team.
    They're not unreasonable, I mean, they're not going to eat your eyes...

  3. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie View Post
    I'm confused. Doesn't the jockey have the least health out of all the 'pinning' infected?

    Also, the Jockey is indeed lethal on versus, but only if you have a good team.
    Hunter: 250
    Smoker: 250
    Jockey: 325
    Charger: 600

    I agree. Hunter/Smoker should have the 325, and Jockey the 250. When he's running around he's hard to see, let alone hit (particularly with a melee weapon, since he runs under most of my swings). And when he's riding someone, he's still hard to hit, harder than the Hunter/Smoker who stay still.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie View Post
    Also, the Jockey is indeed lethal on versus, but only if you have a good team.
    Yup. So long as you stick together as survivors, regardless of the location, the jockey doesn't really stand much chance.

    I think the trade-off is the jockey's damage. It doesn't hurt nearly as much as say, being pinned by a charger or hunter for 10 seconds. The only times I've seen the jockey be truly dangerous is when you're near some sort of ledge, which your team of survivors needs to be aware of like any other situation (ie, chargers and windows).
    I don't need to get a life. I'm a gamer. I have lots of lives.

  5. Zombie Dog
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    The jockey has suprising damage with his claw ability which tbh is ridiculous. However he isn't a solo infected, tends to work only in a group attack, alone hes a bit pants at times and easy enough to kill
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  6. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keith THFC View Post
    First up, love L4D, really find it hard to find faults with it nor would I want to.

    However, the jockey.. is it just me or does he just have WAY too much health? Seriously people can just run at you straight and KNOW they will pounce you before you kill them, for something so small with such speed you would assume it would have very little health but it seems to have more health than the Hunter and Smoker?

    Is anyone else of the opinion the jockey needs a drastic drop in HP? I think even half may not be enough.

    The jockey is an incredibly lethal tool on versus, it does not need such large amounts of HP.
    He only has 75 more health, as someone below posted. He is however very hard to hit as he is small, fast and can leap. Even hunters have to stop moving and crouch for a second before attacking.

    If you figure out when to melee in order to deadstop him it can be very easy to kill him. Personally he's the one i find hardest to play as, but I definitely know about the running at and not dying situation.

    But yeah, he doesn't do anywhere near as much damage, cannot kill and has a huge reload timer on his attack once you've incapped someone. I reckon he's balanced.

  7. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Acermors View Post
    Hunter: 250
    Smoker: 250
    Jockey: 325
    Charger: 600
    Ah, thanks for the clarification. Although it doesn't really make a difference for most people and their shotguns!
    They're not unreasonable, I mean, they're not going to eat your eyes...

  8. Feet under the table
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    The jockey was made hard to hit so i agree that it should have some health dropped.

  9. Zombie Rat
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    The Jockey has situational moments that are amazing - like all SI - but otherwise sucks. In average situations the jockey is the weakest - it deals the least dps and cannot kill a survivor, ever. It cannot attack a second survivor after downing one because of it's massive cooldown time. In rare places, a jockey can walk people off a ledge to their death, and in situational spots can hang them off a ledge, but can only incap a survivor in average situations. Also, it only has as much maximum potential as the survivor has hp. It can't walk a survivor with 20 hp very far. In many environmental situations, the jockey's potential is further reduced because it is impossible to walk the survivor back as far as their life would let it.

    Need more time to kill the jockey because of it's health? run backwards towards your teammates. Call for help. Aim where it's going to be, not where it is. Standard stuff you do with any SI. Some more strategery - if you are using a ranged weapon, understand your weakness is close range. An archer wouldn't watch a knight run at it and bitch because he shot it with arrows and it still got to him and stabbed him. That's why archers carry swords/knives and are trained to use their bows as staves -as a countermeasure to provide at least some measure of defense for their weakness. What do the ranged units do when encountering an enemy dangerous at close range? a) retreat to maintain distance b) switch to melee c) seek backup d) shoot em through the eyeslits

    Seriously, a jockey dies to melee just as easily as anything else and when you point two or more guns at it the extra health doesn't do much.

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