Recruiting for CoD4, CoD2 and L4d2'
Also looking into BF Bad Company 2 and Medal of Honor this year.

Adults only clan for over 8 years.

About Us
If your Looking for a great bunch of people to game with, apply today or jump on Teamspeak 3 and meet the group.

We are an adults only clan and are recruiting MATURE members, Your participation and companionship is what we are looking forward to see.
We have been around over 8 years and we have gone through many games such as Medal of Honor - Spearhead, BF2, BF2142, Breakthrough, Pacific Assault, CoD1, CoDuo, CoD2, CounterStrike Source, BF Vietnam.
Currently CoD42 and L4D2 are our games of choice.

(TNT) Blowout Gaming »

TNT mission statement:

Our mission is to maintain a community of adult gamers, while providing a carefree environment to escape life's everyday drama and hassles.
We are dedicated to the FPS games that we play, but more so to the members that we play with! We are from every continent, We see no color!
This is the code of ethics that we live by! We are a family, we are (TNT) !

We have a Dedicated Box in Chicago.
Check our front page of our site for all our server listings

Teamspeak 3 Information port 9987 password earth

Thank you
(TNT) Blowout Gaming »