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Thread: How would you feel about.....

  1. I've done my time
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    How would you feel about.....

    ..a stealth mode in L4D3?

    Hi all, just joined, love the game :waves:

    Sometimes FPS like MW and R6V2 can get a little manic and repetitious, which is why my favorite level is stealth, to kill and move without being seen. I`d love there to be one in the next L4D, where for example you get cut off from the others and have to use stealth to move thru a deserted town to meet up/rescue them.
    Can you imagine doing a stealth mission thru Dark Rain for example? Where only you had to go and get the fuel and come back? This level is freaky enough as it is, but doing it on stealth would be brilliant.

    What do you think?

  2. Been around a bit
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    Well ofc the only problems with this would be that smokers, hunter etc would completely screw you over if they pinned you. I don't think a solo mode would work too well, however I'm not averse to some more stealth elements being added to the game.

    I always thought that if you turn off your torch, then all infected should be less likely to attack, as well as if you made little noise and moved slowly, by crouching. So the option to tell your character to shut up would be cool if this were implemented. Ofc it would likely go to hell as soon as a few SIs showed up, but crouching round the edge of large open areas with melee weapons to kill those infected in your path might be cool as an option.

  3. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benlisted View Post
    Well ofc the only problems with this would be that smokers, hunter etc would completely screw you over if they pinned you. I don't think a solo mode would work too well, however I'm not averse to some more stealth elements being added to the game.

    I always thought that if you turn off your torch, then all infected should be less likely to attack, as well as if you made little noise and moved slowly, by crouching. So the option to tell your character to shut up would be cool if this were implemented. Ofc it would likely go to hell as soon as a few SIs showed up, but crouching round the edge of large open areas with melee weapons to kill those infected in your path might be cool as an option.
    I think it`s workable. Obviously, you`d need a little leeway with regards to the specials. Maybe you could see them before they see you, you`d then have the choice of hiding and letting them go past, finding another route or snipering.

  4. Hunter
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    Don't the infected have like pseudo-nightvision?

    And then the whole thing with the outlines will have to be thrown out the window.

    If you want stealth, I don't think you would find a shining example if L4D was converted over.
    Too drastic of a change to everything in the game. Its not even coop anymore if you are separated from your team.

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    me and my friends do that when we are fooling around. we will leave the saferoom and attempt to cross the level one or two at a time in a normal versus game (although, generally when we are playing against really bad people) while some people attempt to sprint through others try to be sneaky and crouch walk through. while crouch walking the glowing outline around the survivor goes away, but if you shoot,mele,talk, or take damage your outline comes back for a second.

    although, we did this in L4D1, so i'm not sure if the crouching thing still works on L4D2, but there's no reason for it not to. although, it takes about 3 seconds for your outline to disappear when you crouch, so don't think you're instantly invisible when you crouch.
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  6. Junior Member
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    Left 4 Dead is a team game, so a solo stealth mode really makes no sense. Maybe if the infected couldn't see the survivors outlines, it might work.

    Also, what would you do at the end? The finale will call hundreds of zombies and alone, you WILL die.
    They're not unreasonable, I mean, they're not going to eat your eyes...

  7. Zombie Dog
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    Goto, there is a mod called Doku's Survival Mod, makes it single player, no SI, slower CI and only headshots will kill CI. I never downloaded it but it got good reviews.
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  8. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    although, we did this in L4D1, so i'm not sure if the crouching thing still works on L4D2, but there's no reason for it not to. although, it takes about 3 seconds for your outline to disappear when you crouch, so don't think you're instantly invisible when you crouch.
    I think the CIs notice you more easily, so you'd have to fight back. And how do you get past your outline appearing whenever you shoot etc while doing this? Interested to know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Benlisted View Post
    I think the CIs notice you more easily, so you'd have to fight back. And how do you get past your outline appearing whenever you shoot etc while doing this? Interested to know.
    yeah, that's the main flaw there, the CI will notice you easily. if you have your flashlight off they seem to notice you less often (that's based off my experience) and if you stay fairly far away from them they normally don't notice you, but for that to work there would need to be a lot less CI so it would be possible to go around them while keeping a good distance. when me and my friends would go one at a time, normally i would get as far as possible while sneaking, but once a zombie saw me i would sprint to a "safe area" to hold out, purposefully getting the attention of every zombie i could on the way. i'd kill all the zombies from my "safe area" then poke my head out to see if i can kill any SI and any CI ahead of me, before trying to sneak out again. but if i knew all the SI where dead, i would sprint for a little since they are probably watching me in the death-cam anyway.

    although, it was extremely rare for anyone to survive, i believe out of all the games me and my friends played i was the only one to survive that, and that was on DA1, and DA was my favorite campaign, i knew every inch of those maps so i had a massive advantage. and keep in mind i did this in L4D1, i haven't tried it in L4D2 yet, and the maps in L4D2 are a lot more open with a lot less "safe areas" to take cover in, and it's a lot harder in general, so i don't know if it will still work.
    while it was a lot of fun, i don't think it would work as a new game mode, especially a offline one. the NPC SI can see you no matter what, crouch walking only works VS players, and it would be near impossible to survive.
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  10. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny023 View Post
    although, it was extremely rare for anyone to survive, i believe out of all the games me and my friends played i was the only one to survive that, and that was on DA1, and DA was my favorite campaign, i knew every inch of those maps so i had a massive advantage. and keep in mind i did this in L4D1, i haven't tried it in L4D2 yet, and the maps in L4D2 are a lot more open with a lot less "safe areas" to take cover in, and it's a lot harder in general, so i don't know if it will still work.
    while it was a lot of fun, i don't think it would work as a new game mode, especially a offline one. the NPC SI can see you no matter what, crouch walking only works VS players, and it would be near impossible to survive.
    Aye, I didn't think it'd work as a L4D mode.

    How did you manage to get past crescendos in L4D? The rolling ones in L4D2 would make this nearly impossible though, surely. I can believe you got nabbed by the SI rather a lot though lmao, surprised you ever managed to survive, and on DA1! The instakill hell lol. Impressed.

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