
While playing L4D2 I get a random crash to desktop about 10 minutes or so in the game. I've called EB Games and they dont seem to know a fix for it.

My System :

Intel Core i7
6GB Ram
GTX 275
1tb sata drive
Windows 7 64 bit.

I have found this website which has some possible fixes :

FILEnetworks Blog: Left 4 Dead 2 Crash To Desktop (CTD), Sound Issues and Freezes – Possible Fixes

IT says to allow permissions to a folder called CSC, and a folder called V2.06, the problem is I followed the instructions there but still I dont have permissions, as in there is a little icon of a lock next to the V2.06 folder. I can open the folder without prompts. But then if i try to open subfolders like temp or namespace it says "you dont currently have permission to access this folder". IT says "Click continue to permanently get access to this folder" That works. But for the "namespace" folder it says "to gain access to this folder you need to use the security tab". In XP I know how to allow permissions I disable the read only, but in Win 7 when i disable the "read only" checkbox it just comes back the next time.

On one file inside the folder i was able to make my username owner then edit to give full permissions, but on other ones i cant.

Can anybody help me to allow the permissions to the V2.06 folder and all subfolders? So then I can test if this fixes the L4d2 crash.

is there anyway to easily edit the folder so all subfolders are not restricted read/write etc? And what to do to make the lock next to the v2.06 folder dissapear?

The folder itself has my username listed and under that username I can select "edit" and tick all the boxes, but then when i apply and re-check permissions, "Full control" isnt ticked even though i allowed it, where as SYSTEM has full control but "Jack" doesn't. Jack is part of admin group.

When I select the main folder and try to uncheck the "read only" and apply it says i need admin permissions to do that

EDIT----- Now i've gotten it to have ticks on all permissions under all folders, but files under those folders are still not accessible, even though when i gave permissions on the folder it said it it will apply it to subfolders and FILES.... And still the main folder called v2.06 STILL has the lock on it.

EDIT 2 - Well after manually making myself owner of all the subfolders and files, i can now open them all, but still on the main folder there is a LOCK icon next to it, and whenever i right click it says "Read only" and i can never get rid of that, I try to deselect read only, Click Apply and OK with no errors/warnings, then when i check it again still "READ ONLY" is still selected.

EDIT 3 - Currently it seems i can access all the folders/files in there, and modify them except for one that says its being used by another program, I have all permissions ticked for my username on all files/folders, but still the folder has a lock next to it and it always says "READ ONLY" when i right click and click properties so I'm not sure if it's allowed 100%.

Left 4 dead still crashes though.
