Ok so I'm a long time player of the l4d games. I got the first one, loved it, played it constantly on my xbox. When the second one came out I just felt compelled to also buy it on the pc. My xbox version was to be so I could play with my friends as they only have that version, this pc version is so I can play with better features (graphics sound etc are better on my pc)
So here I am, trying to get used to it and have very quickly realised I want people to co op with. It is afterall designed to be a multiplayer.
So I ask, in my hour of need- for people who want to play properly, yet are patient with my adjusting.
I'm an english speaking 19yr old girl/woman (I cant bring myself to call myself a woman and make it sound natural)
May I also state that I'm also new to posting. The last forum I was on was something along the lines of 'sporkyou'? five stars if anyone remembers it.
Ps. I just realised this sounds like one of those paper relationships advertisements.. Single white woman seeking a single white male?