Why do players who consider themselves PROS always want the boomer or charger to go 1st in ambush?

Say you have a boomer, charger, smoker and a jockey. The team you're playing against is really good and spread out. Isn't there really better way of looking at it then just BOOMER go 1st? Or charger go 1st?

Would it not make sense to have the smoker pull the player back behind something and have the charger charge the smokered player and aim it toward the players comming to save them? HAve the boomer barf exactly when when the charger charges and then put a block on the charger so when he blows up he can charge again. All the while the jockey is raising hell and saving the ride for the last second on a boomered victim. Something like this is simple and can incap 2-4 players extremely fast. And doesn't even take much thinking to plan out.

Personally I think a charger should never go 1st. Unless its a tight place and a spitter is ready. And i think a boomer should NOT go 1st unless everyones clustered or are distracted.

I always see players say, charger go 1st or boomer go 1st. Then fail and have a sloppy ambush and complains about it. You can't charge or boom on a team that spreads out and covers everyone. It just don't work... barely ever. Yet players still think like this and complain when it doesn't work.

Then comes the whole, "Wait till the last second to spawn" bullshit I always here. And can;t help but ask. Whats wrong with pre spawning?

As far as jockeys and hunters go. Why do players wait to spawn these infecteds at the last second. They should be spawned ASAP and used as distractions. Who cares if they can hear you. A jockey can drive a player with turtle beach headsets insane. Not to mention all the bullets and NON cover time you can get out of it. Also jockeys and hunters can make players cluster up. ANd lord knows there are 3 SI that can benifit from a clustered up team.

Smokers and spitters can cause distractions too. Smokers have that smoke cloud that can be used against players as distractions. Players who spend 5-10 seconds following a smoke cloud either put themselves at risk or give the SI team more time to respawn. Same goes for the spitters drool and sounds, players are scared of a spitters.

But as far as spitter, charger and boomer pre spawns. Their sound cues and visuals can make players spread out. While hunters, jockeys and smokers make players cluster up. Players have a natural reaction to these sounds and visuals.

Would it not make sense to use it against them instead of boomer go 1st or charger go 1st? And everyone wait to spawn. Or everyone spawn at the last second and attack?

Hell even waiting for random zombies or a random horde to come is better than forcing anything that doesn' feel right.

While there are some areas where certain cookie cutter ambushes work really well. The most effective ones are the ambushes that HIT at the right moment with the right SI. Thats pretty much the only way to take down a good team. Be unpredictable and hit them at the right moment instead of a certain SI forced to go 1st or spawning at the last second and all ambushing them.

Now i don't know wether that makes sense to anyone. I usually get laughed at and kicked for not following the cookie cutter manual to L4D ambushing.

But feel free to test anything i've just posted and see for yourself.

And if anyone else has some cool shit they have learned thats NOT the norm feel free to share it.