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Thread: Awesome kill momments

  1. Junior Member
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    Awesome kill momments

    ok i think someone might have made something about this soo ill just give it a try...

    ok so earlier today i was playing with an awesome team and opponents on No Mercy we were like so close with our points and the final points were like a difference of 54 i think...

    so the part where we got the lead was the final chapter when my team were infected and the enemy team were survivors and glitched the second tank... it never spawned and the helicopter never came so the thing lasted for about 13 minutes or shorter so the enemy were holding out pretty good until they ran near the ledge and i jumped whiched landed on someone's head and pushed him and his friend (bill and francis) of the building...

    i was like ohh sh*t i killed 2 freaggin guys and my teammates were like AWESOME... so i spawned again and finished zoey while louis got smoked that was the game finisher

    i wished i got that momment on video man but i dont know how record my video (im a console player xbox360) so if u can tell me what to do ill be grateful
    rEvENgE iS LiFe WithOuT It I WOuLdnT lIvE To SEe Ur soRrOw nahhh just kidding

  2. I've done my time
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    You're gonna have so many wow moments, they will repeat. I can't tell you how many times I've been apart of epic L4D pwnage over the years. as far as recording goes, maybe someone will answer you with that. I'm not sure with the 360

  3. Banned
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    To record games on the 360 you need a good PC with a capture card

    and don't glitch to win.

  4. Junior Member
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    thanks but i wanna try to record without a PC until i get my lappy cause my desktop laggs so bad that one page takes about 1 and a half minute to load. cannot get a new PC cause my parents have lappies each and i am using it right now and i didnt glitch i jumped on one guy which pushed the other one off and bringing the one i jumped on down with me

    oh and eylof i've played with you onced on L4D2 u were awesome... can u add my on 360??
    rEvENgE iS LiFe WithOuT It I WOuLdnT lIvE To SEe Ur soRrOw nahhh just kidding

  5. Banned
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    I'm going to have to decline at the moment because my friends list is currently full. When I start deleting people for begin inactive again feel free to send me a request. But I usually like to play a few games with someone before I add them.

    Also I don't play L4D2 that often. I mostly play versus mode on L4D1.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Had a few awesome kill moments.

    One time in Versus a Hunter was perched atop that tower in Death Toll 3. As my group were walking away from the tower, I saw the Hunter getting into pounce position from the top, so when he jumped at one of my teammates, BAM, he died midair and flew across the map, possibly the map before (Death Toll 2)

    As a Smoker I pulled Francis toward the gas station and his teammates walked over and tried to melee me to free him. Except after he was free, one stupid ass thought it was a good idea to shoot me whilst I was in front of the gas station. He killed me but he also shot the gas station, incapping all 4 instantly.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Zombie Cat
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    It's impossible to record l4d videos on xbox 360 without a pc and a capture card, or a video camera pointed at the television.

  8. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    As a Smoker I pulled Francis toward the gas station and his teammates walked over and tried to melee me to free him. Except after he was free, one stupid ass thought it was a good idea to shoot me whilst I was in front of the gas station. He killed me but he also shot the gas station, incapping all 4 instantly.
    Yup, I've done that a few times with the smoker

    I also like pulling people off roofs, lift shafts, off the edges of buildings... I think most of my awesome kill moments have been with the smoker actually.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
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