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Thread: Who wants to go to hunter school?

  1. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adamski5000 View Post
    I'm on holiday for a week and then I'll need to get a new Live subscription, but as soon as I'm back up and running I'll definitely be up for some hunter school (got a very quiet August to look forward to).

    One thing in particular: someone really needs to show me this vertical wall jump thing!!! I saw some GB guys on DA2 pouncing right up the building you come out of as you start the crane crescendo. They jumped about 3-4 times up the building then pounced off and I just stood there watching them with my mouth wide open... (it didn't end pretty)... I mean I reckon I'm a decent enough player, I've been playing the game for about 2 years, but there's still stuff with the hunter that amazes me!

    So yeah, some hunter school would be good!
    We'll be going over that and many other things.

    I'll also be teaching how to skeet hunters out of the air. But I'll probably save that for lesson 2.

    To all interested I'll hold a session around 6pm EST tomorrow, but depending on when I come online we might squeeze one in before that as well. Hope to see you guys there.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    I would love to. I've pretty much mastered the Smoker and the Boomer but I've yet to be a very good Hunter. All I do as a Hunter is to provide a distraction most of the time so a Boomer can work his magic on the Survivors focusing on me, oblivious to the ninja Boomer. I especially do it when a Tank is present. I find someone with a molotov and jump him quickly when the Tank is present as to save the Tank from burning and becoming slow.
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  3. Banned
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    Who's up for holding a session tomorrow between 2pm and 6pm EST? I'd prefer at least three people so we can practice skeeting and other survivor side tactics.

  4. Community Staff
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    Wanna be a good hunter? Watch a viscerall youtube video, repeat what he does until you have the hang of it.

    Nothing beats the feeling of kai jumping up a skyscrapper then land a 25 after you jump off it. That's the peak of a hunters skill in my opinion

  5. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Wanna be a good hunter? Watch a viscerall youtube video, repeat what he does until you have the hang of it.

    Nothing beats the feeling of kai jumping up a skyscrapper then land a 25 after you jump off it. That's the peak of a hunters skill in my opinion
    The problem with his videos are they show everything in third person. So people have a hard time understanding how he does it.

  6. Community Staff
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    No, they aren't.

    YouTube - Left 4 Dead Hunter - Visceral L4D [Part 6 - The Firstperson Edition]

    That was my bread and butter in learning how to be a good hunter and set the foundation on how to do the majority of those tricks.

    Don't get me wrong though - you still need to explain a lot of things that you don't automatically pick up by watching his videos, such as holding the left thumbstick towards the wall, curving your pounces, etc.

  7. I've done my time
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    Is that PC version cause it looked like it.

    And does any1 know how else to wall jump as the hunter OTHER than doing the right bumber (180 degre turn) then jumping and if its even possible to curve a pounce for xbox360?

  8. I've done my time
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    Heh, sad that you are on Xbox ;(
    I'd love to learn from someone experienced as a hunter.
    My "Being accused of cheating" counter:
    L4D1 - 18
    L4D2 - 2

  9. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lahaldeman View Post
    Is that PC version cause it looked like it.

    And does any1 know how else to wall jump as the hunter OTHER than doing the right bumber (180 degre turn) then jumping and if its even possible to curve a pounce for xbox360?
    Yes, that video was done on the PC. Hardly surprising, as there is no way someone can have that accuracy with a 360 controller. As the days go by I am becoming more convinced I need to move to the PC version of L4D. Analogue sticks SUCK for precise movement.

    Wall jumping once you get used to it isn't that hard. All you have to do is face away from the wall slightly and hit your pounce button. Use the left analogue stick to keep the hunter pinned towards the wall.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
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  10. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_friendly_smoker View Post
    Yes, that video was done on the PC. Hardly surprising, as there is no way someone can have that accuracy with a 360 controller. As the days go by I am becoming more convinced I need to move to the PC version of L4D. Analogue sticks SUCK for precise movement.

    Wall jumping once you get used to it isn't that hard. All you have to do is face away from the wall slightly and hit your pounce button. Use the left analogue stick to keep the hunter pinned towards the wall.
    I can do everything he can. I'm not bullshitting you, all it takes is practice. I'm sure some of the forum members here who have played with me can vouch for that.

    Is it easier on PC? Yes. Is it possible on xbox? Entirely.

    If you need to, heres my GT: I Redemptionx I - And I will show you.

    Theres also a member, I don't know if he's still here - Whittey or something, he performed many of those tricks on Xbox, I'll try to find his video.

    Edit: Nevermind, he deleted the youtube video. But it was the around the same area if my memory recalls correctly ie: Jumping from Pillar to Pillar in DA3 and landing that 25, Kai jumping, etc.

    And lahaldeman - You can't use Right bumper, I mean you can..but you won't be able to really wall jump. Use it at first as training wheels to get use to wall jumping.

    What you're going to do next is then manually turn the body so that the back/side is facing the wall. You can curve the hunter on xbox, but not as dramatically as you can on PC.

    What I did when I first started learning was go to split screen versus, put it on NM1 and then bounce around the alleyways. It's by far the easier place to learn because of how close the walls are to each other. Just lead the bots downstairs into the stairwell so you can go on the roof. Another thing, if you're having trouble, try spamming the RT if you're having trouble timing when to press it, as it can take a little time until you get use to when to press the pounce button perfectly.

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