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Thread: Luckiest Moment(s)?

  1. Zombie Dog
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    I really wonder how you can do it. It seems that the Special Infected are literally attracted to me when I play. u_u'
    Dylan & Baez.

  2. Banned
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    This was during Versus BTW. It's really easy in Campaign.

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Of course you know about me startling the witch on Expert and running from a Tank at the same time. I'd add that to the list. Only sad thing was, the other guys I played with were dicks and didn't acknowledge what happened. They were just like "Oh at least he killed the Tank for us".

    I'm like "REALLY?! THAT'S ALL?! I just outran a Tank and a WITCH and many common infected spreaded out all over the place and THAT is what I got?"
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  4. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotgunJustice View Post
    This was during Versus BTW. It's really easy in Campaign.
    Not for me lol. I would do the Parish and i would get mobbed and like a SI comes every 30 seconds

    Luck hit me on one run though.

    I was playing with Dezpare on TP on the Bridge. Me and Dezpare decided to rush and we get mobbed and this is on NORMAL! We do it like 3 more times and then we decided to do it slowly we got to the part where you go up a destroyed part of the road and both CPU's are dead and i'm at 50 and dez at 36 a tank came and punched Dez off the edge and i had 15 HP running away from a Tank, Jockey and a smoker. I was at the last part where you can see the chopper through the fence. I had already used up my Adreniline and had to run for my life. I get to the chopper and almost get jumped by a jockey. I was getting all stressed out once i finally got in the chopper. So close to losing.
    And this is on campaign

  5. Just getting started
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    F**king Quadruple Chargers

  6. I've done my time
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    I know this is an old thread but got to post this

    I was doing VS realism match on DC and we were on the finale.
    We exit the room and hear a witch crying . we fought off a smoker charger and jockey and killed a spitter and headed for the elevator.
    Then we heard a boomer and i thought hes gonna be rights outside the door and puke on us...
    and i was correct. Also the dam witch was RIGHT outside of the dang door! So i boomerd on and i getting mobbed by zombies and i couldn't stop pissing the witch off so the witch is coming after me. I see her slashing me yet i;m taking no damage () and i crOwned her.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    In Left 4 Dead, a couple of friends of mine and I were playing the Silent Hill custom map on advanced. We were on the final part of the nightmare school level where you go into the basement to fight two tanks. It is completely dark in that room except for flaming body on a pole in the center of the room so it's hard to see where you are going. The bot (of course) was incapped, I was on low temporary health, and my friends were dead, but not before they set both tanks on fire. So I managed to lead the tanks on a merry chase around the room for a while with one tank even dying from the fire until I began to slow down and one of them punched me. Fortunately I landed close to the nearly dead incapped bot when he hit me. In a desperate attempt to survive or perhaps a random thing to do since I resigned myself to the idea that I was going to die, I picked him up just in time for him to take the full force of a tank punch, then the second tank succumbed to the flames. Best of all, my friends appeared in a rescue closet so I was able to get them out and complete the level.

    A few levels later on the same campaign we had just made it through the shopping mall in the nightmare world when we got a bad rush of zombies that incapped everyone except for the bot. Just as the bot was coming to pick us up a smoker appeared on one of the rooftops and grabbed the bot, dragging him across the wide street away from us. We all opened fire on the smoker and the tongue and by some miracle as he was choking one lucky shot managed to sever the smokers tongue and he managed to pick us all up.

    Finally, in Left 4 Dead 2 two friends of mine, my brother and I were enjoying the Chainsaws mutation on advanced on Swamp Fever. We had managed to survive pretty well until the two tanks appeared, then somehow everything went to hell. One of the others (names are withheld to protect the innocent) managed to get incapped, caught in a fire meant to burn the tanks and then pounded by the tanks into paste until they were dead. The other two were incapped, one by the same fire, the other just because they were caught by the tanks. So I was essentially alone with two Tanks and a Jockey. The Jockey tried to pounce me but I managed to catch him with the chainsaw and managed to dodge the flaming tanks until they died. Then with the help of bile bomb and some adrenaline I rescued two of my teammates and we made it to the boat

  8. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SweetCherryy View Post
    I really wonder how you can do it. It seems that the Special Infected are literally attracted to me when I play. u_u'
    You aren't imagining it either - the AI director can and will single out players and attacks, according to stress levels and the skill of that player and others around them. If the game is getting too much for a player(s), it will automatically throttle back to give them a chance. On the contrary, someone who is absolutely acing it can often be taken by surprise with tank spawns, witches, multiple SI and hordes - the AI director is very clever and devious! Have a peek at the developer commentary, you can learn an awful lot about how the game works - you can even practise crowning witches!

    Quote Originally Posted by lahaldeman View Post
    Not for me lol. I would do the Parish and i would get mobbed and like a SI comes every 30 seconds
    SI are indeed spawned 30 seconds apart.
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  9. Junior Member
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    No Mercy. Expert. Alone. Wall at my back. Shotgun in hand. Tank charging towards me. Nowhere to go. Screaming at my monitor. Tank dead millimeters from my face.

    I love it when Left 4 Dead gives you a good screaming session.
    One in the head to keep them dead.....

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