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Thread: Epic Expert Runs?

  1. Chicago Ted
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    Epic Expert Runs?

    I've had quite a few amazing Expert games.

    One time, I made it to No Mercy 3 only getting hit once AND got the most kills 2/3 times so I wasn't even hiding or anything.

    One was last night helping a friend getting the What Are You Trying To Prove achievement where everyone died and I was faced with a Tank, so I lit him up from afar and ran until he died. Then I proceeded forward and almost got Huntered, but he clawed me instead, so I capped him. Then a Boomer walks near me and I quickly shot him, but then I shoot the car, but across the street I see my teammates in the closet waiting to be rescued, so faced with a monster horde coming behind me, I took my pills, ran into the garage of Dead Air 3, and opened the closet just .5 seconds before the horde made their way to me.

    ...I never once died that campaign, and got incapped the least, killed the most Boomers and Hunters, and killed the 2nd most common infected by 17.

    All in all, great run.

    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  2. Regular Joe Member
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    Oh dear, don't get me started.
    You know what I hate? How you do something completely awesome, then due to your dumbass team you have to start the chapter over again. What you did didn't even count. That happened when I had my best moments.

    I've had to take down at least ten Tanks by myself, on expert, after all of my team was killed by it.

    After the Tank is dead I normally have to start up a horde and avoid all of the special infected until I find the next rescue closet.

    One time, I was playing NM2 with a few people I didn't know. They were all friends though and sort of treated me like a stupid randomer. So the Tank comes along when we first get into the subway tunnel. They all decide to run back to the saferoom (Without telling me, of course), by the time I notice they're gone the Tank is mere feet in front of me. So I end up running and gunning the Tank all the way up to the generator room while the rest of my team cowered in the saferoom. After he was dead, I waited until my team got to the generator room to start the horde. Killing, three hunters, four smokers, and a boomer. So I killed every S.I. for them in the chapter and they didn't thank me once. Although in the end, they set off the car alarm when one of the three was already incapped. The other two were burned alive due to a poorly thrown molotov from one of them. It was my turn cower in the saferoom. :rofl:

    One time I had full health until the fourth chapter of Dead Air when a Hunter came around a corner and decided to slap me. Bitch.

    Another time on a versus game, my team told said they were mad because their friend couldn't join and they were stuck with me. They said I was going to suck, and they asked the lobby leader to kick me a few times. Once the game started, they shot me a few times before they started the level. In the first chapter alone, I killed +100 common infected, almost every person on the other team at least three times each, and I ended the chapter wth full health while everyone else had less than fifty, after using their first-aid.
    I simply said;
    "Who said I was going to suck?"
    They proceeded with the comeback I expected from them,
    "Why don't you suck my dick you fag?!"
    I called up my friend and she gave all of their XBoxes the 'Red Ring of Death'. How do I know? It was pretty clear when they left the game one by one while they were in mid-sentence.
    Now that I look back on that, I think that was a little harsh. They did speak the truth after all.

    I know that last one wasn't on expert, but if it was, I would have set them on fire instead of giving them the RROD...

    So, friend or foe?

  3. On the way to greater things
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    Not really epic per se, but 2 nights ago nailing Dead Center and Dark Carnival one after the other was sweet.

    Dead Center 3 the mall, I can't count how many times I've tried it on expert and died. One night I remember me and 3 others were trying it for 2 1/2 hours (just that level). We could never make the safe room after smashing the store's windows.

    But this night, 1st try, black and white at the crescendo event, I finally made it on expert. A perfect initial bile throw to the right by a teammate allowed me and another guy with adrenaline to make it to the top while a tank was mauling our teammates. The other guy got incapped right in front of the safe room but thankfully I made it inside. I was so happy.

    DC took all of 1 1/2 hours which to me was pretty amazing.

  4. I've done my time
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    Here's mine

    I was doing DC on expert by my self.
    1st chapter doing all right only got incapped once and no has died yet...
    2nd chapter i had to fight a witch i thought i was screwed so by instinct i threw bile jar at her face pissed her off and i ran out of the room like there was no tomorrow. Nick melees and i c her fall down then she got out of the room and died about 5 ft away from me.
    3rd chapter once again faced with witch but luckily i could avoid her. Quite amazed no one died on the Alarm part i ALMOST died but a CPU healed me thank the lord for that.
    Rescue mission needed only 8 gas cans. I put in 3 and i hear a tank we kill it sadly we lost nick he was screaming "Shoot the god dam tank!" poor nick. I was down Coach had 1/2 helath and rochelle was getting me up.... Till a dam smoker hit her and snared her so i was STILL down and tried to shoot the tongue Coach eventually kills it and gets rochelle up i hear a horde i was like "Crap" and coach got me up at this time we had 6 gas cans in. We fight off the last horde put in 2 more gas cans and drove off.

    Stats: Time: 1hr 13min. #of restarts None .
    Health : Me about to die, Coach about to die and Rochelle... Yellow curse her.

    Oh and that was my 1st try on Expert

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