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Thread: Special Infected: Q and A

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    Lightbulb Special Infected: Q and A

    This thread was inspired by one I finished reading regarding the highest possible damage with a hunter pounce and how to achieve it. Although I have heard that the mechanics in each SI may be different then what I had imagined. Well hopefully I can put some questions to rest and maybe if I put some of these SIs through different scenarios then maybe I'll find out the truth.

    For example: The Smoker

    Now besides the fact that it seperates 1 survivor at a time from the group and is one of the best ways to devide and conquer. Is there really a difference in pull damage?

    When a survivor is being held on to by a smoker "his hands" he/she recieves a base damage multiplied by chapter difficulty. 1.0x or 1.5x etc. and depending on their condition. (Such as Boomer Biled).

    but, could they also recieve more damage depending on their position, such as if they were hanging. Or being pulled into a car. or being pulled as they hang from a ledge.

    I know the height from when they are pull down does add onto the damage but all these other scenarios I'm just not sure.

    lastly, recharging trick. Is there really one?

    Next Example: The Hunter

    First, the things I do know: Higher the pounce, the higher the damage, flaming hunter = more damage.

    Is the tapping of the RT during the "Mutilating" animation really add onto the damage? Does the damage increase over time? or does it add a small amount of extra damage?

    During a high pounce, if your target is on an opposite corner, does wall pouncing cut the damage and disrupts the equation?

    and lastly, does "Hunter Scratch" do more damage as the versus match progresses more than during the "Mutilating" animation?

    Last Example: Boomer

    Now there really isn't a tremendous amount of questions I have for him but here goes.

    Projective Vomit: How far does it initially go?
    I've seen some pretty rediculous reach from some players.

    Suicide boomer, It's killed normal infected and or rare occasions killed a low-health SI. Does it inflict damage?

    Vomiting Vs. Suicide: Which boomer cover lasts longer or do they both last the same amount of time.

    Bile x Normal Infected: Does damage increase x number of NI on one survivor.

    and lastly Bile Recharge trick, is there really one for him too?

    Hopefully I can get some answers then maybe stop wondering so damn much. Till then, hope to hear from everyone real soon! :waves:

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    Requesting: :locked:

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    it was only posted yesterday so give it some time.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

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    There might be stuff in the game files. Someone with the PC version could look (If they can be bothered, that is)

  5. Junior Member
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    Thanks everyone, yeah I guess I was just anxious but thanks Kagato for the small insights. That little I didn't know, I'm still trying to play the scenarios in the xbox 360 but calculating and keeping track of the damage rates is really hard.

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    Apparently, the Boomer's vomit goes further on Expert mode.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotgunJustice View Post
    Apparently, the Boomer's vomit goes further on Expert mode.
    Understandably so. Maybe it's the same for the Smoker with his tongue?.

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    When a survivor is being held on to by a smoker "his hands" he/she recieves a base damage multiplied by chapter difficulty. 1.0x or 1.5x etc. and depending on their condition. (Such as Boomer Biled).
    This is false, chapter difficulty has nothing to do with the damage the smoker deals to a survivor.

    First you need to understand how the smoker deals damage:

    Melee Damage
    # 4 Damage to all Survivors in Range

    Tongue Damage
    # Dragging a Survivor: 3 Damage every 1.1 seconds
    # Immobilizing a Survivor: 5 Damage (+12 damage while hitting incapacitated survivors)
    # Pulling into fire: Same as above but added fire world damage (any exact numbers here would be appreciated)

    Tongue Recharge
    # Tongue Miss: 3 second recharge
    # Tongue Grab and drop: ~5-6 second recharge
    # Tongue Break: 15 second recharge

    Tongue Attack Range
    # Reports of around 66 feet (before patch Smoker could pull 100 feet)
    If a survivor is biled on or surrounded by the horde, the horde is dealing the damage, not the smoker. However I guess you could say the smoker is "causing" the damage because the survivor is unable to defend himself from the horde.

    but, could they also recieve more damage depending on their position, such as if they were hanging. Or being pulled into a car. or being pulled as they hang from a ledge.
    See above. Position doesn't matter you always do the same amount of damage.

    lastly, recharging trick. Is there really one?

    Is the tapping of the RT during the "Mutilating" animation really add onto the damage? Does the damage increase over time? or does it add a small amount of extra damage?
    It does nothing, stop tapping the RT. Damage is always the same and doesn't scale up over time.

    During a high pounce, if your target is on an opposite corner, does wall pouncing cut the damage and disrupts the equation?
    Yes, damage is calculated based on the last surface you made contact with. Unless you bunny hop.

    and lastly, does "Hunter Scratch" do more damage as the versus match progresses more than during the "Mutilating" animation?
    No, scratch always does the same damage.

    Projective Vomit: How far does it initially go?
    I've seen some pretty rediculous reach from some players.
    Heres some information and a video to help you with this:


    --The vomit acts, not surprisingly, like a short range liquid spray, though instead of a spray it will only hit people that are on or near your cross-hair, or where your cross hair makes the "physics based liquid shot" fall.

    --The vomit has a delay after spawning that it cannot be used of about one second, long enough for the survivors to hear you and start spraying, so choose your spawn spot carefully if you plan to vomit close-range.

    --The max range of the vomit is roughly 30 feet away, for reference on range, this is from the opposite wall of the NM1 spawn point, to where the survivors spawn.

    --The vomit is at it's maximum range when first shot, then rapidly reduces its range to zero, so if you're going for range, you need to be on them right when you click.

    --The shot does act like a physics object, and will retain its maximum horizontal distance (roughly 30 in game feet) from up to a vertical range of 60 feet. This means if you're high up, you can rain vomit down on people from relative safety if you know how to aim it....

    --Aiming the vomit from above needs a bit of adjustment of aim, instead of aiming directly at the person, you will want to aim above their head more and more as you get higher and higher. If you're 10 feet above, aim just a bit over their head, if you're 60 feet up, you'll want to aim almost 0 degrees (straight ahead of you above your target.

    --A successful attack only needs you to have the vomit stream on them for a fraction of a second, so flail it around to secondary targets as soon as you hit the first before your range goes down.
    YouTube - Boomer Vomit Practice Companion Video

    Suicide boomer, It's killed normal infected and or rare occasions killed a low-health SI. Does it inflict damage?
    No, but it can stumble the survivors and cover them in bile which I'm sure you already knew. However you can use this to your advantage: I've instant killed survivors by blowing up next to them and stumbling them over a ledge they couldn't grab a hold of. I've seen the boomer blow up and move large objects (like forklifts) and instantly incap a survivor.

    Vomiting Vs. Suicide: Which boomer cover lasts longer or do they both last the same amount of time.
    Same amount of time for both.

    Bile x Normal Infected: Does damage increase x number of NI on one survivor.
    Commons always inflict (generally) the same damage to a survivor. Biled on or otherwise.

    Hope this helps.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    This is false, chapter difficulty has nothing to do with the damage the smoker deals to a survivor..
    I'm sorry I wasn't specific before, by I was wondering about the mechanics of an SI during versus. Although, some of what everyone's talked about does work well with some players.

    So I was wondering about regular damage times how much it would increase per chapter on a versus game, but I didn't quite specify that, sorry, but thanks for clearing a lot of it up for me, it really did help, especially the boomer segment, it will really help using that SI a lot more now.

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