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Thread: done with regular versus

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asphyx1ateD View Post
    Yeah I've literally tried it once in a public game on 360 and it was shit 'cause my team were retarded. I really want to try it with some mates but no-one I play with regularly is really up for it... I hate playing non-team versus as public games just suck.

    I've been wanting to try it since I got The Passing anyway. If anyone wants to hit me up.
    Yeh I can imagine! I'll have a game with you if you want but I don't have The Passing unfortunately. I haven't played for a bit though because I used to only play it with my friends but they don't play it anymore. I miss it! D:
    "You know what I don't hate?...
    ... I don't hate vests" - Francis

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    You know, there's console commands, for the pc anyway, that you can put in when you play single player. You can have the option of playing as an infected against 4 bots. You should look it up.

  3. Junior Member
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    I only play realism versus when I have friends on my team. Why don't you play pub realism versus game? Well many people lack the common skill of communication. Well what if they have mics? Mic don't solve all problems

    Some how people think yell I charge or smoke is going to help me find where you are.
    When you get incap 2 miles in front of me or 2 mile behind me then I behind you or I ahead of you not going to help
    Saying I am behind the car when we in a street full of cars is not going to help me pin point you.

    May of you may say, well good players know where everyone are at all time. That is true but when you are boomed, you will end up losing sight of someone.

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by newb? View Post
    Saying I am behind the car when we in a street full of cars is not going to help me pin point you.

    May of you may say, well good players know where everyone are at all time. That is true but when you are boomed, you will end up losing sight of someone.
    Way i look at it is, I shouldn't have to say im behind anything.

    Realism has no help auras. So players can either do things two ways.

    One is just keep playing like they always do and use their mic when in trouble. Or just constantly pay attention to everyone and just flow with it so they never have decribe where they ever are.

    Being boomered on doesn't really matter if you can remember thier last location.

    I was playing against a really bad team last night and i had 3 no mic'rs on my team. They called me a "Cheater'' Because I used a hack that lets me see where everyone

    When the funny thing is the last thing i used was my vision to find anyone. I first use my memory, then my hearing and then vision.

    There was this one moment i was boomered. I ran way around a corner and killed a hunter on my teammate before any of my NON attacked and NON boomered teammate even started to re-act.

    I couldn't see or hear anything... But i sure as hell remembered where i saw him last. So i just blindly ran over there and shot at the blurry thing that looked like a hunter pinning someone and BAM!! I started getting hate

    Biggest problem with Realism players is lack of constant team cover. As in they would rather waste thier time shooting incomming attacking zombies then zombies attacking thier team... Selfish play leads to lost teammates.

    When i play realism i try to move while trying to keep all 3 players on my screen at one time.. I could care less what attacks me. Everytime I have to clear myself my team puts themselves at risk. Its so hard to explain this to people.

    Especially in Swamp Fever Realism Vs. So many times i've told everyone. Don't look out look in. Just move together and clear each other. 2 Seconds later, everyone facing out and shooting distant threats losing track of players.

    I think a good micless players knows better then to lose track of players. Lord knows i hate having to tell people where i am when its not complicated, even more funny when a micless player beats them to it. Paying attention is a gift.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  5. I've done my time
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    Fuck all of VS, i used to have fun but I have never seen so many fuckin idiots in my goddamn life nowadays. I guess its cause I always know when to rush/stay put and others dont. I dont feel like communicating because its not a hard game (just like CS). iF i do communicate no one listens or its pointless. I have 1 or 2 friends i play with and we yell in the mic for fun when are in trouble and its funny as hell to us, but thats it. People have turned me off of this game, its a damn shame that people dont know how to play efficiently. The only time i play a fuckin AWESOME EPIC game is with ALL no micers early in the AM. There are SO MANY IDIOTS that play in the evening, its sad. Have fun playing with losers

  6. Left 4 Dead
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    .....Dude you need to relax. VS is the bomb.. And anyone with problems against it has, well problems.

    Ya sure theres alot of idiots. But who gives a shit.

    What is really getting under my skin is players who think they are GODS GIFT to Left 4 Dead that will rage quit every game because of so called idiots costing them the LEAD in a VS game that doesn't even matter. Even when the game is close...

    In which case, i usually don't get to play full games against an original 4 starters unless im on the losing team.

    When playing with newbs, idiots or bad players its up to the good players to shut up, suck it up and play the game till its over.

    I wish they would just announce in the lobby if they have a rage problem that way i can mute them or kick them before the game starts. Im sick of win only players that will leave at any second crying all the time... If i could id walk over and slap the shit outta of them i would.

    The only time playing with total idiots/newbs sucks is if the other team is really, really have their heads to far stuck up their ass's to tone it down a bit.

    But even then, sticking around in those games is grrrrrreat practice.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  7. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    .....Dude you need to relax. VS is the bomb.. And anyone with problems against it has, well problems.

    Ya sure theres alot of idiots. But who gives a shit.

    What is really getting under my skin is players who think they are GODS GIFT to Left 4 Dead that will rage quit every game because of so called idiots costing them the LEAD in a VS game that doesn't even matter. Even when the game is close...

    In which case, i usually don't get to play full games against an original 4 starters unless im on the losing team.

    When playing with newbs, idiots or bad players its up to the good players to shut up, suck it up and play the game till its over.

    I wish they would just announce in the lobby if they have a rage problem that way i can mute them or kick them before the game starts. Im sick of win only players that will leave at any second crying all the time... If i could id walk over and slap the shit outta of them i would.

    The only time playing with total idiots/newbs sucks is if the other team is really, really have their heads to far stuck up their ass's to tone it down a bit.

    But even then, sticking around in those games is grrrrrreat practice.
    You arent lying, I MISS those games, They dont exist for me anymore. Ive seen more SERVER SHUTDOWN on my tv than i could possible count. Youve got to admit the game isnt like it was. But people come and go you cant count on to play with your buddies all the time and in result =SHIT games

  8. Witch
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    Play with 3 friends. Problem solved. Play Team Versus. Chances are they'll challenge you since they're friends probably.

    Play a private game, or friends only.

    Yeah, there are a shitload of crappy players, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's the same with CoD games. I fucking hate it because my team always loses by a whole bunch of fucking points, it's pathetic. But when I play with friends, we either come close or win, never losing by 4700 points, or with no domination points.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodshot View Post
    You arent lying, I MISS those games, They dont exist for me anymore. Ive seen more SERVER SHUTDOWN on my tv than i could possible count. Youve got to admit the game isnt like it was. But people come and go you cant count on to play with your buddies all the time and in result =SHIT games
    Thats why everytime i join a random public lobby i set the bar rrrreeal low. That ways its hard to be disapointed.

    But at the same time, i don't always want to be on the better team.

    Sometimes i just want to be in the 'shit' and not take a walk in the park. A few crappy players raise the drama level waay up.

    I guess its just a reality VS perception type of thing.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  10. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Thats why everytime i join a random public lobby i set the bar rrrreeal low. That ways its hard to be disapointed.

    But at the same time, i don't always want to be on the better team.

    Sometimes i just want to be in the 'shit' and not take a walk in the park. A few crappy players raise the drama level waay up.

    I guess its just a reality VS perception type of thing.
    Dam I hate you. I can only have that mind set in the morning before I go to work. Yep if you play me in the morning then nothing you can do can upset me but it the opposite story when I come home from work. When I am tried then I don't want to babysit someone when I play left for dead.

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