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Thread: Valve could of given one of their Original Characters a better send off!?

  1. Banned
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    What happens if more than one person tries to sacrifice themselve?

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Nothing. The person that just restarts the generator dies and the others live, regardless if they follow that person to the generator to sacrifice themselves

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    Nothing. The person that just restarts the generator dies and the others live, regardless if they follow that person to the generator to sacrifice themselves
    Awesome DLC testing.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    I don't really carr. Left 4 dead has never been a story game. They tell you how he died in the comic because they saw that some people wanted a little story. But the game itself has never been story-driven, so I don't see what the big deal is.

  5. Junior Member
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    in during flame war.
    also, marky, the reason there are different campaigns is BECAUSE of the storyline. i only know te basic sequence of the first one though. it's two weeks after the initial infection at the start of no mercy, as stated in the opening cutscene.blah blah blah, mercy hospital, helicopter takes them away. then it CRASHES. which is the start of the L4D1 crash course dlc campaign. they take this big-ass zombie-killin truck at the end of that campaign and then drive that to the outskirts of riverside. thus begins death toll. they get to the boathouse, where they're picked up by the married couple on the boat, but they're having some shitty argument so you get kicked out at a greenhouse, near an airport. the start of dead air. plane crashes, idfk how they lived through that but they did. found a campsite nearby and stocked up, and the military takes them away once they reach the evac zone. then the events of the comic take place, they get on the train (beginning of the playable campaign of the sacrifice) kill some more zombies, generators, blah. bridge is there to take them to safety, then about halfway up the main power generator shuts off. (according to the comic) bill jumps down, though in the game you can choose whoever, to turn it back on and lead the tanks away from the bridge so they don't smash the shit out of it. bill gets the generator, then gets smacked by a tank (one of three left alive) and in his dying moments, lights them all up with a mollie. there you have it, bill the hero and his story.
    there's no CUTSCENE depicting this because it would take a shitton of work, and half of you retards probably wouldn't have been happy with it anyway. if you want to see HOW he goes, READ THE DAMN COMIC. /thread, i fuckin hope. yes, i mad, yes yous all trollin.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    As I said,

    Good thing Left 4 Dead has a video game spin-off.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    I never said I didn't know the story or read the comic, so thanks for basically wasting your time with that response.

    I'm basically saying "who gives a f*** if they didn't put a cut scene. Basically what you took like 1000 words to beat aroud the bush to.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    I would have wanted a cutscene, especialy for a L4D legend such as Bill. To tell you the truth, I would like it better if Valve made the cutscene for L4D3 like it did in the first one. Not like L4D2 making it all random stuff in the game, which was cool and all, its just since their absolutely is no story telling in L4D a begining story telling cutscene would be nice.

  9. Junior Member
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    Stop fighting all of you!

    You know what would have been better than all that?

    Bill not dying at all,Valve not releasing a comic about everything that happened to the survivors after Blood Harvest.And no flashbacks about each character's past.

    For crying out loud,Valve leave some room for imagination!
    I've secured the house,boarded up all windows.I got weapons and food,meet me there-Jim

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